Episode 55:

Health Around the World


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

Today’s episode of the podcast is Health around the World


In today's episode, I will share with you the health around the world with regard to Alopecia's treatments and diagnosis.

From the stories of my clients around more than 60 countries, it was an honor to know how each country treats Alopecia.

Hang on tight, today is a fascinating topic where you will learn about how patients suffering from Alopecia get diagnosed and treated from different parts of the world. 



  • Health insurance are different around the world 01:56

  • Doctors and specialist have different remarks about Alopecia   09:02

  • All across the world, resources are very limited in terms of Alopeica  11:21

  • Always think outside the box on our own health care ...and not to lose hope. 15:15



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Johanna Dahlman on Healing Alopecia Naturally

Why does Alopecia Persist? Why has it been months, years and more struggling with hairloss? 

2022 — State of Your Health and Hair Update

The Million Dollar Question with Alopecia and How You Can Solve It Today!

Learn How You Can Heal and Reverse Alopecia

All Episodes


Awaken to hair growth awaken to hair growth because there is possibility to get your hair back Awaken the hair grows because we're not told that we're able to conquer and overcome alopecia.

Awakened to hair growth because I want to be a positive light and beacon for you because I've healed my alopecia and now I help others do the same with different types of alopecia men women children of all ages of all races and ethnicities.

Hello everybody and welcome back to the alpha change of podcast awakened to hair growth. I'm your host Johanna Dalhman and today we will be talking about health around the world and health around the world in respects to alopecia and to our piece of treatments and two alopecia diagnosis.

Alopecia Angel is that we have served clients in more than 60 countries and hearing the stories of all these clients hearing and talking to them personally is such an honor and such a wonderful situation. Because you get to see across the board how alopecia is treated and what's being done and what's not being done in various parts of the world. And what I can say first handedly is that in the US and in the Netherlands where I was seeking treatment at the time. It's a very stark difference because health insurance for many is kind of like your go to right and so many times we rely on health insurance.

To help us see doctors, help us get lab tests, help us when we have a broken arm, help us for anything else that health insurance covers. But this too is very different across the world, in different states, countries, and provinces. It's all very different right, even when you live in a country of a socialist type like the Netherlands where everyone has the same type of health insurance. Everyone has the same amount of deductible, everyone has kind of like everything is the same across the board.  

Let's just go ahead with the situation of alopecia. Many times health insurance doesn't work because it only takes you so far. When I teach inside the Herron hill program, I teach to the next level of support usually is going to be outside of health insurance. Now that I was going through alopecia, I didn't even have health insurance myself because I was in between the US and Europe flying back and forth and didn't have health insurance in either country.

When you have an autoimmune disease or when you have a situation like hair loss you have to be an investigator.  You have to look beyond; you have to keep searching because you have to look at any other possibilities.  When they won't even give you medication and that's what I came across there was nothing to be done now. I have my own issues with the socialist type of health insurance. I don't believe it deserves to be in the top ten of best health insurance is in the world. because there's another side to that story right the Netherlands always comes up, especially during COVID. It was that they laid off so many of their healthcare workers, so yes they were overburdened, yes they were overtaxed with so many people who were you know going through COVID or unhealthy or needed surgery or needed this or needed that and for those of you who live like in Canada or in other countries where it's a socialistic type of healthcare. You've seen that or even in the UK where there's a backlog of like six months if not more to see your doctor to see a specialist like a dermatologist or to see a fertility doctor or anything else, there's a huge backlog because these same systems have like laid off their people and you know to save money.  When I came back to the US, yes there was also a backlog, but it was a week it wasn't more, and guess, what I could switch around and see if there was another doctor available. Health insurance that you're used to, and you're used to navigating used to paying extra for services and you're used.

When it comes to hair loss, alopecia,  in the Netherlands for example they're like “oh you must be having a really tight ponytail”. I don't wear ponytails and so it was these types of remarks that really upset me and put a fuel to my fire in terms of healing my alopecia. I knew it wasn't going to be there because the mindset to begin with with the primary doctors and with any specialist was already like null and void. Then so then I moved on and got the help from a DoD which is a medical doctor with a natural type of training but still with conventional medicine in Denver. I went to a doctor there prescribed me creams that don't work.

Next, I went to California are much more aggressive laid out all the medicines- injections. I started seeing side effects, my fertility and everything else. It doesn't make sense on how to heal immune suppressant drugs- UN quote. I heal my alopecia when I already know like my immune system is like really taxed at this moment.  All the hairs coming out, This is why I have alopecia areata because my immune system is taxed.

What I see now living in Japan is that when you have an issue let's say a medical issue like alopecia you're up against the same socialistic situation.  It must be approved, you must go through your primary, and the resources. Across the world at least in 66 countries where I've helped clients is that I see that resources are limited. Long wait times, lack of expertise or knowledge lack of understanding, and lack of tools on how to truly diagnose because lots of my clients are misdiagnosed. They've gone to five different doctors and each doctor has told them something different talk.

There are different types of hair loss but guess what the Herron hill program has helped numerous types of hair loss including scarring. Once you start working from the inside out that's where the key to your success begins.  Hair grows from the inside out and so using topical solution shampoo, serums, injections, creams, and steroids won't help.

During COVID, I had a personal situation where I needed more support in the medical field. I needed more support, and this happened to be regarding my miscarriage the support I was getting from the Netherlands at the time was not up to my standards. The doctors there are the midwives because you don't get to see a doctor when you're pregnant you only see midwives. That was very challenging, you don't get to see a doctor unless you're having twins.

The only reason why you would see a doctor for a miscarriage so I ended up talking to a fertility coach in Australia during COVID and she helped me so much more than anything else that I could have found online.  or that I could have in person in the Netherlands or even in person with what I had because it was COVID it was locked down you know what I mean and so many times I believe we have to go to those who have the experience in this case this fertility coach in Australia.  She had gone through more than ten miscarriages, and she finally got pregnant naturally at 46. Not only does she have an inspiring story, but you know she's living her truth and she's able to help others who have gone through going through a miscarriage.

Not to deviate off the subject but what I'm trying to tell you is that many times we have to look outside the box, we have to look outside the box when it comes to our own healthcare. Not like healthcare insurance, our own self-care is going to be able to help you.

 Many of you are also frustrated with the wait times, medications, gimmicks, laser caps and wigs and anything else that just doesn't work. I'm telling you not to lose hope. I'm telling you that you know your frustration is felt all across the 66 countries. I'm telling you that you're not alone. I'm telling you that it is possible to heal and we're here to help and regardless of whether of where you live.

Just note that this same mindset of looking outside the box can help in any situation, in my case I use that same technique with my alopecia and for my miscarriage. I will probably continue to look for outside-the-box experts in certain cases.

If you're doing the work if you're investing in yourself this is all for your health 100%. This is your hair, this is your happiness, this is your future. You have control over your future, if you want hair growth, if you want to live happy and live your best life, go the extra mile for you. I'm one of them when it comes to alopecia and when it comes to miscarriages or when it comes to anything else under the sun like there are experts in their field so don't settle you don't need to settle doesn't matter where you are listening and tuning in from whether it's Virginia whether it's Vancouver whether it's Adelaide or Melbourne or Cape Town or uh you know the Bahamas or Dubai or anywhere else. 

People should know need to know and deserve to know because it does unlock the key to healthcare growth and of course your happiness I hope this has helped a little bit and understand that you know wherever you are in the world it's a community of people going through alopecia. The community has different categories and levels of people right people who think they can heal people who think they can't heal people, who want to heal naturally people, who want to use medication people, who want to move forward with the natural method. There's always going to be the dichotomies right and differences in all of us but if you want to heal if you want to prove a natural method we're here for you take care thank you for listening to the alopecia Angel podcast a positive light in healing alopecia you can do this and we can help spread the word that reversing alopecia is possible by telling your friends and family.

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