Alopecia AngelĀ Success Stories

Ā Healing is possible and Hair growth is your birthright! Ā Don't waste another day with hair loss... get moving and let's conquer this together. Below you will find an array of feedback from clients who were dealing with Alopecia Areata, Totalis, Universalis, AGA, (female pattern baldness) Scarring Alopecia, and more. Let me help you get closer to your goals with hair growth and health! It all starts within and believing that you can!


Results + Feedback from

Hair N' Heal Signature Program

The Hair' N' Heal Signature Program is 8 weeks, however, results come in quicker. Many see changes within the first week or two, and hair growth has been noted and seen in over 80% of participants in less than 4 weeks! What are you waiting for? Get the results that the participants experience! See below!

Shannon I canā€™t thank you enough for connecting with him and being the person that really made a difference in him being on board and finding the root cause. He has hair! He is happy and actually looks healthy. He is running D1 cross country and track at University. He is thriving. Thank you!!


This is our client's progress andĀ how healing is possible!

Shannon I canā€™t thank you enough for connecting with him and being the person that really made a difference in him being on board and finding the root cause. He has hair! He is happy and actually looks healthy. He is running D1 cross country and track at University. He is thriving. Thank you!!

Maria F

Progress inside the Hair N' Heal Program

ā€œEverything looks healthier to me. THANK YOU Johanna for sharing your knowledge in your program and helping me get so far. I really canā€™t wait for more hair growth and to continue this journey!!!ā€Ā 

Danyel Testimonial....Wow! I mean, things are amazing!! My Hair is amazing and doesnā€™t fall out anymore!! My health is great! Iā€™m still basically in the same diet as when I started with you! I just feel great overall!!  I am always grateful I found you!! Iā€™ll attach a pic of my hair now! ā¤ļø I do have a love for wigs though šŸ˜ Iā€™m just more secure in myself and losing my hair and finding you was a blessingā€¦.. both because they taught me so much!


Wow! I mean, things are amazing!! My Hair is amazing and doesnā€™t fall out anymore!! My health is great! Iā€™m still basically in the same diet as when I started with you! I just feel great overall!!

I am always grateful I found you!! Iā€™ll attach a pic of my hair now! ā¤ļø I do have a love for wigs though šŸ˜ Iā€™m just more secure in myself and losing my hair and finding you was a blessingā€¦.. both because they taught me so much!

Jason ...a massive attitude adjustment, a little gym time, my supportive wife, and of course YOU!! ā¤ā¤ Couldnā€™t have done it without you. Thank you for selflessly sharing what took you years to figure out on your own. You are a big part of getting the best years of my life back and helping me feel and realize that 50 really is the new 30.


...a massive attitude adjustment, a little gym time, my supportive wife, and of course YOU!! ā¤ā¤ Couldnā€™t have done it without you. Thank you for selflessly sharing what took you years to figure out on your own. You are a big part of getting the best years of my life back and helping me feel and realize that 50 really is the new 30.

Shannon I canā€™t thank you enough for connecting with him and being the person that really made a difference in him being on board and finding the root cause. He has hair! He is happy and actually looks healthy. He is running D1 cross country and track at University. He is thriving. Thank you!!


I canā€™t thank you enough for connecting with him and being the person that really made a difference in him being on board and finding the root cause. He has hair! He is happy and actually looks healthy. He is running D1 cross country and track at University. He is thriving. Thank you!!

Client with AGA This client has AGA, or Androgenic Alopecia. Many say it's genetics, and even with that diagnosis, I am helping her and many other with female pattern baldness get healthy and grow their hair back!

Client with AGA

This client has AGA, or Androgenic Alopecia. Many say it's genetics, and even with that diagnosis, I am helping her and many other with female pattern baldness get healthy and grow their hair back!

Emma A cancer survivor, now an alopecia champion.


A cancer survivor,
now an alopecia champion.

Client's child with Alopecia Universalis From alopecia universalis to hair growth in 10 weeks.

Mom with 3 kids

From Alopecia UniversalisĀ to hair growth in 10 weeks

Kari Now, she is a happy girl with a head full of hair!  I wish I had found Alopecia Angel years ago. My daughter went from Alopecia Totalis (just before she turned 2, and now at almost 5 years old she has total regrowth and is healthier than she has never been before.


Now, she is a happy girl with a head full of hair!

I wish I had found Alopecia Angel years ago. My daughter went from Alopecia Totalis (just before she turned 2, and now at almost 5 years old she has total regrowth and is healthier than she has never been before.

Angeline I found Alopecia Angel through searching different alopecia hashtags on Instagram, as well one or two followers suggested I follow her. I immediately messaged asking about what program they offered for children, they messaged me a link to purchase their program for children, which included extensive literature on how to reverse the effects of alopecia by diet, along with recipes and other helpful information. The founder and owner suffered from alopecia herself and developed this program based on how she put herself intro remission.


I found Alopecia Angel through searching different alopecia hashtags on Instagram, as well one or two followers suggested I follow her. I immediately messaged asking about what program they offered for children, they messaged me a link to purchase their program for children, which included extensive literature on how to reverse the effects of alopecia by diet, along with recipes and other helpful information. The founder and owner suffered from alopecia herself and developed this program based on how she put herself intro remission.

Beka USA

Kristin R.

Showering documentation of an Alopecia Angel client

Hair loss shed diminishes andĀ stops on average in 4 weeks in the Hair N' Heal Program.

Beka USA



I am taking the step and doing your plan and going all natural, so excited to show them (my doctors) my results in just a month or two!

Stacy Virginia, United States  She was diagnosed in January of 2018 with Alopecia Areata. We did several different forms of treatment with the dermatologist and after about a year I told them no more. We found you in June of 2019! After about 6-8 months, we started seeing real results and she has had full hair growth since about March of this year. Your program has been such a blessing to us and for her!  Not sure where she would be if it was not for your program and all your hard work that you have put into it. Thank you!


Virginia, United States

She was diagnosed in January of 2018 with Alopecia Areata. We did several different forms of treatment with the dermatologist and after about a year I told them no more. We found you in June of 2019! After about 6-8 months, we started seeing real results and she has had full hair growth since about March of this year. Your program has been such a blessing to us and for her!

Not sure where she would be if it was not for your program and all your hard work that you have put into it. Thank you!

Beka USA


(Kaylin's mother)

Since speaking with you last we have made a lot of progress is the right direction. During this time we were living at my moms and Kaylin was following your input, regimen and hair was starting to sprout.

Hope was filling our hearts. We were seeing hair!!!
I want to say Thank you for your guidance and knowledge. I was able to apply everything you said and help heal my daughter. While there was set backs on our end. It was a journey we went through I think to not only make us stronger but to truly understand everything we have gained from the program can really change the course of our life. While we are still very much in the healing process, I have hope again and more importantly peace.

Thank you again and Kaylin Thanks you, too.

Success in Areata, Totalis, Universalis Case Studies andĀ How This Lady Was Told She Will Never Grow Her Hair Back

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How She Reversed Her Gravesā€™ Disease On The Hair N Heal Program! andĀ How This 9yr Old Went From AA To AU To Full Hair Growth In 8 Months

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How This Client Healed 10+ Bald Patches in 3 Months and How A Thyroid Cancer Survivor Started Seeing Hairgrowth in Less Than 2 Weeks

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Follower Since 2018 Turned Client Sees Hairgrowth in Less Than 4 Weeks, Weightloss and More andĀ How This Student Saw Massive Hair Growth And How Her Mindset Helped Her!

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Juliet It was around the third week of the program when I noticed an exponential amount of growth. More patches of white on my scalp sprouted, and my arms and stomach grew some fuzz. There's white fuzz all over my face and around where my eyebrows were. Overall, I'm beyond pleased. The sky's the limit.  I feel wonderful day to day. Doing this program has deeply impacted my life for the better. I feel great physically and mentally. The discipline in diet and lifestyle allowed me to cultivate more self-trust and, thus, a stronger relationship with myself.  Overall, it helped me to streamline and understand exactly why all my hair fell out. That I had been neglecting my health and that youth does not mean invincibility. (Iā€™m in my 20ā€™s) I realized how alopecia is such an intricate and personal situation for everyone, and that's why there's no one pill or one easy solution or fix. Doing the program also helped me put together that it's not just diet and physical health ā€” This was a big AHA moment for me.  I feel blessed and lucky to have found you. (Alopecia Angel). I was longing for a reason for a while to become more disciplined and diligent in my life and my choices. Losing my hair, although traumatic, is what brought me there. I am also so grateful that I had you as a guide through this. I've learned so much and now feel like anything is possible. I am really excited for the future, which was the opposite of what I was feeling before I started the program.  My hair is growing back- something I didn't know was fully possible. My faith has been re-instilled. Like you said in the beginning, we would start to see our true selves come out. I do feel this way. I've changed for the better and can't wait to continue to learn and grow. My physical and mental health have absolutely improved. I'm also inspired to go even further, especially in regard to certain areas of my health and patterns. I can't believe how quickly my digestion improved. I lost weight, but I just feel such clear energy day to day. I'm pretty astonished by the results all around. I'm also inspired to really seize my life and live to the fullest every day and not be a passive passenger.  The Hair Nā€™ Heal program is so worth it; I can't recommend it enough. Johanna is a wonderful guide to help you maximize your health and get your hair back. She is a wealth of knowledge and a positive light on your road to healing. I saw growth by the third week and continue to see results. I thought being bald forever was my new reality, but this program proved this did not have to be the case. Your life will improve mentally, physically, and spiritually as you choose the natural route to heal your alopecia.


AprilĀ  2024

Thank you for being so patient and all you do. I swear you are more knowledgeable and more educated about autoimmunity than any other dr Iā€™ve ever seen. The program is worth every penny:)

Juliet It was around the third week of the program when I noticed an exponential amount of growth. More patches of white on my scalp sprouted, and my arms and stomach grew some fuzz. There's white fuzz all over my face and around where my eyebrows were. Overall, I'm beyond pleased. The sky's the limit.  I feel wonderful day to day. Doing this program has deeply impacted my life for the better. I feel great physically and mentally. The discipline in diet and lifestyle allowed me to cultivate more self-trust and, thus, a stronger relationship with myself.  Overall, it helped me to streamline and understand exactly why all my hair fell out. That I had been neglecting my health and that youth does not mean invincibility. (Iā€™m in my 20ā€™s) I realized how alopecia is such an intricate and personal situation for everyone, and that's why there's no one pill or one easy solution or fix. Doing the program also helped me put together that it's not just diet and physical health ā€” This was a big AHA moment for me.  I feel blessed and lucky to have found you. (Alopecia Angel). I was longing for a reason for a while to become more disciplined and diligent in my life and my choices. Losing my hair, although traumatic, is what brought me there. I am also so grateful that I had you as a guide through this. I've learned so much and now feel like anything is possible. I am really excited for the future, which was the opposite of what I was feeling before I started the program.  My hair is growing back- something I didn't know was fully possible. My faith has been re-instilled. Like you said in the beginning, we would start to see our true selves come out. I do feel this way. I've changed for the better and can't wait to continue to learn and grow. My physical and mental health have absolutely improved. I'm also inspired to go even further, especially in regard to certain areas of my health and patterns. I can't believe how quickly my digestion improved. I lost weight, but I just feel such clear energy day to day. I'm pretty astonished by the results all around. I'm also inspired to really seize my life and live to the fullest every day and not be a passive passenger.  The Hair Nā€™ Heal program is so worth it; I can't recommend it enough. Johanna is a wonderful guide to help you maximize your health and get your hair back. She is a wealth of knowledge and a positive light on your road to healing. I saw growth by the third week and continue to see results. I thought being bald forever was my new reality, but this program proved this did not have to be the case. Your life will improve mentally, physically, and spiritually as you choose the natural route to heal your alopecia.

Maria F

MarchĀ Ā 2024

I believe my new hair growth has doubled! Very excited to see how it continues!!


Bowel movementsĀ 

Better skin (dryness gone)

Stronger nails

Less outbreaks (use to get close to my period)

Red eyes gone

Better sleep qualityĀ 

Falling asleep faster

Period pain gone

Anxiety less/gone

Stress less/gone

Less anger outbursts

Feeling ā€œhangryā€ gone

Energy higher and stable during the whole day

Feeling happier and more confidentĀ 

I found my blindspots. The pain was so subtle from the beginning I might have missed it if it wasnā€™t for the program and being more aware of whatā€™s happening in my body and starting to listen to what itā€™s telling me and you just raising that concern to just look into it from my intake form.

Juliet It was around the third week of the program when I noticed an exponential amount of growth. More patches of white on my scalp sprouted, and my arms and stomach grew some fuzz. There's white fuzz all over my face and around where my eyebrows were. Overall, I'm beyond pleased. The sky's the limit.  I feel wonderful day to day. Doing this program has deeply impacted my life for the better. I feel great physically and mentally. The discipline in diet and lifestyle allowed me to cultivate more self-trust and, thus, a stronger relationship with myself.  Overall, it helped me to streamline and understand exactly why all my hair fell out. That I had been neglecting my health and that youth does not mean invincibility. (Iā€™m in my 20ā€™s) I realized how alopecia is such an intricate and personal situation for everyone, and that's why there's no one pill or one easy solution or fix. Doing the program also helped me put together that it's not just diet and physical health ā€” This was a big AHA moment for me.  I feel blessed and lucky to have found you. (Alopecia Angel). I was longing for a reason for a while to become more disciplined and diligent in my life and my choices. Losing my hair, although traumatic, is what brought me there. I am also so grateful that I had you as a guide through this. I've learned so much and now feel like anything is possible. I am really excited for the future, which was the opposite of what I was feeling before I started the program.  My hair is growing back- something I didn't know was fully possible. My faith has been re-instilled. Like you said in the beginning, we would start to see our true selves come out. I do feel this way. I've changed for the better and can't wait to continue to learn and grow. My physical and mental health have absolutely improved. I'm also inspired to go even further, especially in regard to certain areas of my health and patterns. I can't believe how quickly my digestion improved. I lost weight, but I just feel such clear energy day to day. I'm pretty astonished by the results all around. I'm also inspired to really seize my life and live to the fullest every day and not be a passive passenger.  The Hair Nā€™ Heal program is so worth it; I can't recommend it enough. Johanna is a wonderful guide to help you maximize your health and get your hair back. She is a wealth of knowledge and a positive light on your road to healing. I saw growth by the third week and continue to see results. I thought being bald forever was my new reality, but this program proved this did not have to be the case. Your life will improve mentally, physically, and spiritually as you choose the natural route to heal your alopecia.


February 2024

Iā€™m feeling pretty great.

I had a healthy dose of skepticism, yet I am seeing new hairs sprouting around my head, as well as my follicles becoming more evident along the sides of my head (yay!).Ā 

My skin is glowing & reverse-aging!! I'm having noticeable difference with the fine lines.Ā 

Juliet It was around the third week of the program when I noticed an exponential amount of growth. More patches of white on my scalp sprouted, and my arms and stomach grew some fuzz. There's white fuzz all over my face and around where my eyebrows were. Overall, I'm beyond pleased. The sky's the limit.  I feel wonderful day to day. Doing this program has deeply impacted my life for the better. I feel great physically and mentally. The discipline in diet and lifestyle allowed me to cultivate more self-trust and, thus, a stronger relationship with myself.  Overall, it helped me to streamline and understand exactly why all my hair fell out. That I had been neglecting my health and that youth does not mean invincibility. (Iā€™m in my 20ā€™s) I realized how alopecia is such an intricate and personal situation for everyone, and that's why there's no one pill or one easy solution or fix. Doing the program also helped me put together that it's not just diet and physical health ā€” This was a big AHA moment for me.  I feel blessed and lucky to have found you. (Alopecia Angel). I was longing for a reason for a while to become more disciplined and diligent in my life and my choices. Losing my hair, although traumatic, is what brought me there. I am also so grateful that I had you as a guide through this. I've learned so much and now feel like anything is possible. I am really excited for the future, which was the opposite of what I was feeling before I started the program.  My hair is growing back- something I didn't know was fully possible. My faith has been re-instilled. Like you said in the beginning, we would start to see our true selves come out. I do feel this way. I've changed for the better and can't wait to continue to learn and grow. My physical and mental health have absolutely improved. I'm also inspired to go even further, especially in regard to certain areas of my health and patterns. I can't believe how quickly my digestion improved. I lost weight, but I just feel such clear energy day to day. I'm pretty astonished by the results all around. I'm also inspired to really seize my life and live to the fullest every day and not be a passive passenger.  The Hair Nā€™ Heal program is so worth it; I can't recommend it enough. Johanna is a wonderful guide to help you maximize your health and get your hair back. She is a wealth of knowledge and a positive light on your road to healing. I saw growth by the third week and continue to see results. I thought being bald forever was my new reality, but this program proved this did not have to be the case. Your life will improve mentally, physically, and spiritually as you choose the natural route to heal your alopecia.


February 2024

Iā€™m in the middle of week 8 and most importantly, Iā€™m seeing hair growth!!!Ā Itā€™s making me extremely excited and hopeful.Ā 

Excited to continue with the lifestyle and finish the program. So grateful to you and this program!

Juliet It was around the third week of the program when I noticed an exponential amount of growth. More patches of white on my scalp sprouted, and my arms and stomach grew some fuzz. There's white fuzz all over my face and around where my eyebrows were. Overall, I'm beyond pleased. The sky's the limit.  I feel wonderful day to day. Doing this program has deeply impacted my life for the better. I feel great physically and mentally. The discipline in diet and lifestyle allowed me to cultivate more self-trust and, thus, a stronger relationship with myself.  Overall, it helped me to streamline and understand exactly why all my hair fell out. That I had been neglecting my health and that youth does not mean invincibility. (Iā€™m in my 20ā€™s) I realized how alopecia is such an intricate and personal situation for everyone, and that's why there's no one pill or one easy solution or fix. Doing the program also helped me put together that it's not just diet and physical health ā€” This was a big AHA moment for me.  I feel blessed and lucky to have found you. (Alopecia Angel). I was longing for a reason for a while to become more disciplined and diligent in my life and my choices. Losing my hair, although traumatic, is what brought me there. I am also so grateful that I had you as a guide through this. I've learned so much and now feel like anything is possible. I am really excited for the future, which was the opposite of what I was feeling before I started the program.  My hair is growing back- something I didn't know was fully possible. My faith has been re-instilled. Like you said in the beginning, we would start to see our true selves come out. I do feel this way. I've changed for the better and can't wait to continue to learn and grow. My physical and mental health have absolutely improved. I'm also inspired to go even further, especially in regard to certain areas of my health and patterns. I can't believe how quickly my digestion improved. I lost weight, but I just feel such clear energy day to day. I'm pretty astonished by the results all around. I'm also inspired to really seize my life and live to the fullest every day and not be a passive passenger.  The Hair Nā€™ Heal program is so worth it; I can't recommend it enough. Johanna is a wonderful guide to help you maximize your health and get your hair back. She is a wealth of knowledge and a positive light on your road to healing. I saw growth by the third week and continue to see results. I thought being bald forever was my new reality, but this program proved this did not have to be the case. Your life will improve mentally, physically, and spiritually as you choose the natural route to heal your alopecia.


January 204

I see some strong looking new growth throughout my whole head and it's been only 4 weeks! You guys are great!!

Juliet It was around the third week of the program when I noticed an exponential amount of growth. More patches of white on my scalp sprouted, and my arms and stomach grew some fuzz. There's white fuzz all over my face and around where my eyebrows were. Overall, I'm beyond pleased. The sky's the limit.  I feel wonderful day to day. Doing this program has deeply impacted my life for the better. I feel great physically and mentally. The discipline in diet and lifestyle allowed me to cultivate more self-trust and, thus, a stronger relationship with myself.  Overall, it helped me to streamline and understand exactly why all my hair fell out. That I had been neglecting my health and that youth does not mean invincibility. (Iā€™m in my 20ā€™s) I realized how alopecia is such an intricate and personal situation for everyone, and that's why there's no one pill or one easy solution or fix. Doing the program also helped me put together that it's not just diet and physical health ā€” This was a big AHA moment for me.  I feel blessed and lucky to have found you. (Alopecia Angel). I was longing for a reason for a while to become more disciplined and diligent in my life and my choices. Losing my hair, although traumatic, is what brought me there. I am also so grateful that I had you as a guide through this. I've learned so much and now feel like anything is possible. I am really excited for the future, which was the opposite of what I was feeling before I started the program.  My hair is growing back- something I didn't know was fully possible. My faith has been re-instilled. Like you said in the beginning, we would start to see our true selves come out. I do feel this way. I've changed for the better and can't wait to continue to learn and grow. My physical and mental health have absolutely improved. I'm also inspired to go even further, especially in regard to certain areas of my health and patterns. I can't believe how quickly my digestion improved. I lost weight, but I just feel such clear energy day to day. I'm pretty astonished by the results all around. I'm also inspired to really seize my life and live to the fullest every day and not be a passive passenger.  The Hair Nā€™ Heal program is so worth it; I can't recommend it enough. Johanna is a wonderful guide to help you maximize your health and get your hair back. She is a wealth of knowledge and a positive light on your road to healing. I saw growth by the third week and continue to see results. I thought being bald forever was my new reality, but this program proved this did not have to be the case. Your life will improve mentally, physically, and spiritually as you choose the natural route to heal your alopecia.


Dec 2023

Dear Johanna,

I just got home from a follow-up appointment with the dermatologist, and he confirmed not only that the alopecia is no longer active but there's actually re-growth all over!

Over the weekend my head was feeling itchy, which I know you said was a sure sign for you, then yesterday I thought I'd spotted the tiniest white hairs at the front -- but wasn't sure. But apparently they are everywhere, even on the largest smoothest patch!! I can't believe it. I'm so happy. He told me not to get my hopes up, as it can take 4-5 years (?!) to fully regrow. I thought to myself: I think I know a woman who knows far more about this condition than you do?!?

THANK YOU SO MUCH! What would I have done without you??

Juliet It was around the third week of the program when I noticed an exponential amount of growth. More patches of white on my scalp sprouted, and my arms and stomach grew some fuzz. There's white fuzz all over my face and around where my eyebrows were. Overall, I'm beyond pleased. The sky's the limit.  I feel wonderful day to day. Doing this program has deeply impacted my life for the better. I feel great physically and mentally. The discipline in diet and lifestyle allowed me to cultivate more self-trust and, thus, a stronger relationship with myself.  Overall, it helped me to streamline and understand exactly why all my hair fell out. That I had been neglecting my health and that youth does not mean invincibility. (Iā€™m in my 20ā€™s) I realized how alopecia is such an intricate and personal situation for everyone, and that's why there's no one pill or one easy solution or fix. Doing the program also helped me put together that it's not just diet and physical health ā€” This was a big AHA moment for me.  I feel blessed and lucky to have found you. (Alopecia Angel). I was longing for a reason for a while to become more disciplined and diligent in my life and my choices. Losing my hair, although traumatic, is what brought me there. I am also so grateful that I had you as a guide through this. I've learned so much and now feel like anything is possible. I am really excited for the future, which was the opposite of what I was feeling before I started the program.  My hair is growing back- something I didn't know was fully possible. My faith has been re-instilled. Like you said in the beginning, we would start to see our true selves come out. I do feel this way. I've changed for the better and can't wait to continue to learn and grow. My physical and mental health have absolutely improved. I'm also inspired to go even further, especially in regard to certain areas of my health and patterns. I can't believe how quickly my digestion improved. I lost weight, but I just feel such clear energy day to day. I'm pretty astonished by the results all around. I'm also inspired to really seize my life and live to the fullest every day and not be a passive passenger.  The Hair Nā€™ Heal program is so worth it; I can't recommend it enough. Johanna is a wonderful guide to help you maximize your health and get your hair back. She is a wealth of knowledge and a positive light on your road to healing. I saw growth by the third week and continue to see results. I thought being bald forever was my new reality, but this program proved this did not have to be the case. Your life will improve mentally, physically, and spiritually as you choose the natural route to heal your alopecia.


It was around the third week of the program when I noticed an exponential amount of growth. More patches of white on my scalp sprouted, and my arms and stomach grew some fuzz. There's white fuzz all over my face and around where my eyebrows were. Overall, I'm beyond pleased. The sky's the limit.

I feel wonderful day to day. Doing this program has deeply impacted my life for the better. I feel great physically and mentally. The discipline in diet and lifestyle allowed me to cultivate more self-trust and, thus, a stronger relationship with myself.

Overall, it helped me to streamline and understand exactly why all my hair fell out. That I had been neglecting my health and that youth does not mean invincibility. (Iā€™m in my 20ā€™s) I realized how alopecia is such an intricate and personal situation for everyone, and that's why there's no one pill or one easy solution or fix. Doing the program also helped me put together that it's not just diet and physical health ā€” This was a big AHA moment for me.

I feel blessed and lucky to have found you. (Alopecia Angel). I was longing for a reason for a while to become more disciplined and diligent in my life and my choices. Losing my hair, although traumatic, is what brought me there. I am also so grateful that I had you as a guide through this. I've learned so much and now feel like anything is possible. I am really excited for the future, which was the opposite of what I was feeling before I started the program.

My hair is growing back- something I didn't know was fully possible. My faith has been re-instilled. Like you said in the beginning, we would start to see our true selves come out. I do feel this way. I've changed for the better and can't wait to continue to learn and grow. My physical and mental health have absolutely improved. I'm also inspired to go even further, especially in regard to certain areas of my health and patterns. I can't believe how quickly my digestion improved. I lost weight, but I just feel such clear energy day to day. I'm pretty astonished by the results all around. I'm also inspired to really seize my life and live to the fullest every day and not be a passive passenger.

The Hair Nā€™ Heal program is so worth it; I can't recommend it enough. Johanna is a wonderful guide to help you maximize your health and get your hair back. She is a wealth of knowledge and a positive light on your road to healing. I saw growth by the third week and continue to see results. I thought being bald forever was my new reality, but this program proved this did not have to be the case. Your life will improve mentally, physically, and spiritually as you choose the natural route to heal your alopecia.


New ZealandĀ (March 2023)

Thanks Johanna for all that you do - you keep me inspired and it's so great to have someone in your corner when you are dealing with this - I know through you that alopecia is a choice!! Look forward to hearing from you - Kim :) xx


Jan 2023
I do have hair growth - I currently look like a patchwork quilt.. Lots of white hair and patches of dark. that I hope/presume will grow and meet up and become a full head of hair one day soon :) I am just on three months of doing the programme.. I will expect good results at the 6 month mark.

Thanks Johanna - you are a fantastic person - and I am so excited and grateful to be getting my hair back thanks to you and your research... thank you xo. I hope you and your family have a wonderful 2023 and beyond :) xo


June 2023

I've been in the program for two weeks now, and the biggest change I've seen so far is that I feel I have more energy and am yawning less during the day. Working through the steps and trying to be more aware of what is happening in my body - it's a good practice to become more aware. We know our bodies better than anyone can from a lab value! I know I will be another success story!

My skin glows from the amazing diet that I plan to continue in part forever. I know I have more areas to focus on in my health and truly realize that blindspots can play a bigger part in people's lives than Western medicine allows. People can heal if they want to.

I feel there is hope. I know I am being guided in the right direction, finally. Those steps forward can only be positive.

This program is a mountain of information and you only get results by taking action. I have done everything to the letter and I know I am healing.


My daughter started showing signs of alopecia areata in April of 2021... we were so confused and lost and after speaking to several dermatologists ultimately gave in to trying steroids for treatment. We knew it was not a permanent solution and that it causes harm especially long term for children but we felt like we had no other options. After speaking to a friend who has a daughter with the same diagnosis she recommended Alopecia Angel. We had our consultation with Johanna and she was very thorough and patient, kindly walking us through all of her recommendations for our daughter's treatment. We have seen major major improvements. She has almost complete coverage and about 10% of the loss from her toughest point. We feel like we are on a great path thanks to Alopecia Angel!!


Las Vegas

Hi Johanna:-)
Thank you for your quick reply as always!:-) Things are going great! I am on Day 19 and I feel amazing! I am getting a ton of compliments on my skin. My husband cannot believe how great my back looks! I have had acne on my back for years, It is almost gone. He keeps saying, "I still cannot believe how great your back looks." After years and years, of not being able to fall asleep at night, I am starting to be able to lay down and fall asleep like a normal person. I have not had fiber in 18 days, which I greatly depended on to not be constipated. I was very afraid of stopping it, but I am having normal bowel movements without it. In the past, I would be in a great deal of pain if I forgot it for one day.
As for the hair, I will say that the spot that was starting to bald on my forehead area has completely stopped falling out, and if I had to guess, has baby hairs coming in. I am losing less and less hair each day in my brush. I am excited to know that my hair WILL grow back and that I WILL be having beautiful hair again. I do not have that feeling of hopelessness anymore.

Lastly, I am getting healthy! I did not realize how my health was declining and I had no idea. I was just not putting all the pieces together. I have gained a new sense of self and a new awareness of my health. I have realized that I CAN control how I feel and how long I live. My husband has even joined me on this journey. I am so thankful to you and for your journey you took to gather all of your information. I wish I could give you a big hug!"



Thank you very much or all your help, all your guidance, prompt responses and constant consideration. ā€‹
I've had so many questions to ask this week and you have absolutely amazing at answering and supporting all of us and all of the questions.

You have no idea how much better you've made me feel, I look at my daughter's hair-loss and want to break down, but you have given us a sense of relief with all your knowledge, guidance and just being there. You totally understand what we're facing and that is what makes your business/help so different and re-assuring - you've been there so you understand every, single apprehension, hurt, worry and question.


Thank you for checking in on my son!

We are seeing results. If you remember, I have told you that he had white hair coming out, so basically, that white hair became black and much darker. He has a full head of hair, his eyebrows and eyelashes are growing as well. Thank you very much for your help and support!


Yes, I have had hair growth and it was in the third week... I have had hair growth with the eyebrows and the hair growth that I have had has remained and growing. I lost weight and feel much better overall and that is considering I have had 2-day separate day procedures in hospital and battled a virus for 3 weeks. I have learned that I am stronger that I thought I was and sticking to the diet was very easy for me... Yes seeing the hair growth and the hair not disappearing like before. I am remaining positive that this will continue. I feel more motivated each day. I like what I'm preparing for my meals, getting in and doing the housework with a lot more vigor and feeling healthier.


May 2023

Thank you so much for your words of support for our daughter, it made me very emotional and she was listening and she has asked me to write to you. Sheā€™s very academic and she was extremely impressed with your knowledge about alopecia, especially considering how many doctors weā€™ve seen.

Sheā€™s had it so tough and sheā€™s become quite isolated, but her mood is shifting and sheā€™s becoming more engaged with the healing. Weā€™ve talked about me not being around as her crutch and her taking ownership of her own health.

Once again, thank you for your kindness and motivation. Youā€™re inspiring.


Canada (May 2023)

Dear Alopecia Angel team,

It has been an absolute pleasure to be able to work with you and grow with you. I have gained so much from the program and have been able to spread the wisdom it has provided me with. I am happy for you to share my journey in your program. Seeing hair growth in week 3 and covering up one whole bald spot in less than 8 weeks is a miracle. I am seeing hair growth on the second spot which continues to fill in. I'll definitely send more updates on my progress as I continue over the next few months.


May 2023

Some exciting updates on my daughter:
The pitting on her nails has disappeared. She has had a lesion on her arm since February that is shrinking considerably.

She also mentioned that her head stopped burning.

Thank you for the advice on getting her more involved and taking ownership of her health.


May 2023

  • I just wanted to email you to say how great I am feeling.
  • My skin is clear.
  • My nails are so strong.
  • The puffiness in my face has gone.
  • I have lost 6.8kg in 3 and a half weeks.
  • My anxiety has reduced significantly.
  • My sleep is deep and constantĀ 
  • Iā€™m feeling better than I have in a very long time.




(Sept 2023)

I feel incredible! I have had good mornings waking up, whereas before the program, I had a lot of adrenal fatigue and trouble waking up in the morning. I feel so regulated in my emotions and nervous system. I feel able to stay indifferent to others' emotions or stress and completely able to manage my own now. I am so excited for the less shedding when I shower, it's slowly going down. And I believe I am close to full healing. AMEN!


This programme (the Hair N Heal Program) has given me a new lease of life, new appreciation, value, stimulation, re-energise my interest and hobbies. Overall hair looks healthier, shedding or falling of hair has stopped. I noticed patches that I didn't realise I had prior to the programme. I pay more attention to my hair - instead of hiding my hair problem I'm working on it daily. Prior to the programme I was so low in mood and my body hurt throughout but 2-3days in I woke up feeling so good, no pain. OH MY LORD! It made such a vast difference to hair, body and soul.


May 2023

Hi Johanna,

I just wanted to thank you once again, for taking the time to listen to me and to give me excellent advice so I can continue my journey of healing my alopecia.

Keep doing what you do! You're amazing!
Best wishes and kind regards,


My eyebrows are coming back, and I can see those very fine little hair growing on my head everywhere!! Itā€™s hard to really believe this is finally going to happenā€¦

Sarah H.

Aug 2023

Thank you for reaching out!

I ended up having to push back my start date for the program, as I had some personal matters come up and wanted to make sure I started it when I was dialed in. I am in week 5, I feel so good and have seen progress with my hair! :)


Dec 2022

This has been the best investment ever and I am so thankful and have so much trust in you. Your responses have been fast and helpful. I saw hair growth in week 2. This has been a long way for me because my body was in full attack mode. Seeing progress and the fact that the hair has been growing through this process is wonderful.



"This is a thorough program which looks deeply into diet and lifestyle. Not only to heal your hair but to heal your life. Healing your hair means taking action across all spectrums in your life. Everything needs to be looked at and this program delivers."



Hi! We had great success with the Hair N' Heal program. My son grew all his hair back in full. My son grew all his hair back in full.


A lot of valuable information. The very 1st email confirming my completion of the questionnaire, was the AHA moment, as I was taking vitamins that were giving me As soon as I discontinued taking them, my inflammation started to go away! I am very pleased with the program- I just finished it and highly recommend. I am back to my old self, more ambitious and caring and happy and healthier!!


My daughter started seeing hair growth in 2 weeks!! Now in just a couple months she is back to full regrowth- full hair on her head. After years of struggling with hair loss and seeing various doctors I knew she was the one to help us. We decided to work with Alopecia Angel because of her expertise, knowledge and reassurance. Having hair again for my daughter is priceless and Alopecia Angel connected the dots for us as we were missing many things in order to help our child.



I am so happy that I found your podcast and website. 2 years ago I changed my lifestyle so much, just to do everything to fight my alopecia. Your knowledge is so much worth it for me!!!


The Netherlands

Me and my girlfriend are seeing results and effects of your advice. Her digestion has improved, no more constipation or bowel problems my stuffy nose and allergies have gone away, and I am always stuffy... its crazy! I have lost weight and she has too, we are feeling better each day



Some really cool, exciting, awesome news!!! I have found 2 little strands of hair on the top of my scalp!! Theyā€™re almost impossible to see, but I was looking in the bathroom mirror and I guess the light hit it just so that I could see them! I also noticed my bottom eyelash line starting to come in! The hair color is very light, but maybe that will change. Iā€™m super excited and it gives me the motivation to keep going!! Iā€™m so amazed; Iā€™ve had Alopecia for so long that it began to feel hopeless. Iā€™m definitely not feeling that way now and I know that healing will continue to happen and with time my hair will come back fully!! So thank you so so much! Iā€™m so grateful to you!!


Hi Johanna, I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to let you know how things are going and how I am doing. I am doing really good. I am feeling healthy. I can actually see some hair regrowth. My eyebrows are coming back and I can see those very fine little hair growing on my head everywhere!! Itā€™s hard to really believe that this is finally going to happen and I am still a bit skeptical but thatā€™s probably just because I am a bit scared too!



Everyday, I keep saying, God loves my son and this is because you. You are really an angel for all of us going through this situation. We lost hope for our son listening to many dosctors saying it's no cure for alopecia. Johanna, I just want you to know how happy and thankful we are finding you. Thank you so much for all your knowledge and everything you do helping people around the world. I would definitely recommend anyone to your program. Keep up the good work, please.



Couldn't be happier

Alopecia Angel has been a wonderful source of knowledge during these past 2 months. Johanna's signature program strongly demonstrated her expertise and experiences, which allowed me to have a great understanding that being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. By receiving Johanna's guidance, I am able to confidently apply the shared knowledge into my every day routine. Very happy with my results and most definitely would recommend this program to anyone who is seeking to improve ones long-term journey in health and wellness!!



It was so inspiring to talk to you this morning. I have hope again!
I just ordered the starter kit of your two books and once I receive them I think I would like to set up some coaching sessions, also.
It was just so heartwarming to talk to someone else with alopecia that has a success story and one that supports my beliefs. Iā€™ve been praying for a couple of weeks for a Messenger or an Angel and here you are. šŸ˜˜
Thank you so much,


Iā€™ve learned so much the past 2.5 months (Iā€™m including the starter kit; the one-on-one hair mask coaching and the Signature Program initial coaching). The journey has been eye opening with several aha moments. Now I am craving more input regarding all topics especially how our environment affects us. Itā€™s made me aware of how crucial ā€œMEā€ time is and to honor and protect our bodies, mind and spirit (our temples), not once in a while but every day and to be mindful of being present.
Johanna, you do a great job guiding us and addressing all our inquiries and concerns right away. Every Saturday and days in between I look forward to your videos and challenges.


Indiana, USA

Hi Johanna!
I am honestly seeing hair growth on side of my head. That spot has been there forever so I am actually so happy to see these results! But overall my body has been feeling great!


I did your program and saw hair regrowth in week 4, the most hair growth I have ever experienced! I am so grateful for you and what you do!


I have hair since the fifth week on my head, eyelashes and other hair. My health is great and I feel better than ever. I feel more peace within myself. I have better skin, and overall health, itā€™s amazing. I developed more patience and became a better listener throughout this process. Thank you! I am grateful.


California (Aug. 2023)

I have hair since the fifth week on my head, eyelashes and other hair. My health is great and I feel better than ever. I feel more peace within myself. I have better skin, and overall health, itā€™s amazing. I developed more patience and became a better listener throughout this process. Thank you! I am grateful.


I am so thankful for you and all your help, because of you I have my hair back. I appreciate all your support and positivity. God Bless You.


May 2023

I did your program and saw hair re-growth in week 4, the most hair growth I have ever experienced! I am so grateful for you and what you do!


May 2023

Thank you so much for your words of support to our daughter, it made me very emotional and she was listening and she has asked to write to you. Sheā€™s very academic and she was extremely impressed with your knowledge about alopecia, especially considering how many doctors weā€™ve seen.

Sheā€™s had it so tough and sheā€™s become quite isolated, but her mood is shifting and sheā€™s becoming more engaged with the healing. Weā€™ve talked about me not being around as her crutch and her taken ownership for her own health.

Once again, thank you for your kindness and motivation. Youā€™re inspiring. ā˜ŗļøšŸ„¹


JanuaryĀ 2023

Hi Johanna,

Weā€™ve been busy! Yes, Amaryn has seen great hair growth. We moved from NY area to a small town in Canada and she is thriving. Happy to connect and share our journey one day. I would like to get back on and continue your program. It was jam packed with helpful info and implementing much of it takes a tremendous amount of time and energy as you know.

Thx for reaching out


May 2023

I saw hair growth. I would say in the end of third week, start of the fourth. Hair really started to come in on my spot on the left side of my head and has come in a bit slower on larger spot on the base of my head just above my neck. I found that I follow this pattern you mentioned of the first spots that appear being the last to fill in.

How This 60 Year Old Saw Hair Growth in 2 Weeks and Grew her Hair Out to a Ponytail andĀ How This Alopecia Universalis Actress Saw Hair Growth in 3 Weeks

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How This Grandfather and Business Man Reversed His Alopecia Completely in 6 Months! andĀ How This Yogi Stopped Seeing Clumps of Hair Loss in Less Than 4 Weeks

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Ā Motherā€™s Unwavering Faith Led to Hair Growth for Her 12 Year Old Daughter and Lady With 15+ Bald Spots Sees Hair Growth in Week 2 and Balances Low Blood Sugar

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Video Poster Image

Lady in Her 60s Sees Hair Growth With FFA (Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia)

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Alopecia Angel is a miracle find. It's a one-stop shop for curing alopecia, along with other autoimmune diseases. After years of spending and gathering notes from multiple holistic doctors, we found all the information we needed in her e-book and it has been beyond helpful. It is a tool my daughter will have for life to keep her healthy and her alopecia at bay. From Alopecia Totalis to overall full hair growth, the topics discussed in her book were and are a life saver to us.
I, consciously approach my health very differently for my daughter and I. I have much gratitude for her guidance and solid grasp on healing alopecia. I'm on my way to healing internally, physically and mentally. She highlights all essential aspects of life and rebuilds you from there up. Not only can you mitigate alopecia but also see health and challenges you might have never known existed.
Alopecia Angel has been a wonderful source of knowledge during these past 2 months. Johanna's Alopecia Angel Method strongly demonstrated her expertise and experiences, which allowed me to have a great understanding that being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. By receiving Johanna's guidance, I am able to confidently apply the shared knowledge into my every day routine. Very happy with my results and most definitely would recommend this program to anyone who is seeking to improve ones long-term journey in health and wellness!!
My experience with AA was life changing! She was very supportive and answered all of my e-mails in a timely manner. I sent a ton of e-mails and she was patient with me and answered every question. I saw baby hairs around my face in the very early weeks of starting the Alopecia Angel Method. I am on day 80 and this is a lifestyle for me. I feel amazing and I sleep so much better and I actually get up early now, and I actually get up early now, and I am not tired! I never really knew how unhealthy my diet was, but with Johanna's patience, I saw for myself the changes I needed to make in my life. I am healing from adrenal fatigue and leaky gut! I have never felt better. Knowing what I put in my body, having so much knowledge is very powerful. I was headed down a road of sickness. I am thankful for the program and know that I can heal
Alopecia Angel's Hair N' Heal Program has been great. They are very supportive of you throughout the process and there are many great benefits to this natural/holistic approach. Not only does this program help with hair growth but overall longterm health. It has it's challenges, but the support and positive energy of the program helps you get on the right path. I have had androgenic alopecia for 14 years and was last using rogaine to maintain hair that I had which I knew was not a long term solution (and so many other treatments before). A month into the program I noticed that my scalp looks less inflamed and healthier. I see less of my scalp which leads me to believe that I have some hair growth! I know that this is only the start of my healing process and look forward for what's to come.
Johanna's excitement and determination made me believe I could help my daughter with her alopecia. After working with dermatologists for years, and finding no solution, my daughter lost every hair on her body. By age 5, she didn't have a single hair on her head, face or body. I couldn't sleep thinking there must be something, and by a miracle I stumbled across Alopecia Angel, and began working with Johanna. Johanna talked about diet being so important We found the root cause, and hope! THANK YOU Alopecia Angel!! Thank you for the hope, and for getting us on the path to healing.
And about hair loss well it's pretty amazing, it's not falling out so much like it used to. I've noticed this especially when I take a shower or comb my hair, I am grateful for the changes in such a short time- thank you for the Hair N' Heal program.
You my friend, saved my hair and probably my life.  Danyelwisehartbrown
Tried to
I am noticing the top of my head is sprouting more hair and it is getting longer, and the top spot looks like it's beginning to grow in and become covered, which is really great, all in less than 4 weeks! Thank you for the Hair N' Heal Program. - Serena N.
Amen!!! So true, thank you Alopecia Angel you changed me forever!!
You my friend, saved my hair and probably my life.  Danyelwisehartbrown
My hormonal breakouts have reduced and my skin is glowing. I am having regular bowel movements. My period paid has been reduced by 60% after 30 days. My quality of sleep is improving.
I definitely see hair growth on the front side of my head. I've been currently taking all of the supplements for about a month, that you've recommended and besides my hair growing back slowly, my body is feeling 10 times better. I don't wake up sore from all my workouts and I have a lot more energy and can honestly say I've been so much happier lately. I'm excited to further move forward with your hair loss plan. Thank you for the support.
I am so happy that I found your podcast and website. 2 years ago I changed my lifestyle so much, just to do everything to fight my alopecia. Your knowledge is so much worth it for me! - Andrea, The Netherlands
Amazing This book describe the only way to solve Alopecia, naturally and without any pharmaceutical products. So, if you really want to have back your hair, than go straight ahead and follow what the author says in this book and you will see results. - Jesse Pinkman, Italy
I got the book and already halfway through it and taking notes. Kudos to you for putting this wealth of information and knowledge together. I can't thank you enough! - Beth, USA
Thank you!! The Book is excellent!! Its easy to read and understand and far from boring! I have already learned so much about myself and how I use food (carbs and sugars) to mask my anxiety. I have been meditating more and journaling daily this journey. Thank you again. What you are doing is Fabulous. - Marta, Polan
Podcast and program have helped me tremendously in my health and hair growth
My hair is growing! The one on my left side is already completely back this whole month of September. I'm really excited to see more results.
Yes, am definitely seeing improvements and not losing that much hair anymore although don't think the regrowth is very quick! But am happy for now with all the dietary and lifestyle changes I've made... loads of yoga and meditation and a vegan diet! No steroid treatments or anything!   I will definitely check out your blog.. thanks for sharing your knowledge and love. God bless you.
First of all, I want to say, I'm 5 days in and I feel amazing. It's been 5 days. I have received compliments on my skin, lost 3 pounds of bloat, the acne on my black is going away, and I have more energy and I'm more positive!! oh and I washed my hair after 4 days and a ton less hair came out!