Episode 59:

Understanding Limitations


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

Today’s episode of the podcast is about understanding limitations.


At some point, we have to overcome our own limitations. You have to overcome what other people are telling you for you to be able to achieve your goal of getting your hair back. I had a crazy experience like running in The Amazing Race at the Manila airport the other week and it was something that I could relate to in today's episode. So sit back, relax and listen, because this would be a bit of a journey for all of us.


  • You have to give it your all. 4:01

  • Strategy is necessary. 6:21

  • The glow of achieving what you want is priceless. 9:29

  • We have to overcome our own limitations. 9:41

  • Thyroids are not optimal they're not working as they should be there's ways to fix this without medication. 15:04


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Johanna Dahlman on Healing Alopecia Naturally

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2022 — State of Your Health and Hair Update

The Million Dollar Question with Alopecia and How You Can Solve It Today!

Learn How You Can Heal and Reverse Alopecia

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Awaken to hair growth awaken to hair growth because there is possibility to get your hair back awaken the hair growth because we're not told that we're able to conquer and overcome alopecia awaken to hair growth because I want to be a positive light and Beacon for you because I've healed my alopecia and now I help others do the same with different types of alopecia men women children of all ages of all Races and ethnicities.

Hi everybody and welcome back to the alopecia Angel podcast awakened hair growth welcome welcome welcome it's been a crazy month hasn't it it's for those of you who know we've been in Mercury retrograde and Mercury retrograde is a time where you kind of like take back and you reevaluate and analyse and cultivate more patience and things can and will go wrong and I experience this first hand actually running in the airport trying to get a flight home and this was very very difficult because it's not like in European countries or like in the US where the person you talk to who like the representative of the airlines gives you your ticket can check you in and can do you know multiple things including your bags and and so much and so much more right. 

I was in Manila in the Philippines and they have different sections of people and representatives for different things and so no one can multitask right it's almost like the doctor right you want to see a gynecologist you have to go see that if you want to see a pediatrician you have to see them it's not like one size fits all or one person for everything and this Airlines had everything segregated which was a waste of time which had me running around in my winter clothes all over the airport getting a sweat on and it was quite ridiculous to say the least but at the end of the I made the flight at the end of it that extra rushing pushing tenacity going for what I wanted which was to get on that flight home I finally got it and yes it took a bit of sweating yes it took a bit of uncertainty. 

It took a chance I had to take a chance because I had no flight to begin with I had to go buy it and this all seems very simple right for those of us in the US or in Europe where the gate agents can do so many things but in the Philippines it's one person to check you in another person for the bags another person to take payment for the new flight the other representative is down on the other side of the airport of the terminal and you have to wait in another line just to get a new ticket or buy one because everything closes online it was an absolute circus an absolute circus and lo and behold five minutes before they are closing the ticketing counters for this flight I was able to buy the flight get checked in that's also with running back and forth in the airline terminal and finally get through migration because I had 15 minutes before they started boarding my international flight mind you to finally get through you know cut in line I cut in line so many times it was but I cut in line in a nice way you know telling people.

I had this boarding time that was right now and had to go so there's a nice way to cut in line right there's not a there's also a bad way to cut in life but trust me I did it the nice way and got through security and was finally able to get to my flight think the universe that I only had carry on but still this was The Amazing Race on overdrive if you've ever seen that show The Amazing Race which happened a few years ago and it was great in any case I defer the takeaway from that spectacle in the airport was that you have to give it your all and yes we all have limitations yes we all have so much effort yes we all have so much to give but when you go the extra mile when you take it a notch further when you wanna achieve something when you want to get that goal you need to go and take a few more steps and just try a little bit more and even when the opportunity even when the the chances seem extremely slim to none and granted the gate person trying to help me was telling me Oh you're not going to make it just forget about it wait till tomorrow because that was my other option right just to spend the night again and wait till tomorrow and I was like no I'm not waiting I'm getting on this flight I'm getting on this flight and I kept telling myself I'm getting on this flight people Johanna you're doing this you're getting on this flight and it happened it happened there was lines out the door just like in any crazy frenzy situation there was lines lines lines I cut in front of all of them in a nice way and was able to get the help that I needed was able to get that ticket in five minutes paying for it cutting in line talking to security people running back an absolute circus and it happened it's because I took that chance it's because I was going to risk it risk all All of Me The Sweat The Tears because I had a moment there where I was getting so frustrated where I was about to break down in tears. 

Everything I riffed it all in order to just come home sleep in my own bed see my family and be back in at home to be back home to me that was worth it it was all worth it and it happened and that's an example of going the extra mile and with alopecia some of us have to go the extra mile and it's important to understand that yes we all have things that make us uncomfortable yes it's uncomfortable looking like a crazy woman and running across the the terminal saying excuse me excuse me with you know the carry-on right behind her yes it's uncomfortable pleading and begging for these gate agents to process payment to check you in to hurry up to reminding them two minutes two minutes gotta go and yet it still happened and so yes I do believe a strategy is necessary but even when the strategy isn't there or it's not like fully in front of you start asking questions start asking how can I make this happen how can I make this happen how can I make this happen in this case I don't know the rules or the protocols of this Airlines. 

I don't know how they've set up their staff all I was told by this one gate agent is that you have to go to the cashier and pay there she never told me that they only take cash this ticket was for like 300 cash but it's all in Philippine pesos so it's like 15 000 Philippine peso and then all of a sudden there's like five ATM machines and there's no money in them and I'm in line trying each and every etm machine and no money is coming out it's because they've all been drawn completely there's no money in the ATM machine my only option was credit card I couldn't buy my flight online the only opportunity was to ask ask ask ask ask more questions ask more questions and asking the gate agent I need to pay credit card where can I pay a credit card it's not online where can I pay a credit card is there an office is there a manager is there a supervisor is there this is there that start asking more questions go beyond your limitations start asking more questions and this is how I was able to I swear get that flight in less than 10 minutes go to another line buy it come back to another line get checked in literally I cut in front of a family get checked in with two minutes remaining to be able to get through customs and get through security to finally again run all the way down to the terminal because of course the gate was at the very very end of the terminal in a deep sweat with all my winter clothes on but the glow the glow of Victory is Irreplaceable the glow of winning of winning at the game of winning at the protocols of winning and getting what you want is priceless getting your hair back is priceless getting your health the stamina the energy the mental Clarity the Sleep the nails getting everything back is priceless getting your mental health. 

Your emotional health your physical health is priceless and I tell you I hate running I hate running the only time I run do I really want to tell you this the only time I run is when really I'm in a position of having to run from gate to gate in the airports I hate running I'd rather do something else for physical activities and yet I gave it my all I'm not a runner I don't have that stamina and I gave it my all mentally I kept pushing myself mentally I was like Johanna run Johanna do this you got this you're gonna make the flight you're gonna get this you're gonna see your baby you're gonna see your husband you're going home at the boarding gate I was in this ugly mess of a sweat my hair is pulled back in a bun and I shot myself on Instagram maybe some of you have seen it I've posted it on Facebook on stories and lives and that glow again that glow of Victory the glow of achieving what you want is priceless and that same feeling that I had yesterday was the same feeling when I conquered alopecia I wanted to talk today about limitations because many times we have to overcome our own limitations right we also have to overcome the limitations that people impose upon us for example the gate agent she's like ah forget about it or she even said something to the effect of you need to try harder and I was like try harder I've been here I've been awake since mind you that same day I was awake since four in the morning got rejected off my flight at 7am because of a PCR test and you know had to go through all those Logistics and she's telling me to try harder I had been back and forth to the airport already two times I had gotten a second PCR test had a comeback like the whole thing sounds like out of a movie and yet in the sheer five seconds of when she said that try harder. 

I wanted to crumble and cry I bit my lip and I was like nope she's right let's do this and I ran and that's when the running started and it ran and ran and ran got the ticket paid for it hustled them came back got checked in I didn't even have a receipt I just had the booking code the five you know letter booking code I was like here it is enter it now let's go boom made-ish happened I made it happen and you can make it happen healing alopecia can't be something similar right we all have our own Journey for me it was like that for me it was constant I had to overcome those limitations I had to overcome of what people were telling me I had to overcome and block out the naysayers oh you're not going to make the flight you're not gonna make it you're not going to heal right we have to block out those limitations you have to you have to work over your own invitations you have to be your own cheerleader you really do there was no one cheering me on at the airport I was traveling by myself my goal my one and only goal was to get home that night and again it happened but from sheer tenacity sheer pressing sheer like I'm not giving up and that's the same type of willpower the same type of determination that we need when it comes to Healing anything really or accomplishing anything whether that's climbing Mount Everest whether that's healing alopecia whether that's graduating from your PhD whether that's flying to the Moon whatever your goals are we all have limitations we all have you know our ego talking to us trying to keep us in a safe spot but that safe spot is the comfort zone the comfort zone doesn't work the comfort zone is not going to get you to the end goal being outside your comfort zone will get you to your goal sweating in Ugg boots sweating in your winter clothes as you're running back and forth in a terminal where it's 80 degrees that's uncomfortable looking like a mad American begging and pleading everyone so that you can cut in line in a nice way keeping your composure as much as possible not succumbing to your emotions working over these limitations takes practice trust me I have my weak points. 

I wanted to just cry and sometimes strangle these people but at the same time it's just like what do you do there's a process there's procedures there's rules there's protocols there's staff that's not trained to do multiple things everyone is siled in their own box how do you work around the system well we start by asking better questions we start by asking better questions on how to get to that end result and if you need to work on the outside side in then do it and that's what led me to get the results I saw not just in the flight but also with alopecia and I wanted to also bring about talking about limitations too because here recently in this program that I have the hair and heal program I have a client actually two clients where they're seeing a naturopath and they're seeing other health professionals at the same time that they're doing my program which is great it's fine I have no problem with this at all I even have doctors who do my program I have nutritionists registered dietitians nurses you name it personal trainers pharmacists I have so many different types of Health and Wellness Healthcare Professionals in my program that you know their knowledge my knowledge it's all good there's no competition whatsoever I don't get defensive you know if you want to bring in your traditional Chinese medicine your ayurvedic professional if you want to bring in your Shaman your whoever bring him that's okay I have no problem but the discouraging part is that one of my clients actually both of them both of these two clients recognized and realized that they have a thyroid concern that their thyroid is a little under than the normal and the normal thyroid that their doctors at their naturopaths that all these health and wellness professionals outside of me that we're telling them everything's normal you're fine everything's normal you're fine well we ran the numbers once we ran the numbers we compared it to a more focused perspective which you can find inside the master class that I have it's the hormone and thyroid master class and we look Beyond just TSH we look Beyond just we look Beyond The Superficial level of determining whether your thyroid is good or bad right many times our body is already telling us many things and we discovered with both of these clients that their thyroids are not optimal they're not working as they should be there's ways to fix this without medication mind you there's ways to heal this and balance this out because that's the route that they both want to take which is great but you know one of them expressed to me well I'm really upset because my naturopath has been telling me for years that I'm fine and now I realize I'm not and this was an aha moment for one of my clients because she did the the master class the thyroid and hormone Master Class along with the program is she self-diagnosed and was able to see comparing her numbers to this other chart that something's actually wrong not in a big way but ever so slightly but that ever so slightly affects everything affects treatment affects your hair growth effects how you move forward affects the strategy affects you in every way and it's just like a house right when you're building the house and you're building the foundation and you don't have to be an architect to understand this right you don't have to be a build our general contractor to understand this but if you're building on a certain type of ground that's not leveled off completely or that's not you know really strong let's say it's not Bedrock let's say it's sand or let's say it's um some sort of like Marsh right or any type of grounding. 

That's not secure well guess what the house foundation might move ever so slightly right over the years over the months and then that door that you had placed right in the middle that was six foot by three feet is now slanted and has moved you can actually see homes of this nature in the Netherlands right in Amsterdam when you go to all these old cities I actually lived in one of these homes for about a year and on the outside it looks like a regular three four story home but on the outside too you see the slams of the windows and of the door and how things have been tilted and things are actually leaning over windows are leaning doors are leaning the building is leaning on top of another building why it's because of the foundation and if you know anything about the Netherlands the Netherlands is underwater it's essentially like Louisiana it's underwater nether means under lens land it's underwater and so not to go too much into the government and to the country itself but of course they're always looking at flooding they're always looking at all these techniques on how to help the country right to create and more stability in any case this is what happens when ever so slightly you're not looking at all the numbers ever so slightly you're not looking at the big picture ever so slightly you're not looking at all the factors that are bringing you to where you need to go and in the master class the hormone and thyroid Master Class these two clients were able to see plain as day something's off ever so slightly but something's off and that's all it takes the results in the mirror so that you can make the best next decision and so one of these clients she expressed to me how she was so upset at her naturopath because again the naturopath has been telling her oh you're great you're fine everything's good you're fine not to worry doctors have been telling her the same thing and she knew something was off her gut was telling her and then finally with my class she was able to see okay, something really is off now I have proof the thing is now we have a new approach now we have a new strategy and we can move forward that's the beautiful. 

The beautiful part to all this the bad part is is that you know she's upset at her naturopath and her healthcare professionals that she's been working with the thing is when it comes to limitations if you don't ask the right questions in one way or another everyone is limited no one can know it all you know it we all have to be learning on a consistent level and trying to up level ourselves and our education on a constant level in order to be truly informed and so sometimes with Healthcare professionals what we like to do is oh you know it's our family doctor we've known them for so many years and you know they've been helping us for over 60 and they know my parents and they gave birth to me and to my mom and to this and to that and it's just all in the family and those are wonderful relationships those are wonderful people who know you on the inside and out but sometimes there's comfort in that and sometimes too the knowledge and education hasn't been taken to the next level and I told this client I was like have compassion with your naturopath it's not her fault in one way it kind of is because she doesn't have that broader education but at the same time have compassion because you know not everyone's Gonna Know It All and maybe part of this client's journey is to find somebody who has that information and who can help her further and sometimes you know it takes no results with so many people to finally find somebody who can give you results so seeing the limitations on people seeing and understanding limitations on yourself will get you further seeing the limitations on the gate agents on the airlines on the whole situation of how things were mapped out in Manila at the airport I had to make quicker decisions I had to ask better questions instead of trying to run around chasing my tail I had to push for more and those same circumstances I find myself in and I encourage you to do as well when talking and seeing Healthcare professionals because you need to ask more questions you need to push for more and you need to see you know the writing on the wall so to speak when your Healthcare professional when your personal trainer when your second grade teacher no longer can help you right we have teachers for every level first second third fourth all the way through to college and Beyond everyone has a limitation the college teacher more than likely cannot teach you something on heart surgery because maybe that's not their Forte maybe that's not what they're designated to do learn and teach the elementary school teacher cannot teach you physics or calculus right maybe they can but most likely not so this is where we have to see the limitations. 

We also have to ask questions and I pride myself in this a little bit and only because I've had doctors do my program and I will say doctors are doctors right around the world doctors are doctors they have a certain type of education they have a certain type of credentials they have a certain type of background and a lot of them push and push me push me for more questions for more answers for more information and for more things in general and this is great I love to be challenged completely love it bring it I love to be challenged and I'm also humble enough to understand where my limitations are and this is key you have to understand where your limitations are the key takeaway here is understanding your limitations understanding the limitations of those who you want to result from whether that's people at the airport whether that's customer service for your cell phone bill or anyone else who you're dealing with you need to try to see the limitations from them and if you can't see it ask more questions but more importantly let's focus on the limitations that we have first ourselves before we start looking at others this is not about judging others but this is also about getting the results that you want right so for example anyone in HR would see this right when you hire somebody and in essence when you work with doctors lawyers accountants you're hiring somebody for a service when you hire somebody you want to see who's best for you who you mesh with their qualifications you know proven record Etc et cetera background these are all things that are important when you're hiring somebody Any Human Resources professionals will tell you that you know there's a lot of scrutiny that goes into it it's not just education it's not just experience it's also culture fit it's all these other things that go into it too it's not just one or two factors it's multiple factors and so the same thing too we need to ask more questions you know and I remember interviewing for a Fortune 100 company and I went through seven interviews seven eight interviews in person before I got the job and a lot of grilling a lot of questions come your way when I have clients or would-be clients come to me there are a lot of questions and I'm happy to help happy to help and answer them if I'm a fit for you great and if I'm not that's great too I wish you the best and we need to ask more questions to get what we want we really do we need to advocate for ourselves because if we're not asking the questions if we're fearful of pushing then we're doing ourselves a disservice we're not getting what we want whether that's the the hair the ticket to to get home or anything else you have to push and you have to go the extra mile and you have to see where your limitations are and then try to overcome them even if I was in winter gear I'm still running in 80 degree heat in Manila through the airport like a crazy woman with no sleep just to get home and this is how you accomplish things going the extra mile asking the right questions be nice about it too helps but sometimes you know we can't always be nice sometimes you know you got to be a little Stern I get that or desperate you know yesterday I was desperate absolutely desperate to get home but now I am home and I am here serving you with this episode I hope this has helped you because limitations are something that we need to be thinking about not just for ourselves so that we can quickly navigate that and move forward and if we need a pep talk ourselves if we need to coach ourselves if we need to be our biggest cheerleaders then do it mentally out loud in the bath when no one's looking do it we have to be our own cheerleaders we have to be our own Advocates when we're talking to anyone and anything for any service that we're looking for and this includes hair growth this includes overcoming those uncomfortable moments because yes life will give you a lot of uncomfortable moments alopecia is one of them but in order to do that we need to get out of our comfort zone do things in a better strategy ask more questions to get to the end results I hope this has helped you I look forward to speaking to you in the next episode please rate and review if you have any questions please feel free to email us we're happy to help I look forward to talking to you next time take care thank you for listening to the alopecia Angel podcast a positive light in healing alopecia you can do this and we can help spread the word that reversing alopecia is possible by telling your friends and family

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