Episode 33: How Where you Live Can Determine Your Well Being  Using Feng Shui for Optimal Health with Elliot Tanzer


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

Today’s episode of the podcast is about How Where you Live Can Determine Your Well Being  Using Feng Shui for Optimal Health with Elliot Tanzer



  • What is Astro Carto Graphy

  • How finding the best places to Live and Travel affects your well being

  • How the planetary lines have been expanded to include health issues and a Risk Assessment of each line.

  • Improving health, wealth, and relationship harmony through Feng Shui



  • You were born to map out across the whole earth 5:13

    As you go further and further away, there's still an influence,

    even if it's not as strong. 16:11

  • We have chemistry with someone we fall in love with. 19:00

  • You can promote a product, like thank you for promoting me

    and with your enthusiasm, that's what gives you that beautiful smile. 45:27.

  • Concentration of your power, 58:17

  • And so maybe they just drink

    more alcohol and wait until it's all passes and then they get back to a good time. 1:02:12



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Awaken to hair growth. Awaken to hair growth because there is, possibility to get your hair back. Awaken to hair growth because we're not told that we're able to conquer and overcome alopecia. Awaken to hair growth because I want to be a positive light and beacon for you because I've healed my alopecia and now I help others do the same with different types of alopecia, men, women, children, of all ages, of all races and ethnicities.


Hi everybody and welcome back to the Alopecia Angel podcast, Awakened to Hair Growth. So today's episode, we are talking to Elliot Tanzer, Elliot Tanzer as an Astro cartographer and he specializes in Astro photography and also in Feng Shui and for those of you who do not know about Feng Shui, I'm gonna give you like a little brief cliff notes right now about feng Shui. Feng Shui is the art of placement  and it's something that I actually went to learn about and study in China.


 I did a study abroad program. It was a month long, traveling all over China, and studying with masters, with translators and also with masters husband and wife team, who've been doing this for over 25, 30 years and who have absolutely dedicated their lives to Feng Shui and Feng Shui encompasses your whole life, health, wealth, children, travel, romance, dating, everything, career progress, everything you can imagine harmony and so all these facets and boxes that we have in life are all controlled with Feng Shui and Feng Shui goes beyond just how you decorate. For example, your house or your office. It's also where you place things and to give you just a little bit of a backstory. 


I was introduced to Shui back in like, 0708 and with minute changes and when I say minute changes, it was a minute change. It changed the trajectory of my career. It really did back in 0708. It was absolutely astonishing how One little change in three days resulted in essentially getting hired by a fortune 100 company and it was absolutely mind blowing how fast that interview had gone.


I did like seven or eight interviews and it was over the course of three weeks. That's how eager they were for me to onboard and to get going in the company. And during that time I had just finished my masters and I was applying for over 12 months to various companies and I could only get through, let's say the first or second interview.


And so I went to an industry conference and at that conference they had like a round table about feng Shui and they gave us like tips and tricks about feng Shui and this was my first introduction to it. I applied I'm an action taker, right? I applied all of those tips and tricks lo and behold in three. I got the call and three weeks later, I was moving to another state and starting this new job, this new fabulous job mind you and so since then, Feng Shui has always been like a seed that's been planted in my head and for those of you who are skeptical, who maybe think that this is esoteric or who think that this is too Woohoo for you, cuz I can be Woohoo and I can also be granola and I can also be, very, I guess really into things I got really into Feng Shui,


So much so where, 10 years later or so, I went to go study in China and I wanted to go take this time to really dive deep into it and I did, and I absolutely loved it and I apply Feng Shui in every area. But the key ingredient to this is that, once you start the rabbit hole, once you start on your healing journey, it's like a slip and slide. You just go down and you keep uncovering and you keep realizing that there's more to it.


So it's not just Feng Shui and Feng Shui for those of you who don't know, is the art of placement that stems from China. And it started over 5,000 years ago, and at one point in China, back in the day, historically, it was seen as taboo, and now it has a different stigma. It's all very well regarded. Some people believe in it, some people don't and for me, it's just like, I take things into consideration from all cultures, from all nationalities, if it's science signed back, if it's science backed or not, I still take it in consideration because you know what, at the end of the day, if it doesn't harm my health and it can only improve, then why not try it?


That's my train of thought and so I did, I applied Feng Shui for multiple things in my life, but the tricky part here is that where Elliot fits in, right? Elliot is this Astro photographer. So he uses your date of birth, He uses your time that you were born and location You were born to map out across the whole earth, all the countries, all the areas and tells you exactly.


Where is best for you to thrive, where is best for you to live and also shows you where the worst spots are. How do, and so you might be asking yourself, how does this apply to my alopecia? How does this apply to my health? How does this apply to health in general? So let me just give you an inside scoop and again, it's also from personal experience back in 2016, when I had just finished this study abroad to China and I did the Feng Shui course for a month, and I had learned about Elliot and I was just like, oh my gosh, I wanna get my, my map done. I wanna get my Astro photographer to do my map and to see and pinpoint.


And just to give you a little more background, I'm somewhat of a nomad. I've lived in like five, six different countries. I've lived in like five different states. I'm very open to moving and right now actually at the time of this recording, I'm moving again to a new country and so moving is moving and traveling is kind of within my realm and it happens a lot, either for work or for love or in this case for my husband's job. 


So we're moving, and so anyways, back to Elliot, Elliot had told me and had done my map before I even met my husband. So this is before I met my husband. He told me, you know, Johanna, if you go live in Europe, you're gonna have a slew of health problems. And this was, I was still in California at this time and so when he told me that I brushed it off a hundred percent, I brushed it off. I was like, whatever, because if you know me from California, I was never sick. I never got the flu shot, never got the flu, never had a cold, I had chicken pox when I was like three years old, but that was it.


Nothing,  and at the time also in California, I also didn't really take care of my diet or my lifestyle. I just ate whatever I wanted and did whatever I wanted. But at the same time, I was still always healthy and I always bet on my health and bet that I could do things, whether it was do a marathon, whether it was climb a tree or whatever it is, I knew I could do it physically, mentally, emotionally.


I knew I could always do anything and so when he said, Hey, you're gonna have a slew of health problems. Don't move to Europe. I was just like, eh, I don't believe you and low and behold, I met my husband lo and behold. We moved to Europe and I've been living here for five years and Elliot was right. I did have a slew of health problems.


Alopecia was a big chunk of that, but then there was other health problems that happened and I gotta tell you, it, it has been challenging with my health, even if it's just like a cold, which a cold, as you know, should only last, maybe like a week, but lo behold this past month I've been 30 days with this lingering cold.


And even though my diet, my lifestyle are up to an optimal level. I always wonder how much truth is in this Astrophotography, how much Relevance, how much do I need to consider it? How much does this really affect me? And if you're like me, you probably wanna live and thrive wherever you are.


And so now with this interview with Elliot, which we'll get into here shortly, I'm gonna be asking the hard questions, like, how is it that this affected my health? Like, how is it that living in Europe? Just like you said, granted me a bunch of health issues, minute, even though alopecia was not minute, but still everything else was minute fixable, doable, workable.


But so now I'm a believer. I'm a believer that if the stars align and the earth that we live on is constantly rotating. The sun rotates around us. The moon rotates around us. We rotate, hence the seasons, hence weather patterns, hence everything else, the tides and the waves from the ocean are correlated to the moon.


I have a feeling that with this science, with the placement of where I was born and the time and everything else and where I live also can either promote me to thrive or not. So another backstory: I lived in Brazil at one point  in college for a study abroad. It was a year long. I gotta tell you that was probably the best year of my life, like health, finances, career, school, love life. I mean, everything, everything was absolutely amazing. Lo behold, when Elliot gives me my map and says, Hey, you know, these areas in red are where you will thrive and what is circled really big and red? Well, Rio de Janeiro.


That's the city where I lived in Rio has like a big place in my heart. It's it really does and so I love Rio. I love Brazil and it's just amazing how these things correlate because every time after that, I've gone back to Rio for work primarily, but also to see friends and to just go back, I've always felt like it was my birthday.


I always felt like it was just like this, this place that just filled me up. With love and warmth and excitement and happiness, it's indescribable and I'm sure that there's places in this world where you're like, I don't wanna go there or I don't like that city or for those of you who travel for work, I'm sure you have a preference of which cities like light you up or which ones don't, or maybe for those of you who've moved away from home after college, or maybe for college, you realize, oh, I don't like the city where I'm from.Or I like this new city where I went to school or maybe you've traveled somewhere.


Like, I have a friend and she loves Mexico and she's Canadian, and she travels to Mexico all the time. So maybe it's the sunshine, maybe it's the beach but maybe it's also the food and the people, and maybe it's also part of her map.


She hasn't done the map, but maybe it is, so be open minded. Just take this with a grain of salt, because as you've seen and what I've told you just now it's affected my health and maybe it could have been avoided, but my husband's job took us here. So no, it couldn't have been avoided. Unless I was gonna do long distance, which I didn't wanna do.


And at the same time, I also didn't believe it until it happened and so take it with a grain of salt. Let me introduce you to Elliot and listen to our conversation because it is, it's a game changer. It is a game changer and for those of you, maybe who are trying to see where you wanna relocate to, maybe you can work from home now for the rest of your life and you wanna see, okay, what's the, what's the best spot for me.


And so just to end my story here since Elliot, I've not only introduced him to like all my friends and family members, but I've also gotten my husband's map and now I've just done my baby's map and the best thing that I can think of right now is to focus on where we will live as a family. and what city does that look like?


What country does that look like? What state does that look like and where we all three can thrive, where all three of us will do Fantastic. Cause I know that's what you want. I know that's what I want. Like I do not wanna go through another five years in Europe knowing that I'm gonna have a slew of health issues.


Well, if I can avoid that, I will, I couldn't these past five years, but now I can and so taking more information of your human design is also part of you. It's unique to you  and so just take this as a grain of salt and see more about my interview with Elliot. Here we go.


Thank you so much for joining me on the alopecia angel podcast, awaken the hair growth.

I'm so excited to have you, as you know, I'm a big fan of yours and, I would love to have my listeners learn more about you and also, Astrocartography and what this is. And maybe if you could help explain this a little bit to them, because you have to really dive deep and go down the rabbit hole to really find you, it's not a quick Google search of any sort.


So it's really word of mouth. So please Elliot. Please introduce yourself and then show us and talk to us about Astrocartography what you do and how you got into this.


Okay, thank you for inviting me and obviously one of my favorite topics. I guess to start with astrocartography just to get a little introduction to it is, astrological technique for evaluating what the vibration you might call it, or the influences are in different locations.


So where a birth chart you're looking out the planets against the backdrop of the Zodiac, which is why we can call someone in Aries or a Tauros or a Gemini. Astrocartography is where we're looking down on planet earth and tracking the path the planet was taking across the earth. So perhaps by analogy people remember a few years ago was a Solar eclipse.


It went from South Carolina and they showed it on TV. The path the eclipse took across this, the center of the United States, astrologically it indicated that the would be divided what a surprise. Right? it became more and more divided since then. Okay.  so likewise, each planet has a path when the sun is dry.  It's got a very strong vibration. We have to look at that sunrise, if we are looking enough to have sunrise and in order when it's setting, it draws our attention, we have to look at it. So likewise, any planet, whether we can see it or not when it's on the horizon or when it's setting or when it's a high noon, or when it's at the darkest time of the night, right.


It has that strong influence. The Influence you might say like the map of the solar eclipse, there's the exact eclipse and then there's the partial eclipse and it goes, once you're 700 miles away, you can't see the eclipse. So likewise with the planet as the path, the path, the planet take, when you're closer to it being exactly overhead, it's very strong.


And as you go further and further away, there's still an influence, even if it's not as strong. So some of the planets we might call favorable, some are decidedly, unfavorable, and, there's a few of them I'd say are questionable. Depends on which ones they are in what combination and perhaps the inclinations of the individual.


So it's really profound kind of approach to relocation, in Whereas instead of hitting this of moving someplace and going like where I'm living, I'm gonna move someplace else and I hope it'll be better. Here's where we can make a conscious choice of where to live and see what or at least understand what the problems might be or challenges or what kind of lemons you're gonna have to turn to lemonade are in certain locations, and I say, lets to lemonade because some people are very optimistic and always think that things will work out for the best.


And when they. Let's call it problems in life or challenges. They see it as a benefit in terms of a learning experience. Okay? So some people are living a very holistic lifestyle as we might call it. They're eating organically. They meditate, they do Yoga or Tai Chi. Maybe they Feng Shui their house whatever else might be considered to be conscious and holistic.


And yet they still feel like they're rolling a Boulder uphill and before they get to the top, it rolls back down again and that usually has to do with the location. So I mentioned Feng Shui indirectly here, but it's actually very similar to Feng Shui. In order before you pick the best location to build your house or decorate, according to Feng Shui principles, choose the best location to start with geologically, geographically.


And if you, and you're only Boulder up the hill, even though you've done everything that you should do for a better life and still have health problems that are becoming chronic or relationship issues, that seems to be repetitively a disaster, more than likely you're not living in the best location for you, or you might make the equations like living on a toxic waste stump.


So no matter how beautiful the house it is still a toxic waste stump, it's gonna still drag your energy down and sometimes it's a mixed bag, you know, there's some very favorable energies and unfavorable energies. And as one person said, well, it's a cage, but it's a Gilded cage well is within a rusty cage, but it's still a cage.


Yeah. So that's the way basically. The plans as vibrational frequency, they don't cause anything to happen. They're just reflecting the vibration that you were born into  and so it's with birth charts and energy blueprint, and the map is another same. That Blueprint is view as it relates to, if you will, your chemistry, uh, such as we have chemistry with someone we fall in love with, we have chemistry with our geological or geographical location.


When this first came out or as computers were being developed for mass usage back in the late seventies, uh, when astrologer teamed up with a computer technology, I, and they put together a system where they can actually map the planets. Otherwise it's very tedious to do, and it's not like this is a something that wasn't known years ago, but it just takes so much time to track out each planet.


But by computerizing it, boom, they were able to calculate a whole map and with these lines on it that shows the path, the planet was taking each planet, rising, setting high, no, and so forth. So there's four variations for each planet and he started to examine how this was with his clients. He is astrologer Jim Lewis and he passed away in the 1990s, but so he after looking at thousands of charts, he started to draw some conclusions. Yeah. And, um, he wrote a manual on it and made it a, they called patent did it, so to speak or copyrighted it better word, and, started to make it available to people and teaching workshops and certification courses.


But myself, like many other astrologers read the manual seemed pretty interesting and easy to do. So we did started looking at maps and it was back in 78, but quite frankly, it wasn't until 1995. . That I had found out that I really didn't know what I was doing  that the man was inadequate and so I took Jim Lewis's certification course fine tuned my knowledge for secondary influences, and basically had a look at the planets.


So a lot of astrologists who don't understand didn't study or take the certification course, they may use a, kind of a very glib kind of approach of mercury mercury rules, the mind. So it's good for writers and teachers and talkers and or craftsmanship, manual, verbal Dexter. So go to mercury or write a book and in Venus, we like to call the Goddess of love and art and beauty. So go to Venus fall in love. You can't do both.  you have to go either to write a book or fall in love. So obviously the wrong way of looking at plants go to Mercury to feel useful. Go be clever, quick thinking lighthearted and mercury is in mercury.


Go to Venus, not to fall in love, cause people do get divorces on Venus, but go to Venus to feel comfortable and well, that's the Gilded part of the Gilded cage, you know, live comfortably and have a good lifestyle. Okay. And when health problems happen, whether it's on mercury or Venus, you'll get a quicker resolve, you'll get a speedy, your recovery or whatever the likely problem might happen in life, or even a divorce on Venus for mercury and at least end as friends, whereas on Mars, which we like to call a God of war.


It usually ends in bitterness and hostility, the energy's right there and an easy way to understand the planet is astronomy basically. Cause the ancients understood the vibrations of the planets as they not only appear, but as they, and they gave the names of gods and goddesses, Mars red planet must be the God of war


But to broaden that Mars out, it's really actually the God of action. People who are carpenters and builders and athletes and champions and Mars, they got that physical strength and they got that aggressive ability. It doesn't have to be for war. It could be for peace. It could be for building and making things, for people to live in.


So, that inclination to get to kind of compartmentalize some of the planetary energies as having only one purpose, but when someone lives on Mars or near the Mars energy line, they tend to be very energized. They go, wow, it's a great place to live. I'm doing so much. I'm busy. I'm maybe skydiving and white water rafting and full of vitality and energy.


Well, after several, several, several years, many years later, they're gonna be exhausted just like the energizing bunny. They go and they go and they go and they go. But if that energizing bunny we see on TV does need batteries just may be lasting longer than the other bunnies.  junky batteries. So people have adrenal fatigue very often they're living close to Mars. Bones and joints and teeth and skin, our connective tissues, things that keep us together, right. Our boundaries and so forth. That vibrates or resonates with the planet Saturn. So people live on Saturn energy or close to it. Tend to feel more and more as they get older, maybe arthritis, maybe chronic neck and shoulder to start with a lower back, bad knee, be an elbow.


They pour, enamel on the teeth. So they have more cavities and it gets worse and worse. As you get older and older and more and more withdrawn, more and more alone, more and more isolated and in treating them, this is always something that blows my mind. As you look at the planet, Saturn, it's a little brown dot, very contracted, and it has rings around it.


Limitations boundaries compared to Jupiter, big and bold and bright and orange and it represents abundance and benefactors and Jupiter, Zues, the god of the gods, the king of the gods. So you can see the vibrational difference between planets and that's also the vibrational difference for us on planet earth.


So people are blessed with Jupiter are all smiley people blessed with Saturn, have long faces like I do and when we smile, we go this far. Instead of this far, I find it all very fascinating and in all honesty in the beginning, you know, you, I know with anyone who's maybe not. In the industry, so to speak or not in the realm of astrology and maybe, you know, they've only encountered astrology from like the weekly newspaper or online at as like a daily horoscope for fun.


Maybe this would be hard for some people to really assume or believe that where you live could really impact you, not just environmentally, but actually because of the alignments of the planets or because of where you were born and how all that matches up. And personally, I was a little skeptical, but I still, you know, I'll try anything and I'm happy and open to try anything.


And then I remember back in like 2015, 2016, when we first had our first consultation, you gave me my map and you told me, you know, don't live in Europe because you'll have a slew of health problems, low and behold, I met my husband and moved to Europe, live there. I just left. Thank God and I did, I did have a slew of health problems, including alopecia.


And the thing is, you know, being born and raised in other parts of the world, having lived in other parts of the country or in other countries in general, I never thought that I would actually have health issues or any health problems because I was considered myself extremely healthy until I wasn't.


But then. But then I remembered back. I was like, oh my gosh, Elliot told me I would have issues in Europe, low and behold. I did. And so I, I'm a true believer now and I definitely want to optimize health, and optimize where I live, and optimize all these things, and I know now with being remote and Covid and people moving, I know it's more possible and so this is just like another layer and another opportunity for people to think, okay, where am I gonna live? And let's make it a conscious situation. So what would you say to those families who have mom, dad, and kids, and anyone else involved, and everyone has like a different Section of the country or section of the world where maybe they don't coincide.


Like, do you look at the parents because the parents are gonna provide for the kids or, what do you do? Definitely. This is always cuz I'm a very emotionally sensitive kind of guy  right. And I really care and I sympathize or empathize. It's always easy. The easiest readings I do are for people who are single, full with loose and fancy free and just ready to take off.


Not anymore. I could tell then there's the couples and most couples you can usually find the best place for two people. I mean, that's but not always and sometimes that's a good source or how should I say an indicator? This couple isn't gonna last too long because one person says let's live in a place or I go to Oregon, I love it up there and the other one says, but I don't, I love it. In Southern California, they drank the guy down there or her and he's not happy. So they drag him back up to Oregon. The other one's not happy. Yeah. Eventually they're gonna go separate ways. Yeah. Or they compromise and they put up with each other  so you see it in celebrities too.


You know, being from LA, you see this in celebrities, how one lives on the east coast, one lives on the west coast. And then it just dissolves. Recently. I did a reading for a guy from Santa Barbara. He has this beautiful estate and magnificent ocean view. He has a cook come in and cook vegans for them every day or gourmet. He's got three Teslas and his garage. I mean, this guy's got money, right. His wife hates it there.  Why can she love it in New York? She loves Madison avenue and museums and the parks. So it's almost like people wearing different sunglasses, right. One's wearing black glasses, but she goes to New York.


They turn Rosie red  and it's the difference between the planets. He's got Venus as though we use that has mentioned that already in Santa Barbara, she has Mars there. And so it's a conflict of energy. Whereas in New York he said, it's dirty. It's ugly and hostile. Who wants to live there?  and he owns an apartment there for her, so she can escape every once in a while.


He'll go visit her. But now if less and less than yeah, many years later, they finally separated because she wanted be there all the time. He wanted to be in his beautiful paradise of Santa Barbara. Children throw another mix and I always feel lucky when I can find a place that's best for three people.


Now I was living in Hawaii for almost 20 years on Maui, my paradise, Jupiter, and the moon. And now we. If you'll notice this, this map of Maui looks like a woman's body poey poey is the breast. And that's what it means in Hawaiian poey Polley is breast HANA is work and it's at the base chakra or the base of the spine there's a blow hole up at the top of, of the head where water shoots up, where the crown chakra it's really amazing chakra thing. If you'll notice chakra of the islands, I lived in the womb of the island.  the moon of the mommy energy. My kid was born there in 1991 and he had Saturn going through the islands as Saturns.


The bones had joined the teeth and so when he was eight years old, he had 12 cavities. Wow. So I didn't blame it on his father's genetics, cuz I had bad teeth growing up, living on my Saturn line and on the east coast, I blamed it on Saturn  and we relocated back to Southern California, which is his Jupiter line, my Venus line, my wife's mercury line, all good lines. We would say for favorable outcomes and living and the kid hasn't had a cavity now in 11 years. Instead of being scrawny like his dad, he was a robust young man by the time he got to be 20. So the outcomes are so different. I had another client in LA, who's a guru with a big following.


He came to me for a reading about when's the best time to have a heart surgery.  Doctors, the best doctors in seated. I mean, he's a rich guy too, to see as same. I think it's called a hospital there said you're having a heart condition. You better have needed surgery. So he was looking for the best date to have the surgery as would be likely.


I still looked at his map and I said, but I don't think you have a heart problem. It's not indicated in your birth chart. And I can't say I'm not gonna kind of promote myself as a medical specialist. I'm certainly not. There are astrologists who really get deep dive into medical astrology, but I could see there's nothing about a heart.


I said maybe eventually you might have some urinary tract or kidney problems, you know? And eventually when he was in his seventies, he was on dialysis, but you don't have a heart problem. I think it has to do with the way you communicate. It seems to be something about your throat and I saw his map you had property in New Mexico, his Jupiter line jupiter big bold. Pluto the planet of death and rebirth is what he has in Los Angeles. I said get a second opinion in New Mexico and sure enough, he had polyps on his Larynx. That was irritating. His heart. They never needed a heart surgery. 


Amazing. So this affects health on many, on many levels. That's why I say it's not just about what's likely to be happening to your health, but also what's likely to be your health outcome, in life. Is it gonna become more and more chronic and worse and worse? Now I have a chart as I just jokingly said about myself. I'm a very Saturnian, serious guy. I grew up in, on my Saturn line with problems with my bones. I have curvature of the spine, bad teeth, 12, 14 cavities every year. I mean, they totally got ruined by the time I left the 22, um, bad skin until I was, I left the 22  I mean, just the whole slew of, and I was pretty much a loner.


That's why maybe I got it into metaphysics and psychology. So I can't say it was bad. Had good outcome. Eventually. , here's what I do now. But after I left, I haven't had any health problems other than my lungs. Because I also had bad lungs also growing up. Two times in the last, uh, 77 now So I left when I was 22, I came to California, going to someone, convinced me that herbs and food are your best medicine.


So I changed my diet. Mm-hmm , you know, studied yoga and meditation, which I've been doing yoga now for 45, 46 years. I learned about homeopathy as of basically taking herbs and food and minerals and making them potent ties more powerful than just the herb itself. All that had. And I got my spine straightened out, took the guy two years  but he straightened out my spine.


Now I didn't have severe scoliosis. Thank God but I had basic scoliosis, so my whole life changed also. I was a loner. I was in how introverted. I was a moody intellectual, if you will.  In New York, played chess with the old men in the park not a bad thing. Yeah. But yeah, no, that's life.


You get used to it. But I was pretty much loner and people live on Saturn, their whole life pretty much feel alone more and more so as they get older and older, even if they're married, they tend to still be alone. And usually I can ask the question by now, do you have separate bedrooms? I go, yeah. Wow. So even relationships change.


And I was gonna ask you that whether you came back from Europe, living in different locations with your husband mm-hmm , did you see the relationship change?  well, we had a baby, so I mean, having a baby definitely changes the relationship, but I will say that living in Europe was so different than living in Miami or living in Denver or living in Rio or even in California.


And I thought Europe was gonna be glamorous and was gonna be fun and was gonna be so exciting and lots of travel. And it wasn't an uphill battle. It was the first time in my life where I really felt like everything was a struggle. Everything was, I guess also in part, healthcare.


I think that's also an issue. Yeah. The healthcare in Europe is very socialist, you have to like, wait in line to see, you know, your regular doctor. You have to wait in line. I mean, COVID just impacted that even more  but the healthcare system, according in Europe, according to Forbes or anywhere else where they might say, oh, top 10 healthcare in the world, or top 10 countries with the best healthcare.


And the Netherlands tends to come up. I actually don't see it. I see the other side of the coin where I've lived and it wasn't the best healthcare. I actually think that here in the US, it's more progressive, it's more preventative. They're much more reactive. So for example, something as simple as an annual pap smear.


You know, in the Netherlands, they don't start until you're 30 years old, which by all accounts is way too late because children, teenagers are already sexually active by the time they're like 16 or 18, you know what I mean? And so it's like, you need to be having those annual checks from earlier on, not until you're 30, cuz by the time you're 30, you're gonna have like some sort of cancer in you, you know, and it's gonna go unnoticed.


So it's one of those things where I disagree a lot with the healthcare system in Europe. I think it's very, middle ages. I don't think it's progressive at all and I am not preventative whatsoever. And on top of it, there's long wait lines. It's a long queue and even if you wanted to pay out of pocket, you have no option to  having a baby over there was very,  was very scary on many accounts because I didn't see a doctor once everything was the midwife and the midwife has a hundred percent of the control.


And so it's like these things that are very different for me coming from the US where you get tons of checks, you get to see a doctor at every, you know, almost every appointment it's those differences that to me make a big difference, but then also, what you said to me, even before I even thought about moving to, to Europe where I was going to have quote, unquote, a bunch of like health issues, it did happen.


It did happen and so this is why I wanted to bring you on to the podcast and I know maybe not, everyone's going to take it in and, and just swallow it, like their cup of coffee. But at the same time, I do wanna plant the seed that, you know, if you've really tried everything. This is part of it like to really dive deep, cuz maybe where you live right now, for those of, for those of, of clients or those of my listeners who are single and, and you know, fancy free, as you mentioned, this would be a good option if you're, you know, married and you have kids, I know that that gets a little more convoluted, but it's still not impossible.


Especially if there's three kids, four kids. Oh man. That's the hardest thing for me to do, cuz I know at least two or one, it's probably not gonna get their best location. However, as you mentioned earlier, and this is true for feng shui too, they wanna make sure the parents have the best location. Cause they have to take care of those kids.


They have to be. Provide love and harmony between them as well, right? And hopefully the kids get to an age where either they're gonna go off to college, so you could pick the best college location, or eventually they'll go off and get a job and then they're gonna live on their own. So although ideally it would be nice for us to grow up and live with our parent near our parents, if we love them and have a family meeting every week or every month, that has been the case for most people for years now, you know, my parents live on the east coast.


I live in California, then I live in Hawaii. My Older brother, upstate New York and another brother in Canada. And we were mobile and we tend to not necessarily stay close to home and have that every Friday meeting or every Sunday afternoon get together. Yeah, but yeah, no, I would say if someone is Footloose and fancy free, but having a great time stay where you are , but I was gonna say what you were talking about sharing your story is really, as I would say, an illustration of your map, because somebody who has Jupi.


Say in Netherlands would say it's the best healthcare in the world. And besides I'm hardly ever sick  I never needed. Yeah, no. And what I don't like about American or United, you know, the so-called modern healthcare of the United States is they're quick to cut off your gall bladder instead of telling you that you should cut out the oils.


they'll give you something for your heartburn, instead of saying stop eating junk food and, or your obesity might be because you're using a microwave and needing too much sugar and carbohydrates. I mean, you know, the healthcare here is kind of pretty lame. That'll give you a pharmaceutical. Before they give you a homeopathic homeopathy, which there used to be five homeopathic colleges in the United States.


And you got basically run out off the continent at the same time. Midwives got run out and herbologists and any natural medicine, because you can't patent that stuff. You can't charge for procedures. I mean, a homeopathic remedy is like 10 bucks to 15 bucks.  and you can't patent it. So no one's making big money on it, you know?


Right. That's why you don't see on, it's not even considered. Legal, but that's all I've been using all my life.  thank God. And as far as I know, the queen of England used it. Albert Einstein used it, got to use it very, any pharmacy in Europe, you can get homeopathics. When I was in Italy, I've lost my AA. A by the way, 30 X it's good for jet lag or after a dentist, or anytime you feel beat up, it doesn't have to be just for bruises and sprains.


So I went into a pharmacy in Italy, in Rome and bought a bottle, a little tube OFA  so, so there is a. But I have good energy in Europe. You don't  well, when I'm traveling, you know, and that's the other question I had was like, I've traveled to so many different countries and I've always enjoyed all my travels and nothing major has ever happened.


Like nothing bad majorly has ever happened. Okay. Maybe some lost luggage here and there, but I mean, that's kind of like out of your control outside of that though, would you say that, that when you travel, let's say for a two week vacation to Mexico, for example, would the stars like shift automatically or how soon does everything shift?


Way I would say is this way, cuz that comes up frequently. So you can, and I always try to say, as clearly at the beginning of a consultation, you can travel anywhere as for vacation and likely have a very good time. But it also depends on your personal energy in terms, I don't mean your birth chart, but your what's called the transits.


Right? The changing influences. Right? So if you having good transits in a, in a best location, it's gonna be great. And if you have it in the let's call it the unfavorable location, you could still have a great vacation. How, how do we know how much greater is greater? Right. It's it's good.  okay. But if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, And here, I think of my usual example is John F.


Kennedy going to Dallas now in Dallas, he had the Mars line, which is violence and Pluto line, which as I said, was death and rebirth, like being shorthanded. It's the planet of tragedies. So he has Mars and Pluto and people live on Mars and Pluto usually have tragic stories to tell. And if they've lived on that combination for years and years, they pretty much have post-traumatic stress syndrome.


Cause they're already anticipating when's the next crash and burn or when's the next violent thing, or whether it's rape or their house burns down on fire or their kid has a drug problem or, uh, and usually they have immune system problems as a result of that constant stress intention. And even before that, they already feel twisted and noded inside.


So that's a good indication. You're not living in the right place, stomach issues, digestive issues, all probably relates to that. So you had that Pluto energy going pretty much right through Germany. Uh, so it influences the Netherland. It influences probably all the always over to, I don't know, quite to, um, hungry and Poland probably as well.


And of course that would also include all of Greece and probably most of Italy, not Northern Italy, but at least maybe up to, uh, Florence and something. Right. Then you had Mars, which is violence, looking at your mat by the way,  Mars, which is kind of intense, but could be a lot of initially cuz it's energy, energy, energy going right along the ESE mountains.


Spain and France, but then you have Saturn and Jupiter going straight up through pretty much the middle of France. So the Jupiter is the fun times and Saturn is the critical judgemental or uptight times. So that's why I said a couple of weeks there. This should be a great trip. Now I used to go back to where I was born on my Saturn line, as I mentioned, but it was also Jupiter.


I'd say it took about 10 days. Before I start feeling that heaviness of Saturn. Oh, where I feel like my neck is coming forward, protect my heart  or my body language. Right. And where I'd start feeling this burden of responsibility. And all I'm doing is visiting my parents and having fun on park avenue, doing readings and having, you know, people calling a cab for me.


So after several trips of two weeks, I started going only for 10 days.  I explained it to my cousin, Bobby, who's only two weeks older than me who just has Saturn in, in New York city. And he says he fills it within two days coming back. He just really feels angry and gripping. And just like, I gotta get outta this cage.


Yeah. So it's gonna be different for everybody. The time of day you were born has to relate to you as the teacher, the pre of the world, traveler, the philosopher, the one who wants to know everything and from every point of view, right. And of course that's what you do. You can promote a product, like thank you for promoting me  and with your enthusiasm, that's what gives you that beautiful smile.


um, okay. But now put you into Netherlands. A lot of that starts to become, you're trying to make the best of a situation say, or keeping that optimistic view. It will get better. Okay. But it keeps on rolling the boulderer up the hill bit. Rolling back down on you until finally you went, I get it. I'm outta here.


And so you're a good illustration that, and this is, uh, I think, uh, Victor Franco, um, this was this like one of Freud's. Other students, like  young was one of Freud's students. He wrote a book called in search of meaning. Yes, I've read. It was a brilliant to explain what we all tend to do. We look to give meaning to what's happening.


Well, it's because of the cold weather or it's because of the, this, or because of that. Right. And instead, if we look a little more subtly with more, as we like to say in functionally function, way eyes, you know, if there's a being going straight across the bed horizontally. Right, right. And so over the chest, it's likely to be lung problem, but maybe the man being more of a stronger constitution than his wifely next to him might not suffer as quickly as she does with say, breast cancer.


Another home I visited was going over their gut. She being a, what do you call it? A drill master type. What do you call it? A cardio, uh, athletic, uh, yeah, calisthenics, uh, teacher. He was having an emotionally sensitive guy that he was, he was having digestive issues, irritable bowel syndrome. And now logically you look at the beam.


It's not gonna fall on you. It's bolted in there, but it's the primitive brain. So-called the reptilian brain that says what if. And you can't win an argument with what if, yeah. It's just neurotic.  so what if, and if the beam is over the bed and you're saying, what if it falls, then you're not gonna sleep well all night, you're gonna wiggle around trying to get out from under it, but there's no getting out from under it.


You know, likewise, if there's a door to the immediate left or right, you can't wiggle out of the, the direct line of the door. So that person has their eye open all night, even if they're sleeping and that's gonna undermine the, the immune system, because it's gonna weaken the, the adrenals or the fight or flight being in fight or flight all night long, can't be healthy.


biology of belief is a great book for people to read. If they haven't or go online, watch videos with Bruce Lipton. L I P T O N. Oh yeah. He really explains it. He's really brilliant. Yeah, he's a neuroscientist. So he is not some very fairy guy.  okay. Some medical establishment doesn't listen to him. He says it's not genetic.


Determinism, you know, if you have a breast cancer, gene doesn't mean you should lo off your breast. He says just don't be in a state of anxiety and don't turn on the gene. Exactly, exactly. Yeah. Epigenetics. I talk about that too, with my clients. So it's not the, the planets that create the, the chaos. You might say when the health issue, it's how your body is just trying to deal with harsh vibrations or energy.


That's why, when you come back now, you're in Southern California now, right? I'm in Southern California right now. Yep. For now. Which I'm I looking at? It's your Venus line, right? The goddess of love, art and beauty. There's definitely lots of love. It's so good to see family, and it's great to see friends and it's great to be back, you know, where I'm from.


I, I love Southern California. So, uh, and then back in the states in general, it's just such a sigh of relief. I was getting very, um, annoyed to say the least with, um, with the situation in Europe. Yeah. Miami, wasn't so good for you. Right? I loved Miami. Actually. I loved Miami, the internal sunshine, the 85 degree weather all year.


I absolutely loved it. And, uh, how long were you there for like five years? I was in Miami for like five years. I didn't, you know, I didn't thrive a hundred percent in every area of my life, but in many areas I did. And I absolutely know that I love the heat. And I don't like the cold. You like, like, like myself in New York, you had Saturn and Jupiter.


So there is the benefactor. I mean, I grew up in New York with museums and operas and all this stuff as a kid. I mean, not many kids in New York get to enjoy all that. Culture. Sure. And I also had a free education that in charge tuition in city schools until I, the year I left 1968 . Wow. So there's a lot of benefits and I love New York.


I love a lot to every time I go there. Yeah. But it's also Saed so that would be as a, now you're more Jupyter type person to start with, whereas I'm more of a Saturn person. So my bones and joints and teeth, etcetera, were going to be compromised early in life. Whereas your Jupiter energy from your birth chart gives you more vitality, more strength in your bones and joints to start with.


But nevertheless in Florida, because it's so close to both of those lines, there would be that Saturn seriousness seeping in from time to time, that feeling of aloneness from time to time or being the moody intellectual  or being pensive. Cause she wouldn't be absolutely be depressed. No, I found myself definitely contemplating my future in Miami.


Like what was next? Yeah. What was gonna happen? Yeah, so, and you eventually left mm-hmm  cause I would suspect that by the time you left, you started feeling like it was a cage or limited in some way. Oh, definitely. Yeah. It was a limiting, uh, a limiting situation. I definitely felt that you're right. So you can see there's two energies.


That's why I would call it a mixed bag. Cause you lot to, oh, I love that go. But then, then on the other hand, right? Uh, where I live it's right now in the, if we're lucky this month it'll be in the high seventies. Wow. Is July . Yeah, it sounds like New Mexico, almost New Mexico can be this way in Santa Fe at times I was gonna ask you Elliot.


So how often does someone need a consult? Because for example, my first consult back in like 2015, 16 was for maybe three, four years out. So does this mean that I would need a consult every five years or. 10 years, or really kinda depends on either your inclinations or your quite frankly, people don't usually, well, let me start it differently.


A map reading is once it it's for life and because I record it and I take the map and I don't, if you remember, I color shade in all the best places and shade in all those places. And that leaves a lot of in between places I would say are questionable. And as much as I like to be precise, You can't because we're dealing with vibration and we're measuring the influence of vibration mm-hmm


At what point does it fade away and become negligible? Only one way to know you drive or walk across, which enough people have done over the years. And given me feedback back, go closed my mind. They drove from Colorado to California back again. They knew exactly where in the Rocky mountains, the energy changed.


Wow. I mean, it was like just middle Italy to France about, he knew exactly where that energy from where he was leaving this heavy Saturn energy suddenly became, I feel like getting out of the car and dancing. And so it's really very vibrationally, visceral, not just intellectual. And relationships health now career, you could be successful anywhere.


I mean, Kennedy, he was a president. He wrote two good books, but he was depressed. He suffered from almost died five times, probably a Loveless marriage, cuz he was a womanizer. He was only 18 or 16 different drugs cuz he had so many different help and he was a lonely guy. He had no must accept his brother, Bobby and a harsh father.


And I think people might know his biography, but Camelot, everybody can see the out of veneer of the handsome guy bring. You know, class to the, to, to the president say, right. But he, now, if he took my advice, he went to California, live on his Venus line, be a happy governor.  fall in love with someone beautiful, like Marilyn Monroe.


So everything changes. Of course, Marilyn Monroe was living in the wrong place as well. And she was on Neptune. So there was problems with addictions and health and alcohol eventually killed her drugs and alcohol, but she never felt like she was being recognized as an artist. Cuz Neptune tends to be invisible.


It's the God of the ocean. You can't box that. So, you know, it's a beautiful place. It's successful place, but what price? Glory. Yeah. What price glory. So I left my paradise. Not so much because I'm such a good father and wanna make sure my kid has the best life. That's part of it. But because I don't want him to be bugging my life with all his problems.


Exactly, exactly. Yeah. So do my thing too. Yeah. The other day I, I ran across, um, some, uh, some family, friends who have a child and since birth, he's had, um, health issues and I thought of you because he's not even two years old and it's just been consistent. It's either, you know, the broken foot, it's the, you know, asthma or it's, uh, poison Oak.


And it's just, and it's just consistently, it's like every six months we hear something's going on. And I, and I thought of you, I was like, maybe he's on a line where, where it's not good for the child. I can't say definitely with certitude, but probably definitely . Yeah. I totally thought of you for that.


The kid that we left Hawaii or actually was born. San Francisco, you know, cuz uh, my wife was uh, 40 years old and OBG said, uh, you're kind of in a delicate situation. The baby's already crowning. You have to be able to lie down wherever you go. If you go anywhere, you can't stand up for too long or the baby will come out.


I said, well, we're going back to Hawaii. She says, no, you're not going back to Hawaii. You fly up. The baby comes down.  so we stayed in California. Fortunately I was able to go to Northern California at the time. It signed up for the Renaissance fair up there. So I was able to keep doing, you know, make a good income still, but it was his Pluto line and the kid almost died.


Wow. It's just amazing. And as soon as we left there, back to Southern California first, uh, he started to at least fill out again in become a normal little baby California. Hawaii started to again, keep him somewhat contracted so you can see the changes. Uh, Jim Lewis, that it, I was mentioning the designer inventor, if you will, or creator of the system, he has an, he wrote a book finally, where he took someone a woman's diary of her trip from Greece across Europe.


And what her di how her diary matched up to her line, starting on with the Pluto line. Like what I said you have in say Germany and that whole area Pluto is always initially ecstatic. It's wonderful. It's passion. It's powerful. It's wow. But after two, three weeks, maybe a month starts to go through the other extreme.


Right? So she was on her Pluto line for a whole month and a half. She started off in Greece and this guy just knew everything that I, that I, that as a man I'd never experienced before, but it's, as she further traveled on her Pluto line, she almost got right by a band of gypsies up in Romania  oh, no. So from the high that's why you don't wanna live there or that's where, uh, echo back to your initial question.


How often do you get a consultation? The map, as I said is pretty much set. Although some people really can't retain that knowledge cuz it's not their language. It's kind of foreign language for a lot of people. So they may, okay. Three years later they say, okay, I'm really now ready to leave. And um, I would like to review my options again, that's reasonable astrologically.


We have a birth chart and a birth chart might be a reading of your whole life, your purpose in life, your lessons in life, what the potential health issues are, which in some locations will manifest sooner than later. Right? Eventually I did start having arthritis in 1983, likely for my chart pattern, but I went to my homeopathy and cost to Mesa who unfortunately is dead.


Now. He died a few years ago. Oh boy. And uh, three days later I didn't have arthritis anymore. 77. I still don't have arthritis in my hands. The transits. You know, the, the changing energies. Okay. That's what every year or periodically someone comes back and gets. So in my initial reading for you, I probably gave you some suggestions is what the rhythm of your destiny might look like over the years to come in terms of when you might feel like you're expanding and more career driven.


And, and I actually have your chart here. Where are you at now? Well, right now, you're at the top of the charts for the last few years. So you're here, we are on your show.  so you're at the top of the charts, the limelight, and you just moved it to the next phase, which has to do with perhaps more of a.


Concentration of your power, right? Or how should I say be more entrepreneurial, starting to create more of your own new ideas? Right? So say somebody who's working for a travel agency may decide to open their own travel agency, right. Or someone who's been a cutter for somebody else renting a station decides to have their own salon.


And so it's that, you know, and I would say this way, if you've been in the fast lane for the last few years, it's gonna get even faster for the next year or two.  good to know. Where was your career driven? You have the babies. How do you take the baby, uh, to work with you? Right.  as opposed to 14 years ago, when I'd say you were at the bottom of the charts, uh, or fif 16, 15 years ago.


And then we were more of a reclusiveness, maybe dealing with family problems, emotional issues or your self-image issues, or maybe in a relationship that wasn't quite working out. So that's the transits, you know, in terms of the big picture. Okay. Um, And if we talk about John Kennedy, again, let's say he went to the wrong place, Mars and Pluto.


At the wrong time, he was, had a transit of the planet, Saturn going over his Mars. And so it activated the likelihood, wherever he lived of accidents or body problems, health problems, especially with the bones of the joints or more contentness litigation could be variations. You know, it depends on the other factors, but he went to a place where it's definitely destruction so wrong.


Now, if he went can only speculate a week or two earlier, a month later, maybe the bullet would've grazed his forehead still would've been remarkable news. But it might not have been assassinated. Right. Or maybe he would've bumped his head even . So the wrong place, how often have you, or maybe other colleagues in your industry have looked at like historical people or events and have said, wow, this is online or on par with this person's Astro photography, you know, in this case we have JFK, but are there other people or other, uh, political world events where, where things have happened and it's like right on the money, so to speak.


Definitely. So let me, of course preface by saying that's not my specialty. Okay. My specialty is one of the personal connection to human. Yeah. But there are other people who. They're thrill mundane astrology, it's called world astrology. They, they look at the maps of each country for when it was perhaps, uh, incorporated.


Or we look at our United States when the constitution was written, you know, or when we declared independence. So they make charts for all these moments of beginnings. And then they track the transits. You know, how things are activated over hundreds of years or centuries. And some people go on thousands of years millennia.


Okay. It's just, I don't care about that stuff enough to want to delve into it, but I like reading about it so I can answer your question. No, absolutely. I'm fascinated too nine and a half years. It takes Saturn to go around the whole Zodiac to come back to its own. Okay. So that's one thing that we that's clockable for everybody.


And that's a, Saturn's other name, old father time, you know, the guy with the sickle in one hand and an hourglass than the other  yep. The sands of time have run out. If you look at the cartoon, it's time to collect karma, another name for the Saturn. So between 28 and 30, not birthday of birthday, necessarily all of some people it is cause of other factors.


But basically between those two years, people go through a time of self examination and introspection and identity crises. And sometimes it's all about their parents or about children or about jobs. And it's a time for self examination. So a lot of marriages might end at that time because it's just too frustrating or it's just not working or jobs, people change careers.


But the masses, of course, they tend to stay numb. They don't wake up. And so maybe they just drink more alcohol and wait until it's all passes and then they get back to a good time  but the rest of us. If we can watch this happening. Cause that happens every basically seven, eight years that there's an identity crisis, not as much as 2018, around 21, 22, 36, 43, 44.


That one's actually called a midlife crisis for a lot of people. 42, I should say 43 or 43 44. And they have to go again, do self-examination. What have I been doing in my life? And what am I gonna be doing in my life? That ideally is what they're doing. Self-examination again, most people don't do that.


They just crash and burn, break a leg or whatever and go I'm suffering. Yeah. 52 53 58, 60. A second Saturn return, right? That's clockable. Then there's Saturn relationship to the sun sign or Mars or SA or, or the rising sign. All of those could be critical ages too, for on and off through one year of life between nine and.


Months usually takes just like it takes nine months to give birth  or like that analogy. Yeah. Pluto number, the plan of death and rebirth that one takes 260 years to go around one time. So not so clockable in an individual's life, but now it's going through the sign of Capricorn. So it might have been, and it goes slowly.


Like I dunno, 14 years, 16 years though, people were born the early part of Capricorn back in. I think it would be, uh, maybe 2008 might have started to experience some challenges from Pluto. And now. Wherever it is. Those people are having challenges with Pluto, from their birth chart. Okay. And going through some sort of crises, if they're living in the worst location, it's traumatic and tragic.


And if they're living in the best location, it's still a challenge. Yeah. Just not as maybe severe, although who am I to judge? What severe is for somebody, right. It's too much, you know, small pebble, the pebble is still is an irritation, right? The United States, the birth chart for the United States. And there's a few different variations that people speculate, but the one that most people use has Pluto making it return now.


So we're in a Pluto return. A Pluto return of well death and destruction, perhaps, you know, crises with guns, for example, militant groups, uh, the crises in government, um, in order it's time for a detox. That's what Pluto eventually does. Uh, and terms of parts of the body Pluto rules, that part of the liver that has to do a detoxification.


Ju of course the big planet has to do with assimilation.  how we, how we nurture ourselves blue out detoxification. So the United States is going through a big detox for the last year. And it's gonna pretty much start to phase out somewhere is after February of 2023. So we can, we should see more stability in our government, for example.


Right. But I mean, look at. The, the crazy ideas and the theories and the conspiracy theories. And I mean, it's really just amazing. If you flip over a log, what do you see? You see what's going on in the United States?  right. It's crazy. And each side thinks the other side is evil, right? So those are the big pictures.


I, you know, one guy who predicted Toman square in China, based on the transit of the planet, Uranus, as it was hitting the location of where the moon was rising in the chart of Chi of the Chinese, what do you call it? China, the modern Chinese Republic. Yeah. I said it was gonna be chaos and yeah. So, yeah, but oh then sta and, and Pluto came together.


In 2019, cause Saturn move faster, caught up the Pluto, right? Every 28 years. So that happened in 2019. And so the prediction from many astrologists, myself included would be there, be likely some kind of conflict between conscious and unconscious use of power. Saturn is conscious and Pluto's the, the, the unconscious that needs to come into consciousness.


So it'd be likely to be some kind of world. This was world tragedy, not just United States. There'd be some sort of world tragedy, right? Only one astrologer. I know, of course there may be others that I don't know said, but Neptune is involved and Neptune has to do with things that are invisible and hard to see.


Wow. So what kind of tragedy do we have? One with the virus? Mm-hmm . I mean, so interesting. It's so interesting really is, but that answers your question. I believe everything. And really the metaphysics behind all this, which is really the important part is that everything is on time. You know, every, every relationship, even if it ends in divorce is a match made in heaven.


You might call it cuz it's karma. You have to grow through however many divorces before you can finally get. I, I burning up that Carmen that brought you into that problem in the first place. Now I speculate that. I think that people don't usually call me for an update of transits when they're having a good time, who cares, what, what the plants are doing, I'm having a good time, but when they hit one of those crises years, you know, they're on the phone, Elliot, what's going on.


Some people though wanna know every year, is this gonna be an easy year or is this gonna be a challenging year, right? Or when are the bumps in the road through the year? So as I get to the bump, I can slow down before I hit it and go over as easy as possible in three weeks, maybe. And then speed up again until the next bump and then slow down.


So I'm not one of those kind of astrologers that are doom and gloom, or we'll say bad things are gonna happen. Except to speculate as I did for you. When you went to Europe, it's likely not gonna be a, a long term fund project.  you're gonna wanna leave eventually, which is not your, not your location. Yeah.


After the second year  I was ready to leave. Um, so Elliot, any last words that you would like to share with our audience? Um, how can we reach you? Anything else that we, that you would like for our listeners to know about Astra photography and what you do. Oh, thank you. Uh, actually it should have been easy for you to Google my name and come up right away with a whole page of Elliot Tanza stuff.


okay. Um, or if you put an actual Elliot tan or an Astro cartography, Astro stars, Carto C R T O. That means map and graphe is how we plot it and how we make the plotting. So astrocartography um, and you can get free ones downloaded from the internet from for free, but they're half the size of what I work with and their, their guidelines that they give you is like one fourth of what I feel is reality.


So although you can run your cursor over the map, and I'll say here's the interpretation for a specific area. It's a very limited interpretation, not necessarily including, well, Hey, you got Venus there. It's golden and glit. And they might not be noticing that Saturn is too close, also understand. Um, so my email is always the best thing, cuz I check that frequently and that's my initials.


E T E call home E Elliot and Elliot is spelled with one T some people wanna put three Ts in there. Two for Elliot went for tansor. So I make an issue of it. So you remember it, E L L I OT, T a N Z E And that's, that's also my website www Elliot And there's a video on my website of a presentation I did at the London Shui conference in 2008.


I think it was, um, it was basically just a talking. That was videoed, but I illustrated with all the maps and the different kind and what the meaning of each planet is and showing it, you know, something to symbolize it. Um, and at the end of that, as well, as on my website, I do have a book called evaluating actual photography maps.


Um, for those people who are mathematical or good at following instructions, or, you know, they can do it themselves that comes with the video, uh, one hour DVD that's, uh, demonstrates how I process a map, you know, prep, both for those that were, that used to be printed in the United States. And those printed in the United in the UK have slightly different formats, uh, visually.


Um, but I do have a book on Shui that everybody should have.  my fun book is the basic foundation for all the systems. So I don't teach you Shui comp school or. Buddhist, SWE, I teach you what those schools are based on for foundation, which is called land form fun way. In words, the structure of site, the room configuration, where's the bad relationship to a door and so forth.


So it's all in a checklist. So you don't even have to read the whole book. You go down the checklist, see what applies to you. Turn to the page. There's a solution, a description, et cetera. But I suggest everyone read my introduction, cuz it has to do with how our in system responds to certain energies or cheap.


And that's where, why we can say a house is gonna kill someone or create health issues. Because of the way their, their adrenal system, basically their immune system is reacting to these unseen things like the beam over the bed or a bathroom on the other side of the wall of where the headboard is that usually always lung problems.


So again, we don't necessarily predict that that's what's gonna happen. It's the book knowledge it's likely to happen. Mm-hmm  and whether it's astrology or any kind of predictive system like that, economics or weather it's based on the theory of probability. If something's happened a thousand times, it'll probably happen 1,001 and two and three.


But, like I said about people who said Saturn and Pluto, it's gonna be some kind of pan, you know, some sort of crises, world crises mask. Yeah. But only one person noticed this one little detail Neptune would be involved. So it wasn't gonna be a volcano going off and darkening the sky. It's gonna be a pandemic.


Yeah. So, so you, no astrology is necessarily gonna be, you know, watching every little detail. And there are some who do a much better job perhaps than I do in certain regards. But when it comes to transits where they could actually say, well, you're gonna have these kind of challenges related to the family and not to business and specify, I would usually do it more of a broader rush stroke.


This is a time of caution. Don't sign contracts, don't buy a house, don't get married. They fall in love. It'll probably be a, a, a loser, you know, things like that. So this is a time for caution. And now here's the time for action. Take, put pedal in the metal, buy a house, do what you want fall in love, or see what opportunities come to you.


And, you know, those are the ones you can take advantage of that will benefit you. Yeah. That's where the, the yearly stuff comes in. You know, knowing when to. Put the pedal to the metal and went to the hole back or when not to get cosmetic surge cosmetic surgery, because it's just gonna look like you're going, like you didn't do nothing at all.


or it won't be done properly because it's just an illusion that you're going, oh, I feel like I don't look so beautiful anymore after the transit's over. Oh, I look just fine.  so this all, all goes back to the metaphysics. We choose to maintain incarnate, cuz it's Optum for our soul's evolution today, we're gonna die.


We'll die. Whether we're healthier or not, we wanna live good. So we have a good life. As we get older and older, instead of dying of all kinds of misfortune. This is definitely one more tool for anyone's toolbox so that they can apply it in their own lives. And this is just one more avenue to optimize, um, health, wealth, abundance, happiness, you know, because again, struggling is optional and if you know that there's another way or a better way, why not choose it?


So thank you so much, Elliot, for all your wisdom. For sharing what you do for helping me and all my friends and family with, uh, as photography and all your, uh, skills, because this is definitely it's, it's definitely an eye opener. And for those of you who like to travel a lot, I mean, I've looked at my map personally, and I can see exactly which countries, which places are, you know, Harmonize with me, make me feel like it's my birthday every day, versus those places where I'm like, Ugh, I really have to go there, whether it's for work or, you know, for anything else.


So there's definitely something there that even before meeting Elliot where anyone could feel, but then now it's a, it's almost like. Consecrates it. And deciding where you live is, is imperative. I mean, that's, that's your community, that's your family. That's, that's where you want to thrive. And so this is just another tool for your toolkit for that.


So thank you again, Elliot, for all your information and amazing knowledge. Appreciate your calling me and asking for me to share with you all. And, and, uh, I'm glad to see your smile is ear to ear  yes, yes, definitely. When the sun is out, I'm happy. I'm happy as can be and the sun is out today, so. Perfect.


Well, thank you again, and I will go ahead and, um, email you so that we can get a consult going on here. Hey, here shortly. Oh, Hey, pleasure visiting with you again. And I look forward to, uh, talking to you in private again, and, um, thank you again for inviting me. It's a pleasure. Yeah, my pleasure. Anybody who I say, who feels like they've been struggling their whole life and they continue struggling.


That's their karma. But I often feel like when someone says I'm ready for changes and they call me, they're also ready to move on from a, a life of struggle. Absolutely. We can change our karma. Can't we? Yeah. Well, there's three karmas. We call it one's these star karma, which you can read from your stars or one of the other systems, Chinese astrology, whatever.


And that's what you're born with, but that's not what's faded to happen. It just shows you what you're. How should I say inclined to do right. In other words, it doesn't Appel. We say Intels now, what do you, how do you live your life? You know, you living your life with good food and good exercise already.


You're changing some of the health karma. You could change your  and already you might be improving your health karma. And if you change your location, even though sometimes it is difficult. If you have family, children, grandchildren, you gotta make a choice. Yeah. And fortunately, uh, you can make those choices if you want.


Otherwise. Put up with what you gotta put up with. Right. Uh, but if you could change your location, that means you're changing your karma also, you know, or your karma has been changed. So you're able to move on  which came first. Okay. And you're burning up your karma. Eventually. You're gonna be like a Phoenix coming out of the ashes when you're ready for that.


Some people, it takes a lifetime, maybe more than one lifetime and other people can do it earlier. Everything's possible. I love that. Whether you take yourself with you, wherever you go, you still have to work out your emotional issues. You still have to, you know, stay healthy and do what you gotta do to change your karma.


In that regard of which action you can take, that's where free will comes in. Amen to that. Everything's a choice and an option. I love it. Thank you so much, Elliot, all the best to you and talk to you soon. You too. Bye bye. Take care.

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