Episode 56:

What's Your Story of Alopecia and How Does it Affects You


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

Today’s episode of the podcast is about Your Story with Alopecia and How It Affects You


In today's episode, I could tell you eight years ago, I thought I was a certain type of person. I thought I was fit and healthy. I thought I had amazing hair until I got alopecia.

I'm a significantly different person than I was eight years ago when this first started. When I was diagnosed essentially and from the diagnosis to being humbled and vulnerable on so many different levels.

Hang on tight, today is a fascinating topic where you will learn about myself or see myself doing these helping others and being a beacon and being a light. his episode.



  • I'm a significantly different person than I was eight years ago  01:40

  • It was just a sweeping tsunami of humbleness that I had to take in    02:49

  • I'm talking about doing better for you in a personalized way 10:41

  • It was one of those under high-stress carbon turns into a diamond.  14:15



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Johanna Dahlman on Healing Alopecia Naturally

Why does Alopecia Persist? Why has it been months, years and more struggling with hairloss? 

2022 — State of Your Health and Hair Update

The Million Dollar Question with Alopecia and How You Can Solve It Today!

Learn How You Can Heal and Reverse Alopecia

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Awaken to hair growth awaken to hair growth because there is possibility to get your hair back Awaken the hair grows because we're not told that we're able to conquer and overcome alopecia.

Awakened to hair growth because I want to be a positive light and beacon for you because I've healed my alopecia and now I help others do the same with different types of alopecia men women children of all ages of all races and ethnicities.

Hi everybody and welcome back to the Alopecia Angel podcast. I'm your host Johanna Dahlman awakened to hair growth. I got inspired and I was reading something that really inspired me. Sometimes we think of ourselves in a certain way. Sometimes we correlate our situation be that alopecia hair loss, that anything else that's going on right now in our lives to whom we think we are. We wound up telling ourselves we are not capable of certain things and that we are not worthy. Worse is that we believe it.

I could tell you eight years ago, I thought I was a certain type of person. I thought I was fit and healthy. I thought I had amazing hair until I got alopecia. I thought so many things about myself and my life. Where I was going? What did I do? What was happening? Who loved me? Who didn't love me? Who my friends were?  Whom do you know weren't my friends?  All these other things that we tell ourselves and yet if I continue to tell myself that story I wouldn't be where I am today.

I would have never gotten to where I am today if I wouldn't let go of that story. Who you think you are right now is nowhere near what you are truly capable of. A new story comes from a different place, a different mindset, and comes from a different you today.

I'm a significantly different person than I was eight years ago when this first started. When I was diagnosed essentially and from the diagnosis to being humbled and vulnerable on so many different levels -emotionally, physically, and mentally.  It was just a sweeping tsunami of humbleness that I had to take in and it really tore me apart in many ways and in many ways, you know you come apart to come together in a better way you come apart letting go of all the facades of the ego and of so many of these ideas that we have of ourselves.

These stories you build up to create a better story you, build up to create a truer version of yourself.  It's hard to describe a little bit because to the point of hair loss.  Past the point of alopecia, the point of losing control and having the ingredient list in the mixing bowl. Altogether just kind of like frazzled and mixed in others are in the oven.  Depending on what part of that journey you're in, in terms of health hair growth empowerment.

Understanding that you hold the keys to your success and some of you are not. Here I am to help you, here I am to guide you, and I can guide you. And I'm happy to do so. I want to …but at the end of the day it's up to you and it's just like anything else right? I can or we can get coaching for how to swim, how to play the piano, how to do anything. But, at the end of the day, it's up to us to practice, it's up to us to play the piano. It's up to us to move, kick our hands and our legs and our arms inside the water and it's very different swimming in a kiddie pool versus the deep end versus the ocean. We're all on a different journeys. But at the same time, what story are you telling yourself?

What story are you holding on to that you don't want to let go of today?

I had an encounter with a former client, and I can see right through the façade. I can see right through the ego, I can see right through all these things ,and yet she can't see it and it's quite astonishing to be able to sit back. I want to help them beyond the alopecia. It's beyond the other health conditions. It's beyond these other things because many times its ourselves that holds us back. It's our own selves that are keeping us and limiting ourselves because of the stories we tell ourselves. Because of our limiting beliefs,  because of our blind spots potentially but a lot of times it's ourselves.  

I don't know if you've ever seen that picture of a horse and it's tied to a pole and it knows that because I'm tied to a pole, I can't move, I can't run away, I can't go away. A horse is much stronger than a bucket, especially an empty one, and yet it still doesn't move it's still waiting for its owner there.  When I see these pictures, you know that you can find in psychology magazines or in different psychological areas you know trying to explain certain criteria or certain types of that same training.  We're still succumbing to that same type of training that we got as we were younger to ask for permission, to obey what authorities say, and to only do what we're allowed to do. That's not the case with hair loss and I could easily say that everyone who has alopecia has probably seen at least one doctor. I could say that you go to doctors, and they don't give you too many options. Just like certain medications, certain prescriptions, and depending on where you're located in the world.

In Europe, they didn't even give you a prescription for strep throat or anything else. This bad luck alopecia, there's nothing that for us to do, and just depends on where you are in the world.  The thing is, it's like it's all within us and as someone who's guided more than hundreds of people, children, families, and adults on how to heal, on how to get this a lot of times, it's also maybe your mindset that also can play a part. That mindset goes along with the ruminating thoughts, it goes along with the stories we tell ourselves. It goes along with what we think is possible for us, where we live our means.

Alopecia doesn't discriminate on who gets it. Also doesn't discriminate on who can heal it, anyone can heal this regardless of where you live, what country, what language, ethnicity, race type of hair. It doesn't matter how old you are, doesn't matter the age, doesn't matter how long you've had it. At the end of the day, it's up to you, you are in the driver’s seat.  You are not limited to who you think you are. I know you can be a better version of yourself. I know and believe that you can do better for yourself, and doing better doesn't necessarily mean doing the same thing as like a celebrity fitness trainer.  I'm talking about doing better for you in a personalized way and this is where the personalized evaluation comes in because we're all different, we all come from different cultures, backgrounds, diets, beliefs, and values.

What I can say is how the hair and heel program is structured to empower you.  For your culture, for your values, for your diet, for your beliefs, for your health, and for your hair growth. I think that's the key takeaway here, because if you don't have something personalized then you're going to fall into the trap of believing and thinking that the one-size-fits-all approach.  People are asking me, do you have what serum or shampoo? Do you sell? There is no serum or miracle shampoo out there, nor will there ever be a miracle shampoo or serum and I could probably almost guarantee. Because of the diversity of clients that I have from over 60 different countries,  the different types of alopecia and healing are all very different.

When you start bringing in the different health concerns or issues, menopause is involved many times.  It's different for everybody, the way you heal a 50-year-old is not the same way you heal a 20-year-old or a 5-year-old. What are these stories that you're telling yourself? I want to leave you with this, you are not limited to who you think you are and the reality is that your success is inevitable, your success in hair growth is possible for you.

Just like it foods, when they're hungry, when they're happy, when they're excited, when they're tired, when they're fatigued, when they're sick, when they're in good health, you take them for everything good and bad and life is the same way I like you start. I know that alopecia and hair loss is a big low for me. I can completely understand, I've been there, but at the same time, it was one of those golden Nuggets.  It was one of those under high-stress carbon turns into a diamond. It was one of those things where so much pressure accumulated, where so much beauty came out of it. 

And it's something that I couldn't have ever seen in the future for myself or see myself doing these helping others and being a beacon and being a light and telling people the opposite. Yes, you can heal your alopecia, and yes there is a possibility through the alopecia Angel method that this is possible for you. Again, it's just how badly you want it, do you want to follow directions, or do you want to do mediocre bits and pieces here and there?

When you start thinking about products on the market you start seeing how many times people use a shampoo or a serum or a new vitamin or a new pill or etc. for like a month and then they're like “oh doesn't work”, toss it! Try something new and toss it. They're like the Labrador dog they get excited with the new treatment.

For example, we can add all the ingredients you want to this cake but if you're missing one or two special ingredients the cake never going to rise it's always going to be just like some flat, it's never going to be the actual cake it's meant to be. This is where we're always tripping over ourselves, we're missing the key ingredients, we're missing the personalized evaluation, we're missing the customized tailored aspect of this, we're missing figuring out our blind spots, we're missing understanding the foundation of the true self.

With so many products out in the market, stop wasting your time on that and stop looking and start looking inward, start looking inward at the stories you're telling yourself the limiting beliefs, start looking at your blind spots, start understanding yourself more, and self-analyze. Become self-aware and in all honesty, it’s a skill that you really must hone, it's a skill that even for myself was very difficult, that's why it took me over 3 1/2 years. Because there were things that I didn't want to let go. There were things that I just didn't want to face, and I think that's alright.  That's human nature sometimes, we don't want to face the music, as they say we don't want to face the person in the mirror, we don't want to come to reality. 

Don't give yourself enough credit, you are worthy of healing, you can heal, you are capable of healing, and it's just taking that next step. I hope this helps because sometimes it's the mental chatter that holds us back. It's the mental chatter that doesn't allow us to take that next step or maybe we've taken the steps but then we don't want to do all the steps. We only want to do what's easy; we only want to do what we're comfortable with. I will say that alopecia was one of the most uncomfortable times and situations ever as an adult and as a professional.  Having to deal with it on my own; having to figure it out on my own and you know all those other scenarios. I know you understand having to cover it up and having to like part your hair a certain way.  Having to like you know transform yourself so that you can feel better that your self-confidence isn't already on the toilet.

You can manage so that you can just have a survival mode. I want to pluck you out of survival mode. I want to pluck you out of the deep dark hole and tell you that you can get out of there a lot quicker if we were just to let go of what we think. Let go of those we think hurting us in the end and that includes the ego. Just like in yoga, I'm a big Yogi, when you encounter a pose that hurts it's there for a reason. It's there because it's teaching your patience and with your breathing, and with other techniques. You're able to work through the pain you're able to surrender.  

I'm a type A, they totally get this but at the same time it's the Ying and the Yang, and this surrendering of sorts allowed me for the information to come for the enlightenment, to come for the knowledge, to come for the answers, to come for the awareness, to come in order, to get to that next step. Who you are today won't be the same person you are once you are healed. Once you heal, you're going to be a different person with a different mindset, with a different outlook on life. I can tell you countless stories of customers and clients who have changed their trajectory in life just by healing and seeing hair growth. 

Many of us know alopecia is Mount Everest and once we conquer it and once, we're seeing the results then you're like wow I can do anything. I can tell you, I can do anything, and I think you can do anything too. It's just having the gumption of having the grit to take that next step be vulnerable and move forward. I hope you enjoyed this podcast episode I look forward to speaking to you in the next one.  Take care and thank you for listening to the Alopecia Angel podcast a positive light on healing.

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