Episode 57:

6 Reasons That Are Keeping You From Hairgrowth 


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

Today’s episode of the podcast is the 6 reasons that are keeping you from hair growth. 


In today's episode, I want to share with you the reasons that are hindering you from healing your Alopecia and finally to have a  full grown healthy hair back again. Hang on tight, today is a fascinating topic where you will learn about myself or see myself doing these helping others and being a beacon and being a light. 



  • Mindset is the first reason why you are still dealing with hair loss.  01:34

  •  “Playing as the Victim” will keep you stuck in the mud.   08:26

  • The Negative Nancy syndrome and being skeptical  10:05

  • The next reason is "Not taking Action"  16:32



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Johanna Dahlman on Healing Alopecia Naturally

Why does Alopecia Persist? Why has it been months, years and more struggling with hairloss? 

2022 — State of Your Health and Hair Update

The Million Dollar Question with Alopecia and How You Can Solve It Today!

Learn How You Can Heal and Reverse Alopecia

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Welcome back everybody to the Alopecia Angel podcast. I'm your host Johanna Dahlman, Awakened to Hair Growth. Today we are going to talk about the six reasons that are keeping you from healing your alopecia hair loss permanently.  If you've been dealing with hair loss, if you've been dealing with alopecia, if you've been dealing with the constant shedding - you know how aggravating it is when you think you're doing it all.

When you think you have done so many things and yet you're still stuck in the mud. I want to push you out of the mud and get you toward hair growth. We do this on many levels with the hair and heal program, but today let me share with you 6 and a bonus one actually 6-7 items that are holding you back.  

The first one is a big one because if you go into anything half-heartedly it's not going to end up in your favor. Mindset is the first reason why you are still dealing with hair loss. You need mindset so that you believe,  you heal so that you believe in yourself and in your body.  If you go into anything whether that's into a program or into any situation half-heartedly with just 50% of effort or maybe a lazy gene to you then this isn't going to help. Mindset requires you to be focused, requires you to be all in, requires you to be a game player, requires you to be involved, and active participant for you to heal.

I say this because I see a very big difference in the people who heal the people. Who get results in less time and the ones who are dilly-dallying so to speak and taking longer. I see a difference within many people and when they come to me and I could tell even within an e-mail. Their current need is to heal or if this is just like an extra happy addition to their life like for me alopecia was so devastating that I would do anything. I was 100% involved anything you asked me to do. I would just keep doing, keep hammering away. Many times it works,  many times it doesn't work. But I know that mindset is huge and throughout my whole time with alopecia I knew I would heal.

This is the first step to really heal is to believe you can heal. Mindset is huge. There was a quote from Henry Ford who said “If you believe you can or if you believe you cannot either way you are right”. As a parent, I see how big this is for children to build their confidence. For their next step whether that's taking their first steps as a toddler or whether that's going the extra mile. Seeing them be able to paddle the pedals on the bicycle or any other challenge that they may come across.

I'm telling you mindset is everything and believe you can heal. Believe you can do this because it's not for the special few, it's not for those with Unicorn abilities. It's for everybody and what I love to say is that the Hair and Heal program puts you in the driver’s seat. It puts you in full control of how fast and how far you go in terms of hair growth. We lay everything out; we give you a personalized road map to your healing. You just must follow and implement. Implementing can be challenging, right? We all have busy lives, but at the same time, you are in full control.  So, if you want it, it's there and that's the beauty of it. All the doctors that I've seen, all the other options that I was looking at during my time with alopecia, no one told me I was in full control.  No one gave me the ability to even think that there was anything else you can still have full control.

It's all about the mindset, knowing that you can heal. This is just a situation a time in the chapter of life. I will grow from it. I will heal from it and I will move on from it because that's what we want. It's possible for you too. I was recording a podcast interview last week and she said she had ulcerative colitis for 10 years and until she was able to heal. Put it into her mission with diet and lifestyle. Ulcerative colitis is also an autoimmune disease. When we were speaking, she told me that she was always saying to herself “Why me? Why is this happening to me?” This was her situation going through 10 years.  I revealed that I never said that to myself, I was always thinking and saying “What is this trying to teach me?” “What do I need to learn from this?”.

If you reframe any challenging possibly negative situation in your life. Reframe it and say “What is this trying to teach me? What do I need to learn from this?”, instead of the why me…

You will be better off 100%. You will get to healing in less time. It will give you a better edge, I concluded that I was able to heal faster and reverse my alopecia in a little over three years versus someone like herself who took ten years. The difference there was the mindset. It wasn't action it was mindset because mindset can hold you back.

Once you have mindset triggered and locked in place then you're already on the right path so the detour is up to you 100%.  If you want to take the long windy route, the scenic route for allocation for hair loss …you can. But if you want to take the toll road, you know pay the toll and get there to result faster.  You can also do that too, it's up to you.

The number two plays along a little bit with number one and what that looks like - “Playing as the Victim”. This goes along with the above. Many times we ask “Why me?” Before creating Alopecia Angel, I had worked at Apple and we were taught in many ways to think outside the box to keep searching for answers, and to be relentless.  Guess, what paid off? I got the results and so with my clients.  If we continue to play the victim, then we keep ourselves stuck in the mud asking better questions. Making a better decision keeps you going even if your decision doesn't give you the results.  It still takes you to that next step, so for example, in my alopecia journey maybe like yours too. You've seen multiple doctors, you've seen multiple people and maybe you've also tried multiple things everything from shampoo to serum to lotion and a potion.

Each step has taken you closer to that next step.  Many times we have to learn the hard way that maybe this group of people with this background or maybe people who are trying to sell me a shampoo or a product is not going to work maybe what is it that I need a reset and reboot? and I need to redo this from the ground up, that was my takeaway from alopecia. I needed to redo my health, mind, body, and spirit from the ground up. I did and lay it out all for you in the program. Playing the victim will keep us only locked in our own prison that we are creating for ourselves. That's something that I don't want you to go through. I see it here and there and it's unsettling because no one has the key but you. No one has the key unlock that door but you! It takes a few months, years but it's all up to you on how quickly you want to unlock yourself from that chain from that prison so that you can move.

Forward to Number Three. The negative Nancy syndrome. I see this lot with people from all walks of life and being negative Nancy can also be meeting skeptically. I have a small percentage of people who join my program and who are skeptical.  They join it, they're like “OK let's see what this is all about”.  Guess, what they're the ones funny enough; they're the ones that see hair growth in like the second week or in the third week.  It's quite amazing because they come in guns, blazing you full of fire about their skepticism. They say and talk about it very you know upfront and yet they're the ones who see hair growth.

She didn't think this would work. I encouraged her to do and once she embraced it once she became coachable. Then she saw her massive hair growth in 10 weeks. I've posted her picture on my social media because in five weeks she saw tons of white hair plus a big patch of black hair on her head and then five weeks later from that she saw 75% of her hair covered and this had been the most like the fastest hair growth for somebody with alopecia.

The Number 4 reason that you're still dealing with hair loss is “Not Being the Student”. When we go to school any school- elementary; high school; university. We’re there to learn, we're there to hear experiences, we're there to learn from the professors, we’ve learned to hear those with experience, and we'll learn to take it in right. We can make our own conclusions, we can agree or not agree, we can think differently, and we can have many varying remarks and just feedback in general. But if you don't implement the way they are trying to teach you, then more than likely you won't pass with flying colors.

This is the thing- life is a test and many times the universe gives us lessons over and over again. The same lesson may be disguised as something else because a few months or years from now you will have that vicious cycle again. I highly recommend that if you have alopecia once even if this is your first time, get all the information you need. Learn how to heal and reverse it, so you don't have to deal with it again.

I tailor the program to every person with our evaluation the personal evaluation comes first. That's first and foremost but not being the student means like not wanting to be open to any ideas, and not wanting to work with me. I'm happy to work with you and you know get to a happy medium. There hasn't been really anyone that I can think of to the state over the hundreds and hundreds of clients because of the skepticism. But then once they start to see the results then they're like all in and that's just it when you're the student you need to have faith that this is going to work.  

Faith that this is part of your journey, faith that you are going to heal and so sometimes that skepticism holds you back from really embracing everything that you could be.

I had a coaching session the other day, it was someone who's been dealing with alopecia for many years and has looming bald spots and she has everything.  She has so much information but is unable to make a decision and so this is also troubling too because this also keeps you in hair loss mode. If there's anything anyone has experienced with hair loss and you want to see the hair growth. You want to see renewed health you look at yourself in the mirror and recognize yourself and see like yeah this is it I'm doing great I'm on the right path I'm healing my hair is coming back I feel better.

At the end of it, you will see results at the end of it you will be a better person for it and at the end of it it's an investment in you it's 100% investing in you in your health- your future happiness.  Because the opposite of not acting is allowing in a miserable state still seeing hair loss not being happy potentially not living your best life also not going for the gold meaning not raising your hand in class not raising your hand for the promotion not putting yourself out there when it comes to dating or relationships not being as social potentially.

In many ways, hair loss has stopped these people from living their life. As they would like to know taking their classes going to work for many they've even stopped going to work because at some point they don't even know how to cover up the situation. It's daunting because I've even had school teachers who don't even know how to cover up their bald spots because they're afraid. The children that they teach elementary school or high school are going to notice and then also bully them make fun of them tease them and you know it. If you're the teacher if you're the professor to have to go through it.

 “Not taking action”…Not acting only keeps you in that situation so I push you toward action. I'm always going to encourage you towards growth and sometimes for the comfort zone. The comfort zone is there. But nothing grows in comfort and so if there's anything I can tell you, is that sometimes we do need to get out of our comfort zone sometimes we need to let go. I'm happy to take your hand and walk you through it and it's very important to go with somebody who's had the experience. With the hundreds and hundreds nearly thousands of clients that have helped it's all possible for you, it's all there for you and from someone who's lived through alopecia who's gone through it many times like I can see the clearing before you can and so this is also a big take away because you need to go through that experience with somebody right how can someone teach you how to swim if they themselves have never been in the water how can someone teach you how to do the breaststroke or how to hold your breath underneath the water or to swim so many laps and how to breathe appropriately if they themselves have never done.

The number six (6) the last reason why you are continuously seeing hair loss is that thinking that “Diet Alone is the Trick”. In the Heal and Hair Program, yes, we cover diet. Yes, it's tailored to your say when it comes to alopecia. That is a big puzzle. There are a lot of different puzzle pieces and diet is just one little puzzle piece. Diet is important just like all the other puzzle pieces are important to be able to get to the full picture. You must get to the full picture to see the full puzzle- be complete. For this to happen you must acknowledge and implement all the other puzzle pieces. If you are hyper focused on diet, it's not going to work. I tell you this from experience, diet alone did not heal my alopecia. I had to go and change many other things and so these are other things that I'm telling you.  If you're hyper focused on diet, it's not it.

In my program, I have a registered dietitian, nutritionist, registered nurse, medical doctor, pharmacist, and personal trainer. I have so many people who are in the health and Wellness industry and yet they get it wrong because they're not taught these principles, they're not taught these foundations for alopecia.  When you go to medical school it's a one-size-fits-all approach until you go and do your you know specific residency

Let's say very hyper-focused on…You don’t know what diabetic needs to eat until you become hyper-focused… I'm focused on alopecia for men women children of all ages races ethnicities all around the world and we've served more than 66 different countries at this point with over hundreds and hundreds of clients. I can tell you that healing alopecia is very different from what they are teaching you. That is why I have people who are pharmacists, registered nurses, dietitians, nutritionists, personal trainers, etc. come and do my program.

That is why I created the program. That is why we have blind spots. That is why we help you uncover them. That is why there are so many more pieces to this puzzle which no one is addressing because no one has done the work I've done.  The work for you I've suffered through it. I don't want you to suffer anymore. There's an option to heal faster and this is a this is proven method so the bonus reason why you're not seeing hair loss is that asking the right questions before taking the help of someone with alopecia and this is quite important because when you ask the right questions, and you really get to the bottom.

I look forward to helping you in serving you in the future if you want to learn more. Please go to and leave us a rate and review our podcast.  We are here to help you. And I hope that this has helped you. Thank you so much.  Take care.

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