Episode 52:


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

Today’s episode of the podcast is about 5 Reasons You Have Not Tried Everything To Heal Your Hairloss


You may say you have tried everything to heal your hairloss, yet nothing happened. But believe me, when I say, YOU HAVEN'T tried everything yet. Everybody wants a guarantee if the Hair and Heal Program works. So, in today's episode, we will discuss the things that will show you that you haven't tried everything yet in healing your Alopecia. Stay tuned.



  • Limiting beliefs 03:43

  • Excuses 7:53

  •  Consistency 9:49

  •  The focus on short-term versus long-term 15:42

  • Going the extra mile 17:58



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Johanna Dahlman on Healing Alopecia Naturally

Why does Alopecia Persist? Why has it been months, years and more struggling with hairloss? 

2022 — State of Your Health and Hair Update

The Million Dollar Question with Alopecia and How You Can Solve It Today!

Learn How You Can Heal and Reverse Alopecia

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 Awaken to hair growth, awaken to hair growth because there is possibility to get your hair back. Awaken to hair growth because we're not told that we're able to conquer and overcome alopecia. Awaken to hair growth because I wanna be a positive light and beacon for you because I've healed my alopecia and now. Others do the same with different types of alopecia. Men, women, children of all ages, of all races and ethnicities.

Hello everybody and welcome back to the Alopecia Angel podcast, awakened to Hair growth. I am your host, Johanna Dahlman, and today we are going to talk about five reasons why you think you've tried everything, but you really haven't.

And I say this because I've healed my alopecia, right? And I help others heal theirs. And so there's something I get to see when it comes to people, when they come to me, when they tell me their story, when I hear them, when they start off by saying, I've tried everything. And how do I know this works? How do I know if this won't work for me?

How do I know? You know, everyone wants a guarantee. And the beautiful thing about the Hair and Heal program is that you are in the driver's seat. You are in full control. You can go a hundred miles per hour. You can go two miles per hour. You can go 50 miles per hour. You can go as fast or as slow as it's comfortable for you.

All the information is there. All you have to do is implement and follow. We give you a roadmap, a tailored roadmap for you so that you can. Follow the path where it's tailored to you, the program, all the recommendations, all you have to do is follow the path. It's kind of like Google Maps. All you have to do is follow the route, you know?

And if you get off course and get a detour, you can always come back and circle back and circle back, and then get to your final destination, which is full healing and recovery. And this is the key. But for those of you, You know, select few who say, I've tried everything and you know, I have an argument, you know, a counter-argument for you because I get a lot of messages and many of whom start by saying that they've tried everything and nothing works.

And perhaps maybe you even feel that way yourself, but in reality, in our own heart to hearts, let's be honest, you haven't tried everything. If you had, you would have an answer as to why your current situation does not include health and hair. Because surely by now, you know, after reading my blog post, listening to my podcast, seeing my free trainings, et cetera, that they have both intertwined tightly and you cannot have one without the other.

You need health and hair to get the results that you're looking for. And read that again, you know, listen to that again. You have to have health to have hair. Point blank. If you don't have hair, if you have hair loss, you are lacking health. That is a big category in it, in it of itself, and we're here to help you like decipher that and, and get you squared away so that you can see hair growth in less time.

Now without health, you cannot have long lasting hair, health and growth. You need both. So it all starts from within. So as I speak to clients and return messages, I realize that in their stories there are holes and many in which they take responsibility. The more they tell me, the more I can connect the dots and show them what went wrong and show them how to heal.

And that's important. You know, the more candid you are with me in the evaluation, the better I am to help you. And the more you leave out, then the harder it is for me to connect the dots, right? Then I'm left to my own ways of navigating, which more information is always best. So however, in order to do so, we need to put the following in checks so that we do not continue to create the same mistakes.

So the number one reason, out of the five reasons of why you haven't tried everything to heal your alopecia, Are limiting beliefs and limiting beliefs can be classified as the negative talk you have with yourself or limiting beliefs. The insecurity that you cannot do it either complete the task or have enough motivation to be keep going and follow through.

Limiting beliefs hold us back. They hold us back from our dreams, goals, all due to fear and insecurities. If there is anything, you know, if there's one thing I do know without even knowing. Is that I know your body and health can bounce back. I know you can get healthy. I know you can get your hair back.

It just takes some time. It takes change, it takes effort, and it's all possible. New possibilities for hair and health is yours for the taking. But if you believe your, our failure, if you believe this is your destiny, you know, to lose the hair, to be bald forever, et cetera, if you believe that there is no other way but to have a hairless life and to be bald forever then so be it. You decided that you will get that. I decided that I would heal my alopecia and it that alopecia was not my final destination. It was a stop. It was a pause, it was a layover, so to speak. But then I grabbed my things and kept going, and I can show you how to do this and to get to your final destination, but we can't take off if you have negative self-talking, limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs definitely hold us back. They hold us back from reaching our full potential. They hinder us from, you know, going the extra mile and for you know, raising our hand when we want that promotion, when we want to, you know, to do better when we want to go and explore and do things. And as I'm thinking and sitting here, I have my in-laws who, they're not active, people who work out on a consistent basis, but over the last two years, they decided that they were going to tackle this passage is called the Camino of Santiago de Compostela. And it's a, it's this walk, it's this long journey pilgrimage in Spain and through Portugal. It's like over 500 kilometers. It takes a long time, and today they're actually completing more than a month long of walking, and this is walking and hiking over different types of terrain. For 14 miles, 20 miles, 10 miles a day.

And it varies. Right? And they've seen everything from hail to, to rain, to sun, to everything else in between. And they've had their challenges, but they are completing this today and it's quite amazing. And, you know, I, I think in general, maybe this has, you know, sparked an idea. In my, in, in both my, my mother-in-law and my father-in-law.

And then all of a sudden they, they saw the reviews from other people and how other people doubled their age, or, you know, 30 years older than them were able to do it. And so they decided to do it. And it took them, you know, some training, it took them some time and because of Covid and and, you know, shutdowns and all that.

And then finally they were able to do it and today they're completing it. So I wanted to. You know, as I'm doing this podcast, I, I'm thinking about them and I'm also thinking about how many times it's ourselves, who we limit, what we're able to do, and what we're able to accomplish, just out of fear and out of insecurity.

And so kudos to them for finishing this pilgrimage. And kudos to you for wanting to heal and get your hair back because you can reverse this naturally without any medications, without any side effects, without any negative harmful side effects and so limiting beliefs keep us back in our safety, keep us back in our comfort, but nothing is there in the comfort zone.

Nothing is there that grows. And so in order to progress, in order to see change, we need to change. We need to actively push forward. And so limiting beliefs are one thing that absolutely hold everyone back. And this is one of the reasons why you haven't tried everything, because potentially you have a limiting belief.

So number two, reason why you haven't tried everything to heal your alopecia and your hair loss are excuses, and probably one of the worst things we can do as humans is make excuses. I hate hearing excuses from absolutely everyone. It's either you do or you don't. There is no try, right? It's either you go to the gym or you don't go to the gym.

It's either you take a walk or you don't take a walk. It's either you heal your alopecia or you don't. There is no room for trying. There is no room for, you know, mediocre, 50% effort. It's a hundred percent or nothing. It really is. It's all or nothing. There is no, maybe it's either a yes or a no.

Unfortunately, many prolong their health issues. Many put themselves last and everyone else first make an excuse that this is the only way I hear you, but at the same time, you are only hurting yourself. I have a client who's been following me for over two years. She's been quietly reading my blog following my podcast episodes, following me on social media.

More than two years later, she decides to get coaching and help from me. Wouldn't you believe that in less than a month, she started to see full hair growth on her bald head, you know, and sometimes it's actually taking that action making way for, for us to, to move forward. You know, she joined the program and in last time, she saw the hair growth all come back.

It's been years. She's had hair now, and for more than two years she decided to take a chance and look at her now, growing her hair. She could have had bra length hair by now, I'm sure, but she started earlier. Right. But she didn't, she you know, made excuses. She didn't take action and so that held her back.

It's like the saying goes, best time to plant a tree or save for retirement was more than 20 years ago, but the second best time is today. Don't let excuses get in the way. Find a way and make it happen. Your health and your hair are counting on you and you know, depend on it. They really do.

The third thing that's holding you back and the third thing is part of the five reasons of why you haven't tried everything is consistency. Time and time and time again. I see so many people, you know, say, oh, I tried this and I tried that and I tried this, and I tried that, but they've tried it for two, three weeks, or they tried it for, you know, one month, or they tried it for, you know, just for a very short, limited amount of time.

And so that's like saying, oh, I tried to go to the gym and I went for three weeks and I didn't see any results. And potentially, you know, results show in different ways. And so maybe you won't build muscle quickly in three weeks, but maybe you've burned some fat or maybe you've become more flexible, or maybe you've acquired more knowledge in order to do better.

Right, and the thing is, it's like you have to have a consistency to it. You have to have a consistency to anything, right? If you want to do a marathon, you have to have a consistency to the training, to the workouts so that you can do. The marathon that's coming up, right? If you wanna hike Mount Everest again, there's also a consistency there.

And even when you're not, let's say an Olympian swimmer, then when the off time is coming, then you also have to train. During that time. You can't just like not train because then you lose all that training that happens. I do Pilates and yoga, and Pilates is one thing where you see. Stark stark effects. If you stop doing it for even three weeks, you see a difference in your body, and I can't even imagine, you know, more time than that because then it's like you're starting from zero.

Not to say that you can't reach the levels again, of great performance and great strength and great. You know everything, but at the same time, you have to rebuild. And so consistency is key. So if you've tried everything, how consistent were you really being with that protocol? So for example, for those of you who've tried P R P or laser caps, you have to be consistent with that as well.

It doesn't work even if you are consistent because, but that's just it. You know, there's push comes to shove because with P R P, you're spending thousands and thousands of dollars and it takes two to three. Two to three years minimum, just to see the possibility of a little bit of hair growth two to three years.

That's a lot of commitment and a lot of money. And even with the laser cap, you have to do it every day for that to work. And even if it. Doesn't work, which most of my clients tell me it doesn't. I've never tried it personally. Then you know, the consistency is there and you have to be consistent in order to say you've actually really tried it and given it a hard, a full-hearted try.

Right. And so when it comes to. Healing alopecia. You have to be consistent. I've been cons consistent with what I teach. I walk the walk and I talk the talk. You know, I have my hair for more than eight years. I've gone through covid, I've gone through a pregnancy, I've gone through many life events, and yet my hair is still here and I'm not experiencing hair loss.

And so what does that tell you? That tells you that, not just that I walk the walk and talk the talk, but that, you know, the proven method. Is a huge shield against anything to come, right? It's like creating a barrier, a nice, strong barricade for your house. So the third reason why you haven't tried everything to heal your alopecia is consistency. So if you've tried everything, how consistent were you really with that protocol? I know there are many nonsense protocols out there that I wouldn't even entertain, but if you feel one is right for you, how committed were you? I have a friend who has drawers filled with eye creams and face creams, anti-aging, and so much more.

Do you think she's consistent with any of them? Do you think she is loyal to any of them? No, she's looking for a quick fix and looking for immediate results. I understand we all want that, but with hair, with health, with eye creams, and even trying to get over the common cold, it takes time and consistency to make it through and see results.

For creams, it's a minimum of three months. With a cold, you need about a week of rest. Chicken soup, vitamins, et cetera. With hair and health. You can see new beginnings in less than a month, as many of my clients have seen. Others take a bit longer, but it also depends on your consistency. We need to make changes that are daily to improve our health and hair growth.

It won't happen in 24, 36 or 72 hours. We need time to reset your bodies, so to be consistent and to stay the course is the name of the game. Seeing consistency shields you like a nice strong barricade for any outdoor. You know, I have my hair now for more than eight years. I walk the walk and I talk, the talk, everything I teach and preach inside the hair and heal program I do myself, my family does, and we've implemented it.

And from there, you know, I can have covid, no hair loss. I can have postpartum, no hair loss. I can have so many life situations where I do not see the hair loss. And so this is, Not magical. This is me being in control of my hair and understanding the factors that go along with it so that I don't have to suffer from it, deal with it, or even have to feel it anymore or any longer.

And so this is something that you can do even with autoimmune alopecia, even with different types of alopecia. And so this is where consistency is key. And for many of my clients, you know, the consistency has garnered them reversal not just of the alopecia, but of their thyroid issues, of their psoriasis, of their eczema, of their other autoimmune issues, of their hormonal issues, of so many other circumstances and health concerns that they've had, they too have healed and reversed those as well.

The number four reason why you haven't tried everything to heal your alopecia and hair loss is the focus on short-term versus long-term. So you say you've tried everything, but really you haven't. And it's because you focus on the short term versus the long term.

Similar to above, you are impatient and want immediate results with some sort of fomo, you know, fear of missing out on the next drug, on the next pill, on the next injection, or how about this next idea or taking allergy meds or other meds that harm your kidneys or liver? This is the small-mindedness we want to avoid and leave behind.

If you settle for quick wins and quick fixes, you will never cross the finish line with full hair. For those of you who have tried minoxidil or injections or the creams, you understand exactly where I'm coming from Trying these things and using them are all band-aids for a big wound that can't be healed or controlled with a small adhesive or a small bandaid.

What is needed is a life change, and those who commit and looked at long-term gains, see long-term results. . It's really that easy. When it comes to, let's say, investing for your retirement, it's little by little. You don't full on say, oh, I've acquired $3 million. I'm going to, you know, push that into my savings account right now.

Now granted, if you inherited that, yes, maybe you would do that, but for the majority of us, it's little by little. We start putting in $25 a month or a hundred dollars a month into our retirement savings or maybe more if we have it right each month. And we do. And we accumulate that over the years, and then guess what?

Then we have compound interest and so on and so forth, and this creates our nest egg or our retirement fund, right? And so just like that, we have to have consistency to see and reap the results, so, so we have to have a long-term gain, long-term strategy. For me, it's been now more than eight years, and I've never worried about getting alopecia again.

I've never dreaded washing my hair as I once did. I now know how to support my body, be the healthiest possible, what true health really looks like, and to continue to learn and grow. You can heal your alopecia autoimmune disease naturally. Just focus on the long term because the short term doesn't offer any long-term results. Understand that the short-term gimmicks do not offer long-term results.

So the last reason why you haven't tried everything to heal your alopecia and hair loss is going the extra mile. How many of you did extra credit in school? How many of you take on more work than you should or take on extra projects at work, during and outside of your normal job description?

I always did to both. I always was the first and super eager person to do more, and maybe perhaps I like a challenge and I love learning. You haven't tried everything for alopecia because you haven't gone the extra mile period. You haven't done the extra credit. If you want to slide under the radar, get passed up for promotions or just graduate with a C average, then okay.

Let's see how mediocre and average the next few years will look like for you. In order to succeed, you need to do the extra credit. You need to go the extra mile, but what does this look like? So in my program, I talk about a million things that are needed to get healthy and improve your hair. If you focus only on one to two things only, you were cheating yourself a full health, focusing on just the easy things, the fun things like hair masks or how to make your own shampoo inside the program like I show you. It's not going to help you cross the finish line. It's the consistency across all factors and opportunities that allow you to heal and move forward with hair growth.

I got a message via Facebook the other day, and the lady had a question about what shampoo was best for hair growth. Hair growth does not come from a bottle. Of shampoo or conditioner. It's a reflection of the health you have going on inside your body, just like your skin and how it appears. This too is a reflection of your health and how you exude it from the inside out.

Now there are shampoos and conditioners that can support our cause that are more gentle than others. That nourish your hair with organic ingredients versus chemicals and toxins. Yes, of course , but this alone will not help. This alone cannot get the job done. This job is too big for just a shampoo and conditioner.

Does this make sense? So these are the top five reasons. You really haven't tried everything, because it takes more than just one thing, and it's multiple factors that will lead you to healing, not just one or two. Taking responsibility is the first step. Creating a plan and taking action is the second, of course, with all the above in mind.

Now let's not dwell in the past. Rather, let's move forward and let's start the hair growth process. You know, I just opened up the registration for our hair and heal program. If you wanted to be included into the next round of the free training or next round of the Hair and heal program, get on our wait list.

Go to and you will see all the benefits, all the learnings and everything that you can achieve inside the program. Be on our wait list and we'll notify you the next time this opens up. I hope this has helped for you. Thanks so much and take care.

Thank you for listening to the Alopecia Angel podcast, a positive light in healing alopecia. You can do this and we can help spread the word that reversing alopecia is possible by telling your friends and family.

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