Episode 60:

How This Client Healed 10+ Bald Patches in 3 Months


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

Today’s episode of the podcast is about on How This Client Healed 10+ Bald Paches in 3 Months


Today's episode is a testimony of Ingrid who participated in the Hair and Heal Program and amazingly healed more than 10 bald patches in just 3 months. She will share how she grew her hair back and how the Hair and Heal Program helped her achieve hair growth. Learn from her journey and experience. For sure you can also do it.



  • You know you don't know what your body is capable of until you actually learn how to truly support it.  7:05

  • Scarring has that reputation of nothing can be done.   8:01

  • Medications is not always the answer there's a time and a place for it. 12:02
  • Genetics can lead us to alopecia but it could also heal in reverse and it can do so in a controlled way.  13:59

  • Just believe and be positive instead of guard yourself for the worst case all the time. 15:31



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Johanna Dahlman on Healing Alopecia Naturally

Why does Alopecia Persist? Why has it been months, years and more struggling with hairloss? 

2022 — State of Your Health and Hair Update

The Million Dollar Question with Alopecia and How You Can Solve It Today!

Learn How You Can Heal and Reverse Alopecia

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Awaken to hair growth, awaken to hair growth because there is a possibility to get your hair back. Awaken the hair growth because we're not told that we're able to conquer and overcome alopecia. Awaken to hair growth because I want to be a positive light and Beacon for you because I've healed my alopecia and now I help others do the same with different types of alopecia: men, women, children of all ages of all races and ethnicities. 

What I really want to understand honestly is where were you before you met me like when did this happen what did the doctors in Norway tell you you know because I'm assuming they told you the same thing that they told me in the Netherlands but I want to hear it from you first and your experience and and how this started and then we can get into the program yeah. 

It is luckily so uh and so I have been already with two doctors because in July my hairdressers like you found a spot but we didn't take it seriously and before that I had I was very stressed because I had this potential my chest for months and I felt like and I did the faint at work at five days later in September. I found a lot of books in my head I didn't see it because it was in the back a big one like seven or something first wow a kid and I got in shock again because at that time the pressure in my chest was not there anymore but it came back instantly like I really became really really afraid and went to the doctor and they said this is celebration you you it may come back it may not and if it come back it will maybe come back later and all this you said the court is on shots and all that that's it they don't have anything else and I read about the new medication that they are launching have you heard it? yeah! Illuminate something like this yeah yeah they might be saying it wrong it doesn't matter but it's not in Norway. 

Anyway I just tried to Google and when I found you I was so happy and everything you told me so I will soon in the program did you start to see hair growth in fact a little bit before a little a little bit in the big spot but later I got a few new ones in the process not after I don't think after we we started the program because I didn't find everything at once I didn't like to search my school I didn't like what I found so in the big one. 

I thought it was a little bit down but later it's uh I had I think I have two small spots left that's not grown into so out of all the spots they all got covered up they all grew hair back yeah except for two but I think they're coming well at least one it's here by the hairline it I think those are some perhaps some resistance yeah it's a process it's a process definitely it's not all of them grow in all at the same time and you have two small spots left so those will definitely come back in as you continue to be consistent right with all the learnings and all the practices that you have how are you feeling today compared to when you first started the program I at once I felt very good but I've been sick for four weeks so it's not so easy three weeks. 

What did you have did you have a cold I have a cold yes but I didn't want to take and then I become afraid because it's an infection you know which can cause even more hair loss yeah it's going around the cold is definitely going around I got it myself too here in Japan yes and I read somewhere that the infection can do something with your hair of course but I don't think so this time because I feel I lost a lot of hair because of the stress of finding out I had a piece of that was all over the usual stress yeah you know yeah though my hair is I think I've lost my hair mostly all over because of stress and also the spots but the spots are growing back seems to nearly all of them and the rest of the hair also because I can feel down to a lot of it all over when I that's wonderful and you continue to do everything that's that you've been learning in the program but I think my body was really really people it's burned out through years so I this is three and a half months in and I think I will maybe use a little bit more time before the energy it really comes back and my body can integrate everything so in three and a half months you recuperated more than 90 of all the bulb spots that you had in your head yeah yeah I had one of one very small one in the neck very small and I had one over the air and it come it's coming but it's going very this one is very slow.  

What is your what does your doctor say what is your your hair stylist say my hairstyle this scared me because he's Young like she was I'm going to she was going to get it from me feels very good but I'm going to tomorrow I have a new one as well so but she said she's growing very good back and I didn't like to go to the hairdressers the first time because I felt naked in a way and this big spot on my backyard was really big and white and I can see it through my hair you know it's dramatic yeah you can say it's just here but it's not just here it's it's intense identity and it's everybody sees this you know so so the doctor they can't really helped you and let's say like you said they just can't be recorded some treatments. 

Yeah, no that doesn't work at least you had options for cortisone treatments in the Netherlands they they had no nothing for me nothing this is why I left yeah I went out to to the US to see if there was something there because it was just um yeah they kept saying my ponytail was too tight and I was like it's not my ponytail I don't wear ponytails I wear clips you know what I mean I wear clips nice nice nice nice hair yeah it's yeah it's a little messy right now but um wow Ingrid this is so amazing so like in three and a half months everything is essentially almost back to normal that's a beautiful thing that's so beautiful and I think the key takeaway here is is that you know you don't know what your body is capable of until you actually learn how to truly support it. 

I had a call yesterday with a client she's in the program right now she just started January 1st so she's two weeks in she's a vegan she has scarring Alopecia frontal fibrosy and she was explaining to us and the group called that she would essentially have like two inches of baldness going back from her forehead from her natural forehead and this is something that according to doctors nothing can be done so she decided to do the program and she's already seen hair growth there's already hair growth I know it it's amazing and it's scarring.

Alopecia this is you know there's different types of alopecia scarring Alopecia is seen as kind of the worst type of alopecia it's all bad I think all hair loss is bad but scarring has that reputation of nothing can be done yeah you know you there's just no hope and here we have somebody who's been diagnosed with us who does the program in two weeks she's already seen hair growth it's astonishing it really is no it's just it is it is life-changing but it is growing and you are healing and I think the more that we start to create more self-love more self-care more self-awareness then we're able to stop the traction of going towards more hair loss and a lot of times we don't even know what we're doing wrong and this is where the blind spots come in right we don't even know what we're doing wrong we don't know what what we're doing is right or wrong and I actually have a functional medicine doctor in my program right now. 

I have a dietitian in my program right now and they're surprised at everything I'm telling them what's right and what's wrong and you know they they follow it and you know they're they're seeing results but it's it's difficult I think for for anybody and everybody because we think we're healthy we think we're doing things right and we're not and we have to learn the hard way it's very very hard way and I also with a reflexology. 

The reflexology a reflexologist yes before this because of this uh pressure in my chest and they said the whole body is in attack mode constantly yeah and we had to go to the buggy store and try to calm it down and everything and this works a little bit also but you have to work with your mind of course the mind is so powerful yes the mind is very powerful it's very so you have to change everything I have to listen to it myself unlock myself because I didn't do any of this self-love is the first. 

I can't I have to really have to work with it really really and also listen to and just do the workout don't listen is it okay today am I tired no no just do it do it everything on routines you know till you go Pull-Ups and but I went to her again this Autumn after I started the program and I said no I have other piece here too and she says like you but this is is connected its own way yes attack mode and she had that uh before summer had one uh with scarred alopecia lost all her hair in two weeks 24 years old wow and she had tried something with her it was uh to stimulate the lymph system and also calming the the nerve system and she could pull her hair back and she just for information it was and she had the doctor said you would never see it back here this is where I love proving doctors wrong because a lot of times they speak like they're the ultimate Authority or in power and yet so many of them are mistaken.  

I don't know if you know this but in the United States the number one of the top three causes of death of Americans is medical mistakes and this could be medical mistakes from doctors from nurses or from anyone else who's taking care of you in the hospital or you know maybe they gave you the wrong surgery or the wrong medication or the wrong treatment period and medical mistakes is one of the top three causes of death in the U.S and it's it mind-boggles me how so many of them discard diet and lifestyle say that it's not going to help they discard you know what the body is really capable of they discard nutrition they just scarred you know so many things that are natural innate to our body that are that you know if you really know how to put this together you're supporting your body versus just giving it medications. 

Medications is not always the answer there's a time and a place for it but it for Alopecia it's not the answer and um you know you've proven that yeah and I stopped all my allergies you stopped all your allergy meds yes yes go done so you have no more allergies no nothing I love that that's amazing yes so that's you're allergic to doctors don't see the whole whole picture so I don't don't trust them anymore like I did before you know. 

I take what they say with a grain of salt as well you know I I always ask more questions which is you have to work with the body not against it that don't medicate it I'm not you have to find a source and that's what you're doing too so it's I'm so happy before you are really quiet and I trust you so much so so uh and I'm so happy to see everything going back and because but uh I'm always this anxiety because it may come back you know that's the worst right now. 

I think I feel a little bit vulnerable what I would say to that is that this is where your control comes in you have the control over how you live you know who you bring into your life who you take out of your life what you read what you listen to who you speak to you have so much control of yourself and you know when you have control you're able to determine what affects you everything needs to be back to normal. 

The brain fog the the achiness the energy levels the excitement for Life the confidence in yourself the you know the 100 belief that you got this that you're empowered not just with the knowledge but with the actions with the habits with everything else with how you're living your life like you have a full control you really do and I hope this is the biggest takeaway for everyone not just the hair growth but the biggest takeaways like we all have a gene and genetics and genetics can lead us to alopecia but it could also heal in reverse and it can do so in a controlled way this is why after more than eight years of having alopecia I got covered no hair loss. 

I had postpartum uh you know after having birth no hair loss like you can control these things to mitigate the hair loss you don't have to see this you know I have so many clients who say they just got the injection for covid and yet they had so much hair loss I got covered no hair loss this is not luck here's those Stables right now well I I control myself and so if I know that something's not working if I know something is um off balance this is what it is it's a balance right you're on the bicycle you have to balance to keep going forward that's what that is it's a balancing act life is a balancing act it really is and also as you said you need to trust. 

Trust this trust that you got it just that it's going to be okay not this I always been the kind who said have the worst case scenario in my head okay it's good today but it can be worse tomorrow you know this kind I have tried to to turn this around and just think I'm so happy if I'm good today no Panic no nothing no I'm calm and tomorrow is tomorrow but I I take one day at a time and and I try to stay positive, I take the best because it's the best of my body I think that's healing in itself to just believe and be positive instead of guard yourself for the worst case all the time um well if you think about it too you know. 

I got the alopecia the first time ever. I was in my 30s and you is this the first time you got ever a god alopecia. yes and I'm 56. so this is the first time ever that you ever got it and so if we start to self evaluate and self-analyze you start to ask yourself why did I get it you obviously know your root causes I know my root causes and I know you know the even the way I was brought up and raised and the way I lived my life in my teenage years and in my 20s I was doing many mistakes that were not healthy that were not promoting self-love or self-care and then in my 30s it just it hit a Tipping Point and when that Tipping Point happens change needs to happen for this not to happen again and you're very aware of this and so am I and most people are too most people have that compassion right and the grace to say okay this is how I've been living my life this is why this happened but it's teaching me something and now. 

I can move forward I can move forward empowered educated with the knowledge so that this doesn't happen again it's like you know learning why you failed a test or learning why you need to uh do the exam again this is a test in life to make sure that we don't go through this again yeah and also the biology is so much better because no I'm listening to myself to my about it my head to my I searched for calmness and for self-love and happiness because I don't have this Happy Feeling never you know I'm not happy. 

I can't get out the happy feeling so I just have to wait to this to see if it comes but I'm working every time every day to to find it and to connect with myself because I have to do that first 100 I think because I can find four things or you're looking for happiness is this what I'm understanding yeah I'm not happiness like that just the feeling of happy alive feel a little bit alive you know it's flat it's been flat for years. 

I also I'm happy because this happened because I'm doing all these changes from my best of the rest of my life so the practice of of being happy from what I understand is that we create it within us no one can make us happy now you have to find yourself yes you have to choose to be happy just like we can choose to you know choose what we eat we choose to be happy and to be content and a lot of this stems back to being grateful you know what are you grateful for and I think for women especially we are groomed to give and give and give and give we're placed in this position to give to everybody but ourselves including our children loved ones family members Friends Community Etc at work everybody and I actually feel honestly that the statistics around autoimmune diseases where 80 percent fall on women versus men is because we give too much and I say this too much because it's always too much we never give enough to ourselves it's always to everybody else yeah to start from scratch it's just but it's fun it's good in so many days. 

I just thank uh I'm not happy because my hair fall off but the consequence of it I think will give me a better line totally yeah it's life-changing with this program that you have ah thank you thank you I I appreciate you so much and I'm so happy to be able to listen to your story and understand and and see how the impact has has been for you for your life and and that's probably the fun part is to now to uncover what makes you happy what brings you Joy and to gravitate and move towards that yeah I think that's that's a journey that's a good one and it gives hope for the quality of life from here so yes but definitely being aware of what makes you happy is key because then you can give yourself more of it and then you can start compromising and then putting boundaries and I think boundaries are are very important and maybe as as you go through your journey you will start to see where boundaries with family with caretakers friends etc. 

Start to happen because your needs are so important and if there's anything that we could take away from this it's to put ourselves first is not selfish it's actually enables us to be a better person for everybody else we're all worthy of all the things we want in life and more it's not just the dream of you know accomplishing and doing and achieving but also it's the little things too that bring happiness that bring joy on a daily consistent basis and you know whether it's buying yourself flowers instead of waiting for someone to give them to you you know these little things that create more joy right it's everything it's everything and I I do like um to have this diary and I well every day write down five things that I'm grateful for and that's because you, you said something about it and it's so it integrates in another way when you write it down and every evening. 

I have this little uh prayer for myself where I'm so thankful for I'm just thankful because I didn't was stressed today or in Panic or because of the people I have around me and my work and everything I'm so grateful for so many things so that helps too um yeah gratitude is huge and it is it is and also staying in the now there's a book that I recommend the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle have you read it yeah I I don't think this book but I know very well about him so like I told her he's amazing he's amazing and I do this five Tibetan Ritz every morning so pretty girls yeah the five rituals yeah absolutely is there anything else that you'd like to share or anything else that you'd like to say no only that I'm so grateful to Joanna and the detective type right now also and uh and do so much good for everybody and I I just feel that as as long as you're there it is safe in a way just it's a very good feeling.

Oh I'm here for you anytime you need me I'm here for you and I'm so happy to have received your emails and have to have you in the program but then also to see your success in three and a half months I mean this was the idea behind alopecia Angel what took me four years can take people two months and three months to heal and be done with this because you started the program at the end of last year 2022 we're in January of 2023 and now you have like the rest of 2023 to not even have to worry about this and to start planning your vacations to start understanding like what makes you happy and go for it and you know start implementing more self-care and this is a beautiful thing it's to hear about You Ingrid it's a you it's a year about happiness joy and and fulfilling everything else because going through alopecia definitely is traumatic and definitely taught you and me something and you can overcome anything including this. 

I will and I I trust this now because you say it and I trust you and I do what you tell me so and I've worked with myself that that's only I can do of course the inside work uh but uh I believe of that it will stay away also with this program and I could try to don't think about the hair every day but other things like you said now but about the planning my life look forward to others now not only the hair here all the time you can't put off things that you would think oh I'm gonna go visit Norway and you know in five years or you know in 10 years like you have to do it now now is the time we have now is the only time if you want your hair do it now if you want you know things that bring you Joy and make you happy do it now if you want like don't put it off. 

I think when people put things off thinking they have so much time in their life when we really don't I think it's so beautiful that you know at any point in our lives we're able to heal if we want and you chose to heal and you chose to do so with me and so I'm honored and I am grateful for you as well and I absolutely love what I do because I get to be in contact with people such as yourself who want to heal who are open to change who are open to a new idea and you know who challenged me too I I have clients who who question me and and Challenge and it's because there's so much misinformation I understand there's so much misinformation but hopefully you know everyone gets the right information and then they can make the best decisions for themselves moving forward and the results go oh yeah the proof is there 100 the proof is there yeah for sure it's here for sure the proof is here thank you you're so grateful for all you do for us and you're so much energy of this and you know I I couldn't do this if I didn't have to suffer and go through it myself and I think this is this is a special attribute because I can connect with you and I can connect with everyone else because I've been in your shoes I've gone through the trauma and I'm on the other side it's like being able to you know see someone drowning be able to do CPR and then bring them back to life in a way I feel like I do this and you didn't you really and I love it I absolutely love it. 

I never thought I would be doing this but I absolutely love it I love what I do I love talking to people all around the world I love helping them and seeing that there's a way even if they're doctors or or the Health Care System doesn't allow for it it's always possible it's always possible it you know it always just takes somebody to question somebody to do things differently I also think about old and that she you have because you do so much for us and for everybody and you have this very hectic life and family and everything and travels have seminars and I'm in age oh no no no and you know I think it was a good thing that I got alopecia before I got married um and before I had children because I can see now as a parent as someone in who's married who has you know responsibilities outside of just being single. 

It would have been so much more difficult almost impossible because the time is limited but when you're single you have all the time in the world for yourself and in a way I like you was giving my time to everybody to friends to going out to travelling to family to this to that to work I gave so much time to work working 80 hours just became normal for me weekends on end it was awful absolutely awful I gave a lot of my life away to work and um you know it didn't really show for it in essence until of course alopecia came but uh again I'm happy that I did get alopecia when I was single because again I had the time to dedicated to myself and I had to say no to everything else including friends family and almost my fiance at the time which is now my husband because it is time consuming this is not easy this was four years non-stop. 

I made it my job and I actually have a podcast episode about dating with alopecia and you know exactly the real ones who love you are gonna love you regardless thank you so much for your time thank you so much for sharing your story no I'm happy to do this I the more I can share success stories the more I can share hope and light and positivity in terms of alopecia the better not just the world but everybody else going through it because one thing is for me to to put my face out there but then they're like okay yeah yeah yeah we want to see more people this is this hard for me being a success and despite of my body is not yet healed the hair is coming so due to you step by step step by step you got this and I wish you nothing but the best lots of love light health happiness for 2023 and Beyond thank you so much again for your time but please keep in touch and keep me updated on you know how things progress how things go and you know the next the next thing the next ingredient thank you same to you Jonah all the best thank you for listening to the alopecia Angel podcast a positive light in healing alopecia you can do this and we can help spread the word that reversing alopecia is possible by telling your friends and family.

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