Episode 38: Who gets alopecia? 


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

Today’s episode of the podcast is about Who Gets Alopecia?



  • How can you alleviate hair loss
  • Understanding stress
  • What you can do during hair loss
  • What are the things you should be focusing on instead of stress
  • Importance of evaluation and consultation



  • You have the option to heal in less time. - 2:44
  • There's always more room to learn - 6:53
  • So alopecia doesn't discriminate.Anyone can get it and anyone can heal. Everyone can heal. - 9:44



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Learn More About The Hair N Heal Program

Johanna Dahlman on Healing Alopecia Naturally

Why does Alopecia Persist? Why has it been months, years and more struggling with hairloss? 

2022 — State of Your Health and Hair Update

The Million Dollar Question with Alopecia and How You Can Solve It Today!

Learn How You Can Heal and Reverse Alopecia

All Episodes



Awaken to hair growth. Awaken to hair growth because there is possibility to get your hair back. Awaken to hair growth because we're not told that we're able to conquer and overcome alopecia. Awaken to hair growth because I want to be a positive light and beacon for you because I've healed my alopecia and now I help others do the same with different types of alopecia, men, women, children, of all ages, of all races and ethnicities.


Hello everybody and welcome back to the alopecia angel podcast, awakened to hair growth. I am your host, Johanna Dahlman and I am so excited to be with you today. Today is September 1st and September 1st marks the day.


That it's the month of alopecia awareness month and then also it's the day that we start our raffle. So our raffle entails leaving a review on the APEC angel podcast, apple podcast, leave a review screenshot it, sends it to us at [email protected] and you'll be entered into the raffle. The winning prize holder receives a free entry into the hair and heal program.


And this is huge because in that hair and heal program, 90% of clients see hair growth in less. Eight weeks and yesterday I actually just received an email from a client. Savannah, thank you for sharing where in four weeks she already started seeing hair growth in four weeks. And I was talking to somebody yesterday and I was just so excited and so thrilled for her.


And she's, one of many where it's just, it's constantly like this in week four, in week five, in week six, in week seven and week eight, in week nine they're already seeing tons of hair growth and this is amazing because it Tells you how your body's able to revamp how it's able to reboot and this is what we need to do.


We need to reboot the body and potentially you're listening to this and it's unbelievable because in many ways it's unbelievable to me too, because I like you have been struggling for many, many years and many, many months. It see it took me over three years to finally see hair growth, where my clients now get to see hair growth in less time.


And I do what I do because I suffered and I shouldn't have suffered and I shouldn't. Delayed the hair growth. And I shouldn't have, taken so long to heal, but it takes us so long because we have so much to learn. There's a big gap and doctors, schools, government policies, et cetera, are not helping us to close that gap.


And so what happens, there's people like me who are on fire about this, where I take it upon myself to share the wealth, to share the wealth of information, to share the wealth of how to heal in less time. Because really it's, it's an option. It's an option to you. The doctors maybe don't give you that option, but I'm telling you there is an option and that's one of 'em.


You have the option to heal in less time. You also have the option to go a different route and take monoxidyl and take row gain and take P R P and injections to the scalp and a bunch of medications that don't work or spend a ton of money on P R P and wigs and everything else that don't work and just cover it up.


So you can do that or you can truly heal and get your hair back and be free of alopecia once and for all. So in today's episode, we are going to really decipher about who gets alopecia. Because if I start to look at my clients, they come from all different walks of life. Now I will say there are certain statistics that hold true, right? and that includes about 80% of my clients are women or female. I should say female, whether you're a child, adult, a teenager, you're female, and about 10, 15, 20% are male and that definitely holds true to the statistics around autoimmune diseases in general, because in general, autoimmune diseases affect 80% of women.


And not to say that I don't have male clients cuz I do and in the male clients, normally they see alopecia start in their beard or on the top of their head and for women, since we don't have a beard, it goes to our head, right. That's where we see it first is in our scalp, and so it's quite discerning when you start looking at who this affects and my clients range from eight months old to 73 years old to 75 years old.


So you can be at any age, this can affect you. This affected me in my mid thirties, so it can affect anyone at any time. It doesn't discriminate. It doesn't discriminate with age. It doesn't discriminate with race or ethnicity. Alopecia does not discriminate with fitness level or how healthy you think you are, because apparently if you have alopecia, guess what?


You have a lot to learn when it comes to health point blank. And I say this very humbly because alopecia slapped me across the face. I was, I had my personal trainer. I was very fit. I was living in Miami. I was extremely tan and I didn't think I could ever have alopecia. I didn't even know what alopecia was until I actually got it and was diagnosed.


So I have a lot of clients who are personal trainers, registered nurses, pharmacists, people in the health and wellness industry. People who Actually our health coaches, people who devote their lives to being healthy, and yet they still get alopecia. I've had gentlemen who come and do my program and they are bodybuilders and they lift weights but something goes amiss.


Something is wrong. So whether you're at one level of the spectrum being extremely healthy, or whether you're at the other end of the spectrum, whether you know you're healthy and there's room for improvement, right? What I like to say is that regardless of where you are, alopecia doesn't discriminate and there's always room for improvement. 


Even today, in me there's always room for improvement, right? We could always do a little more and that's just it. We can always do a little more to get the hair, to maintain our health and to upgrade it. There's always more that we can do and part of that is being aware, being aware of what takes away your health, being aware of what areas we need to boost because no one else is telling us and no one else is helping us.


And also, being somewhat of an investigative researcher, because through my research of healing myself, I've been able to help hundreds. And it's hundreds of people, hundreds of families in more than 60 countries, everywhere from South Africa to Kuwait, to Oman, to Hong Kong, to Malaysia, to the United States, to Canada, to Australia, to the Netherlands, to Germany, to Finland, to Norway, Sweden, France, the UK, you name it, Chile, Mexico.


 I've touched every continent, probably except for Antarctica and it's quite surprising that yes, there are a lot of things in common between all these people, all these different families, all these different children, but at the heart of it is there's more room for improvement and there's more room to learn.


And so in this episode, I really wanted to share with you that it doesn't matter how healthy you think you are. You're still susceptible to alopecia, just like I. And just like my personal trainers and, or my health coaches who join my program, there's always more room to grow. There's always more room to learn, and this is the situation.


And then for those of you who, aren't the health coach, who, aren't the pharmacist, who aren't the registered nurse, who aren't the personal trainer, there's, there's also a good, a good amount of foundation work that needs to happen for all of us to and it's been more than seven years. I'm going on to my eighth year now and I still have my hair and I don't even worry about hair loss anymore.


I don't worry about it at all and this is extremely liberating. And I just want you to envision yourself at this point, I never thought I would be at this point. Like I knew I would get my hair back, but I never knew how it would feel. So I want to give you. Moments to feel liberated of alopecia.


Cause I know how traumatic that is. I know how traumatizing it is. I know how desperate people get for wanting their hair growth back for wanting, just to get it all back at any age, whether you're 10 years old, 15, 25, 55, 65, it all affects us in very similar ways. We all have similar symptoms and we all have the same path to take and the same path, but it needs to be customized. And this is where the hair and heal program thrives, because we're able to customize it to you and evaluate it to you in particular and this is probably where conventional medicine gets it wrong. This is probably where anything else on the market gets it wrong because it's not a one size fits all.


And I talk about this in my free training. So if you haven't signed. I highly encourage you to join us in the free training. I have a three part free training on how to heal and reverse alopecia in four easy steps and I go over these four easy steps, plus a bonus step, mind you in three days of training and these will be going live in our Facebook group.


And so I look forward to inviting you and seeing you there, answering all your questions and giving you a bunch of bonus information and PDFs and things to take home. So I will put the link in the show notes. You could also go to my Instagram and see that on the handle, on the bio of where to join us. I will be hosting it in both Spanish and in English.


So if you have friends and family. Share the wealth. Share the knowledge. It's a free training. You have nothing to lose, nothing to lose at all. So take home message for today is that alopecia doesn't discriminate. It can affect you at any age, any stage of life and the root cause is not all the same. And this is why the evaluation, this is why the 10 page evaluation that we do.


Is so intrinsic to your healing because without that evaluation, without really getting to the root cause without getting to the blind spots, then you're always gonna be kind of like stuck in the mud and I don't want you to be stuck. I want you to thrive. I want you to get the results in less time. This is what I'm all about.


Results in less time. So alopecia doesn't discriminate. Anyone can get it and anyone can heal. Everyone can heal. And that's a choice and I'll leave you with that because I want to leave everybody with a positive note. Just like I healed. Savannah just sent me this email about how in four weeks she already started healing and growing her hair, Suzanne from Switzerland also sent me pictures of her alopecia Versales and her hair growth in five weeks.


I will be posting that to Instagram live today, and it's just absolutely astounding what you can do once you understand how to heal. And once you follow the steps, it's really easy step by step. Week by week in eight weeks, you got everything going. You really do. You have all the keys to healing. So I look forward to inviting you and to seeing you in the free training link in the show notes.


And I will talk to you soon. Don't forget about entering into the raffle so you can get your free entry into raffling for the Hair and Heal program. One lucky person will get free entry into the hair and heel program. Thank you so much. I will talk to you soon. 


Thank you for listening to the alopecia angel podcast, a positive light in healing alopecia.

You can do this and we can help spread the word that reversing alopecia is possible by telling your friends and family.

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