How Having Alopecia Has Prepared Me for Pregnancy

Feb 24, 2020
In the USA anyone who is over 35 years old and pregnant is already considered a high risk pregnancy and of "advanced maternal age". Thankfully we don't have labels of that sort in the Netherlands. Your age doesn't define your pregnancy.
At 35, I was barely diagnosed with alopecia and trying to figure out next steps.. trying to see what was going on and trying to heal alopecia naturally as I know I wanted to have children some day without worrying about side effects to chemicals, pills, or injections. I wanted a clean, safe haven for my new little one.
That some day has arrived.
At 39, I am now pregnant for the first time and on the first try we got pregnant! (amazing right?)
I count my blessings everyday as I have friends who went through IVF and fertility complications at 29, 30, 34 years of age... and have heard countless stories of trying and trying to get pregnant to no avail, regardless of the procedure they endured or the money they spent.
I am really happy and excited about what's to come, and realize, had I not had alopecia, had I not gone through my diet and lifestyle changes... and full awakening of health, I probably couldn't have been really ready for having a healthy baby inside me, especially on the first try.
I am healthier now than I was ever. Ever!
Let's talk through this a bit so you understand me...... health isn't the absence of disease... and nor is it just a six pack of abs or low body fat %... I know many with flat abs and amazing physiques that aren't healthy in many other ways. Although many consider health to be absence of disease... it's not! Health is being at your best physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, all in harmony, all at once, all in a beautiful concert.... think back...when were you at your healthiest? Did you have each category checked off? Or just a few?
For me, being at my best and healthiest, was after alopecia. When I learned what I needed to learn to be healthy not just to reverse Alopecia naturally, but to also age gracefully, to upgrade my health for what's to come as a woman and to be on top of women's health issues and to keep immune system up and to avoid the need to being on meds of any sort, including over the counter! Alopecia was a blessing for me and you can read my full story here.
Alopecia has prepared me for the next chapter in my life. Making it seem easy, when really its over 30+ years in the making - lol !
Armed with a healthy vessel for a living human, with health and hair at its best, my body has made changes and sacrifices so that it can heal and it can thrive. Even after the whole episode and ordeal of alopecia, I still keep a clean diet, supplements are still part of my regime and the external and internal factors that play apart in my health have boundaries and limitations- creating more health and improving the quality of my life drastically from just over 4 years ago. Which in hindsight goes further back than just 4 years ago.
Let's be honest, we all have many unhealthy habits we've been carrying around for over 10 years... and we need to nix them asap so we can get to the next level that awaits us in life.
As I approach the closing of this decade I look back in awe, having achieved many great things in my professional life, but also in my personal life. I wanted to get married, have kids and find love, I wanted to always be my best...I knew it was possible and alopecia nudged me in an alarming way... time was ticking with all the hair shed... I knew something drastic had to change. And it did. However, as I look back, all the things mentioned above including my professional career, all took time, effort and hardwork. In order to achieve something, you need to work at it. My abs didn't come in after the first or second session of having a personal trainer, it came after 2 months and more than $4000 later. My masters degree came after 2 years and many thousands of dollars later. My life decisions and moves also took a toll in various ways, but lead me to health, love and happiness. The current pregnancy is strong and healthy, because I have done the work before hand, but it still requires preparation, and learning new things so I can be the best parent and mom possible, not to mention the healthiest body for the growth a new life.
My lifestyle is unapologetic and unrecognizable from just over 4 -10 years ago..... but taking the reins to my life was the first part, making the commitment and changes needed was the second and sticking to my guns when's its needed is the third.
If there is anything you can take away from this article, is that:
- See how alopecia is a blessing for you (count all the ways)
-What is alopecia trying to teach you - (think hard)
-What can you do today to heal and be your best self (make a list and do 2-3 things a day and stick to it)
-Look at the positives... you can overcome this with commitment, guidance and help.
Just like I read books, attend conferences, and get professional help for trainings and new learnings we all need help from the experts. I am here when you are ready. It's never too late to get healthy, believing is the first part!
Sending you love as we close February this week. I am feeling the love and all the excitement of this new phase.... hope you start with loving yourself and wanting more for yourself because if not you, then who?

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