PCOS & Alopecia: What You Need to Know

Sep 24, 2019
Do you have PCOS? (Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome) Or perhaps you have it and you are not aware. While many with PCOS grow thicker hair on their face and body, some experience hair thinning and hair loss, which is referred to as female pattern hair loss.
PCOS causes extra androgen production, resulting in virilization. This refers to the development of more masculine features, including excess hair in places where it doesn’t usually grow, such as the:
  • face
  • neck
  • chest
  • abdomen
These extra androgens can also cause the hair on your head to start thinning, especially near the front of your scalp. This is known as androgenic alopecia or female pattern hair loss.
Did you know that Alopecia Angel can get you healthy and reduce the symptoms you experience with PCOS? Did you also know that PCOS is reversible. Just like alopecia, you can also reverse PCOS and live your healthiest life.
The program Alopecia Angel has created helps to promote health and wellness within resulting in noticeable health from the inward out. Soon you will see changes and health all around once you target the root cause, eliminate toxins, get you on track with diet and lifestyle and many more ways to treating your hairloss and health concerns.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders in women, affecting 5-10% of reproductive-aged women. Diagnosis is generally made based on the presence of irregular menstrual periods, elevated male hormone levels (androgens), and polycystic ovaries. PCOS is associated with obesity, insulin-resistance, and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. These metabolic and reproductive abnormalities predispose women to developing infertility and endometrial cancer, which is why early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are so important.
Exercise helps reduce hair loss because it reduces testosterone. It is also important to get adequate sleep every night because chronic insomnia can add to hormonal imbalances and cause weight gain.
Excess androgens and PCOS can be caused by many factors, including too much stress, poor gut health, thyroid conditions, micronutrient deficiencies, and the pill. If you’re suffering from stress or adrenal PCOS, then reducing carbs will actually put more stress on your adrenal glands, making them produce more stress hormones and androgens.
Here are some facts from recent studies:
One 2011 study found that 16% of 70 women presenting with PCOS-like symptoms had hair loss, whereas “all subjects had experienced menstrual problems, 81% were overweight, 86% had polycystic ovaries on ultrasound, 56% had hirsutism, 53% had acne, 23% had acanthosis nigricans, … and 38% had previously undiagnosed impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or diabetes.
A 2014 study looking at 254 PCOS women found that 22% had AGA
In 2016 a study looking at 390 women aged between 17 and 35 and with PCOS found that 36% had androgenic alopecia
So it would currently seem that between 16% and 36% of women with PCOS do experience AGA but it is a less common symptom than menstrual disorders, hirsutism or acne.
However there are ways around this. Focusing on diet and lifestyle is key to all health improvements. Start with a strong foundation and build your self, life, and environment from the bottom up. Surely there are countless ways to improve and clarify the true meaning of health and wellness that you are confused about or don't put into practice as of yet. Many times our idea or popular belief around health is completely wrong and steering us in the wrong way.
During our program we ensure you are healing from the inside out. Get some coaching or start today with the Starter Kit. Get healthy from the inside out and be your best self.

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