Episode 34: How to Mitigate Vicious Cycles of Hair Loss


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

Today’s episode of the podcast is about How to Mitigate Vicious Cycles of Hair Loss



  • How can you alleviate hair loss

  • Understanding stress

  • What you can do during hair loss

  • What are the things you should be focusing on instead of stress

  • Importance of evaluation and consultation



  • What you can control gives more control. 1:44

  • Focus on everything you can control. 1:52

  • Healing for good is to understand exactly all the lessons 2:33

  • The Stress is just a small apart of the big picture 3:00

  • 90% of clients see hair growth in less than eight weeks. 4:47

  • Three keys understanding how to mitigate 5:33



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Johanna Dahlman on Healing Alopecia Naturally

Why does Alopecia Persist? Why has it been months, years and more struggling with hairloss? 

2022 — State of Your Health and Hair Update

The Million Dollar Question with Alopecia and How You Can Solve It Today!

Learn How You Can Heal and Reverse Alopecia

All Episodes



Awaken to hair growth. Awaken to hair growth because there is, possibility to get your hair back. Awaken to hair growth because we're not told that we're able to conquer and overcome alopecia. Awaken to hair growth because I want to be a positive light and beacon for you because I've healed my alopecia and now I help others do the same with different types of alopecia, men, women, children, of all ages, of all races and ethnicities.


Hello everybody and welcome back to the alopecia angel podcast, awakened to hair growth. I am your host, Johanna Dahlman and today we are talking about “Tips to help you during stressful times that might create hair loss”.


So a lot of times, people like to say alopecia is due to stress, and I will say that's a very, very small piece to the puzzle, to the overarching big picture of alopecia. Alopecia is like a thousand piece puzzle and stress is just one little piece. The thing about stress is that we can be overstressing ourselves in many ways and it's not just one thing or another, it has a different taste to everybody. 


So for example, if I was gonna taste, let's say a dish, a new dish, a new recipe, and my brother, my sister taste it and my mom taste it. We can all describe that dish differently. We can all have a different Perspective, on how it tastes like if it's sweet, bitter, pungent, or if it's salty, or if it's spicy, or if it's this, or it's that and then of course, if we like it or not, and the same token, it happens with stress and so these are some tips to help you understand stress a little bit more and then help you also focus on what you can do to mitigate the stress. 


So, first and foremost, you wanna focus on what you can control because on what you can control gives more control. Mind, body, and spirit It gives you more control. So focus on everything you can control and then focus on the consistency, cuz once you're consistent, then there's less leeway for error. Right? and for mishaps.


And I say this because  I've had alopecia areata. It was going into Totales. I reversed it. I healed it, but then I'm sure people are wondering, but then what happens if I have like a life event and I've had my life events, I've gotten pregnant. I've had a pregnancy after alopecia. Since after I recovered, I had my full hair and I still have my full hair. I've moved several times and I still have my full hair. I've had stressful. You know, situations I've been through COVID and I still have my full hair and the key to this, the key to healing and healing for good is to understand exactly all the lessons that I give all the tools and learnings that I give within the hair and heal program.


Because this way, it helps you to mitigate and helps you to put it into action. If I didn't put these lessons and these learnings into action, then I'd probably be seen another cycle of alopecia, but you can say no to the cycles with putting everything into action and that's just exactly what, what that is.


So the stress is just a small part of the big picture and understand that stress will always be. Whether it's good stress or bad stress, but stress is actually a good thing to an extent, right?

Just like water is good for you, but drinking a full gallon of water in less than two minutes is not good for you, but drinking a gallon throughout the day is good for you. Does that make sense? So, there's ways to balance things out and so we want to balance out our stress and I know a lot of you are under a lot of stress in general because of COVID, because of finances, because of work, because of remote situation, because of kids doing homeschooling and because of numerous other factors.


I can't imagine that I've heard from clients, but the list goes on what can stress us out. But then again, it's also a mindset, you know, if I know that, say for example, waiting in line at the post office stresses me out, then maybe I do so first thing in the morning, or maybe, you know, I have them pick it up or maybe I do a courier service or maybe there's something else. If traffic at 4:00 PM stresses me out. Well, then there are other options. Instead of me having to drive through traffic, maybe there's another route I could take. Maybe there's public transportation. Maybe I can just eliminate that commute altogether, there are many options to mitigating stress and what causes us stress.


Does that make sense? and so this is where I want your mind to think, cuz this is how I think, this is how I think when it comes to a problem, any problem, really, I try to circumvent and see how best and how efficiently we can get the results that we want to obtain without causing extra effort and time but then also reducing the time in general to resolve the problem. So for example, in the hair and heal program, clients see hair growth , 90% of clients see hair growth in less than eight weeks. Let me say that again, 90% of clients see hair growth in less than eight weeks and if you're losing hair, then the hair shedding stops anywhere from four to six weeks on average.


And that's a beautiful thing because once you stop the shedding, then you can go straight into hair growth and this is the key because instead of waiting months, instead of trying a bunch of medications that we know is not gonna work. This is actually giving you takeoff into hair growth so that you can continue to see it.


And so understanding really how to mitigate it, how to understand it and how to circumvent it, is to the best of your ability is the best for you and this is where consultations come in. This is where the evaluation comes in, so that I can speak, to your specific problem, whether it's stress from one area or stress from another.


But really those are the three keys understanding how to mitigate. Understanding and putting into action, everything that you can put into control in your environment, because you can, you can control many things, including your perspective on stress and your perspective on how you respond to stress and stressful events you can.


And so, It doesn't mean you will have stress or high stress for a long period of time, but then it's also learning the tools and the lessons to lessen it, on a daily basis and then understanding how to prepare for it. When let's say, for example, you're moving, or a new job, or a new life event happens, and sometimes you don't have enough time to prepare for it, but you can quickly put those lessons in that you've learned from the hair and heal program and so this is key so that you can mitigate it all and bounce back into life.


And so, again, even me after healing, alopecia, after reversing everything, I've had the life events, I've had pregnancies, I've had, stressful events. I've had COVID, I've had moves and not just from city to city, but from country to country.


And still yet, even within all this stress. I'm able to mitigate the hair loss. I'm able to recoup and bounce back swiftly and in less time. And that's the idea, you know, it's not just to heal, but it's also to have these lessons lifelong, so that you don't have to experience hair loss in a devastating way. Any at any point again in your life and again, it takes education, action, but then also, remembering these things and so this is key to your success.


I look forward to speaking to you on the next podcast. Take care. 


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