Episode 61 - How Emma, A Thyroid Cancer Survivor Started Seeing Hairgrowth in Less Than 2 Weeks in the Hair N Heal Program


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

Today’s episode of the podcast is how Emma, a Thyroid Cancer Survivor started seeing hair growth in less than 2 weeks in the Hair N' Heal Program.


Here's another episode of testimony from Emma, a thyroid cancer survivor. It was a journey of hope and trust where she thought there was no more cure for her Alopecia. While Emma is in the Hair N' Heal Program, she started seeing hairgrowth in less than 2 weeks! Today, let's find out how Emma did it and now finally regrowing her hair.


  • On the 22nd of July which was when I first found the first patch on the back of my head.  1:12
  • Since I've had cancer I've been very very mindful of not wanting to take any medication.   2:45

  • Since I've been on the diet it did start like the two within two weeks my hair started to grow back. 3:22
  • Happy Endings biggest payoff is seeing the satisfaction in other people's lives.  10:49


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2022 — State of Your Health and Hair Update

The Million Dollar Question with Alopecia and How You Can Solve It Today!

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Awaken to hair growth, awaken to hair growth because there is a possibility to get your hair back. Awaken the hair growth because we're not told that we're able to conquer and overcome alopecia. Awaken to hair growth because I want to be a positive light and Beacon for you because I've healed my alopecia and now I help others do the same with different types of alopecia men women children of all ages of all Races and ethnicities. 

Okay thank you it's very early here so I'm feeling a little bit tired so I don't look the freshest sorry it's all good you look great at my best when I'm first why do I like first thing in the morning anyway this is me this is me at 6am. 

Thank you for joining me tell me how can I help you what did you want to go over I've been really really happy with them with what I've been seeing the results I've been seeing but like I said the other day it is tricky it has been a tricky time with like work can I know that's the whole issue really here isn't it you know how busy we are how stressed we are and everything and that's obviously had to be addressed but obviously that's highlighted probably some of the things I need to address you know in my life and I think since the day on the 22nd of July which was when I first found the first patch on the back of my head which my daughter's um third birthday. 

I feel like I've made like a huge progress since then because I just remember how awful I felt it was only that's only a few months ago isn't it but um I was just determined straight away that that this can't happen you know this just can't happen you know and like I said the other day like you know if this was something else some other autoimmune condition you might kind of go yeah you know. 

I've accepted I've got it but when it's your hair it just makes such a huge difference doesn't it so I think from that moment I literally thought right I know I've been really really stressed with work really but really busy and I kind of knew over the last year year and a half that something was going to give eventually you know. 

I'd had cancer when I was 30 it was like 13 years ago and you always kind of think oh God I hope I don't get cancer again you know I know that sounds silly because you kind of should have addressed it point but you know that's that's happened doesn't it and my hair coming out is probably the way of my body kind of going right you've really got to sit up and listen now you know you know so then my hair started coming out of the back so really obvious bit here which is obviously like the worst bit and I've got quite thin hair anyway this is a hair piece so you know you can't really tell but it just got worse. 

So I went to doctors they injected it they injected my eyebrow here which is where I've got this dink now and I was just like no I'm not having these I don't want to continually hunt some like really good like dermatologist Payton because in the UK we can see people on the NHS so it can get free advice but didn't get any of that nobody would give me anything like that had to pay saw some top dermatologists and all they would say is like like you were talking about the other day Jack Inhibitors you know all these things that I just didn't want to keep taking you know since I've had cancer I've been very very mindful of not wanting to take any medication unless I really have to and so this was all going against really what I wanted to be doing and so I had quite a few because my first thing was like oh my goodness what should I do so I had quite a few um steroid injections into my head and into my eyebrow hair like I said but that's really bothering me now that I've got that dink there but it just got worse it just got it just carried on getting worse. 

So I don't know it was just then the whole stress for everything just started continuing to come out but it just got worse and worse and like so before I had the salaries fitted and before I started your course it literally got to like this bit which was really hard to cover so my husband was like spring each day and you know I just didn't want to carry around like that but since I've been on the diet it did start like the two within two weeks my hair started to grow back and it was like baby hair and it's very fluffy. 

I've got loads of low loads and loads of like fluffy hair I know I was really pleased and so I said to you on one of my which is what kind of points of this call that I still am getting a bit of hair shedding and I'm but now I'm thinking am I getting hair shedding or not it's trying to that tricky stage where it's like is that just my normal kind of hair loss it's not like chubby it could be normal hair loss because and the thing is it's like during alopecia you do see at times hair growth and hair loss because the thing is it's like there's other parts of your head that are going through different phases you know maybe the patch or the patches that you have you're seeing hair growth and potentially on the other side or other areas of your head. 

Where there is no patches but it's just regular hair it could having the regular you know you brush it and you see hair yeah right yeah I suppose luckily I have because I've addressed this so quickly I haven't had the alopecia long enough um and hopefully I won't have it for too long to know whether I'm not going through like cycles of this yet because I haven't you know like I know some people say they go through a lot of cycles of hair shedding and hopefully like you. 

I will get to the point where I'm not even it's not even an issue you know but like under here like I've got a patch which is it's not started it's still like here but where I see when I message you to get this meeting I was thinking oh I've still got new ones kind of cropping up when I had this one they were all cropping up gradually one there one there and then gradually it's getting bigger and one at the back of my head and then but since probably in the last few weeks I haven't noticed anything new. 

Um this one here which I was like oh yeah when we when they took this hairpiece off I can I can completely view that one with the Happy song because it's just like a top bit um but it's now got like really fine hairs like in it so I'd like to think that that's a positive step if I haven't like at the bottom here I know lots of people get complete boldness there but luckily I've still got all my hair that but it feels a bit cold but then I'm not sure whether that's just because this bit's nice and warm now and um but I keep saying to my husband is there something new and he's like no I don't think there is so it's not nothing's suddenly showing itself like it had been before like since July things were just popping up all over the place the patches. 

So I'd like to think that I'm in that you know moving forward so I think unless there was any like major new I mean if there were new patches obviously then that would be probably a worry or like I still I'm not saying that I've sorted everything out obviously it's going to be hard to get everything sorted yeah Tipping Point and your body talks to you with a cold with a car yeah well yeah we've all got this yeah yeah yeah yeah your body tells you when it's at its Tipping Point yeah I think I think yeah I think you've hit the nail on the head really you know I didn't have children until yeah know I started work at 18 and literally I've been the type of person I am I want to always kind of do everything to my absolutely like 110 you know that's just the way I am and I'm not going to change that. 

I've just got to kind of just like balance it that's what I think and so I think I'm all moving in the right direction but I don't think giving up my job is necessarily the answer and for us maybe we just like throw it under the rug like it's not a big deal we've already moved forward but then when you're given the space and the time to open up and you're like oh wow this can be healed mentally emotionally physically right and so yeah once you give yourself that time which is a weekend it's a quick weekend yeah yeah it's kind of like all that garbage gets cleansed and before I was very reactive to certain people and now it's just like I don't react it just doesn't bug anymore. 

I feel like the course has definitely helped me really refocus on my life so hopefully I'll send you some pictures I think you'd probably like to see my hair pictures I would love to um I'm very selective about who I show because they are a bit like a bit strange like fluffy white hair everywhere but anyway you know I and I have found that that's really useful because at first I was really scared about going to work because I work in like a company that's quite image driven and I've always taken a lot of pride in what I look like maybe not 6am in the morning but um you know and so suddenly to lose my hair I just felt so like worried about going to work and what people would think but I actually found that by telling people so I think I told most people I work with now they've all been really kind and although I don't know what reaction I thought I was going to get but people have been kind. 

So it's been actually good to let people know I think that's I found that quite useful to just because at first I was like I'm so embarrassed I can't even have a moment I come around I just yeah I just this is ridiculous I know everyone's going to say I'm really stressed and that's why it's happened and you know but actually everyone's been really kind and like people have actually highlighted the fact that you know you really just go out of your way for everybody else and you never think about yourself and so it has made me it's kind of brought lots of nice qualities out of everybody and like was focused on the positive my positives which is which is nice because I just thought everybody would judge me on my hair. 

In fact I had like an old lady's head you know like I just because I thought if I walked down the street I'd be like oh gosh you know that's a bit unfortunate that somebody's got hair like that and then suddenly it's me and so yeah it's been really nice to see people's kind ways but did you notice like when you know you said you get like a lot of itching was that did you used to always get results um reactions like that before or was that since you didn't know so but since she did the so and the itching happened as my hair was growing back in and it felt like it was on fire. 

I actually have some questions for you: Yes, how would you rate the program from one to ten and what were some of the highlights that you found. 

I think the program is is excellent I think like I said it's very overwhelming at the beginning because it's a lot of information and it's trying to juggle at all with your busy life which I think most people probably are doing this course are probably got careers and things so you know that's not it's not the easiest but I think it's a really good program it's been really really great thank you. 

I've just you know really really enjoyed it it's been intense it's been hard but I think it's proved to me like what a determined person I am and you know and how yeah you've already seen hair growth in week two yeah yes yeah you're you're a huge Warrior I mean battling cancer going through alopecia and now reversing it and this is huge so kudos to you because it it shows how much of a strong person you are of like a fighting character you are and in many ways we have to be this way to fight alopecia. 

You have to give it your all you have to go with a hundred percent you can't just you know be like okay in the water because that's not gonna happen it has to be full-heartedly yeah yeah no no I can see your passion and that's really I really really love that thank you yes is there anything else that you would recommend or anything for joining the program I don't think I'd even I don't think I'd have any reservations I'd just say you've just got to do it no I think I think the program's great I don't think I could really and I'm quite a good I'm quite good at criticising things and like analysing things but no I think it's I think it's really really good I think I'd like to think that I can continue to contact you and you know let you know how I'm doing because I you know I don't want to just be a number and you know in I don't believe that's how that's not how it feels. 

I'd like you to you know obviously you're very interested in seeing how people's progress 100 but I love to see the fairy tale endings because you know I'm not one for Disney movies I mean I like them but you know sometimes real life doesn't happen that way but uh in in my life in my line of work it actually I do see the Happy Endings biggest payoff is seeing the satisfaction in other people's lives and how it is they transformed them and their happiness and their life and how it affects every area of their life you know with their children with their husbands with you know their partners with their jobs totally everything. 

This has been like this has been like the biggest challenge we've had in our relationship I would say you know is we're getting very naughty with each other you know like you know I'm very touchy about everything you know and so it's been a big challenge but um if I yeah if anyone was on the fence I wouldn't even have hesitant hesitation to suggest recommending it because like you said you can spend all this money before I came on the course I spent hundreds you know if not thousands on going to dermatologists doing all of this kind of thing and I can just see the same message coming out through through these people and that's not what I want to be doing you know I I've always been very keen to be kind of healthy and go for like the alternative route but you know alternative to medication and so yeah. 

I would be very I just I'd suggest it to anybody that had this issue in fact you know I I kind of like see people in the street that I can see I've obviously got a picture I kind of always want to tell them about it you know because um I mean I know some people can't afford these things and the supplements and everything have cost a lot of money but you know it's not it that you say there are ways of getting around budget issues aren't there because I you know. 

I like to learn about things and you know it's been really interesting thank you I haven't done the thyroid master class but yep I need to do that so I'm since that the next few days but yeah no really really good thank you excellent just one last question how was the healthcare with the NHS with the situation in the UK how did they react or treat or help you or not help you with alopecia right they have helped me zero so I went to the day that I found out I had this my husband suddenly said Emma you've got a big patch of hair on the back um big bold pattern in the back of your head. 

I literally went into like meltdown and like had felt like I was gonna have panic because I've never felt like that before and I went straight to the doctors because I managed to get an appointment that day and they bit I wouldn't I didn't get to see adult circles see a nurse practitioner and basically she said well you know yeah yeah you've lost a bit of hair yeah well it's your way everything's going against you really your age your um the fact that you've got two young children stressful job hey um stressful job children um your age you've got you know it's all going against you that's what that's why that's happened and like didn't have any understanding of it no no understanding at all no real interest didn't I said do I need any blood tests she said no no don't need blood tests. 

I said well I put in to see a private dermatologist she said oh right well you probably need to see a trichologist that's that's the hair isn't it like a hair specialist I said right okay and it was literally just like Shrugged off I felt if I I felt like that was really really poor you know that was I could have gone off then not you know I felt really really down at that point and her reaction to that was just really bad I felt and so since then. 

I've been to see a couple of private dermatologists who you know have been okay but again like I said they're just putting on that plaster aren't they they're not they're not dealing with the root cause really and so yeah I did follow up because I said I had full blood and I because the dermatologist requested I had a full blood count and my doctors through the NHS and they came back with one of the markers which was the AIG I think it was or it was one of the autoimmune indicators anyway and I said to them um the doctor kind of said oh yeah when I switched on the phone she said oh yeah the blood's all look fine you know the aid was slightly raised or whatever whatever it's called and then nothing that was it and and so the dermatologist said to me well that's been raised so have they not requested a like a repeat one and I said no and so literally I said to my cancer nurse though who's telling me that my thyroid is up and down levels are up and I said nobody's putting together the pieces of the puzzle that's me again. 

I'm having to deal with it like I've got alopecia now I've got this thyroid thing I feel like I need to see like a a proper autoimmune specialist to tell them not I really want to now I don't really You Know Myself by doing your course but you know somebody should be looking at the whole picture you know everyone goes on about how great the NHS is but actually I felt totally unsupported like nobody is in my Doctor's practice going all we need to contact them because she's going through this you know. 

I could be kind of spiralling into a deep question because actually it's been really really hard the last few months I've been slow up and down and that's not me I'm not usually like that I've just been completely unsupported so somebody who didn't have the drive and the ability and the financial ability to be able to do anything more would just be completely just left to suffer you know to her she showed absolutely no knowledge of alopecia there by saying it's just your age it's just a stressful job you've got two young topless there's nothing to do with. 

In fact I don't believe then the dermatologist didn't believe it was anything to do with female alike pattern hair loss it wasn't that was what she was almost implied but she didn't have any idea did she that nurse she didn't know and that's the problem. 

When people speak out of line when people speak and their words are hurting the the patient or the client so much more further because the first I mean you could be misdiagnosed and I see this all the time with my clients they're misdiagnosed and yeah even for somebody as Keen as you and you knew exactly what it was you knew it was alopecia areata you knew that this was growing and it needed to be worked on immediately. 

I just did a podcast about health care around the world because I've lived in the Netherlands I have friends in the UK and of course clients but then also in Canada and in these socialistic countries of health care right um they always come in the top ten of like best health care but then it's just like I start scratching my head I'm like no there's a different picture there's a different side to these stories and I felt it too in the Netherlands it was awful like zero support zero help and it was just you know. 

Hey I think it's customer service B I think it's also lack of knowledge and lack of like what to do and then yeah see they also don't have the resources or even have no wherewithal to say you need this you need that they don't even know like what step one is and so of course they can't help you and it's it's frustrating it's so frustrating and so this is where yeah you and me and all our all my other clients take managers to their own hands because that's the only way yeah that's a big way but I'm glad I've got the kind of Drive in me and that's the type of person I am to like sort this because um otherwise I'd you know wouldn't be in this position now. 

So uh I'm keeping battling on absolutely and you're doing a fantastic job um please keep me posted with all the hair grows with all the progress happy holidays yeah to your husband and family children and yeah I look forward to maybe of your success yeah thank you maybe I'd like to just have another call like this maybe in you know maybe in like February March time just to show you how I'm doing and like any um other issues I've gotten hopefully not absolutely yeah thank you it's been really nice it's just really nice to feel like I've got somebody who's like you know who becomes a bit of a friend who um in you that you know that I can that gets it and gets you know where I understand and I'm in your corner 100.

I'm here for you thank you thank you it's a lonely place isn't it as you know you know trying to get through this however much support you have you know my friend my family are very supportive my I've got two sisters they're all very supportive but everybody's busy and so um you know it's nice to just know somebody that actually my mom says I feel like I'm going through this with you I think well mum you don't feel like you know you don't know I know that sounds horrible but you don't but it's true you're not losing your hair yeah yeah yeah so it's um it's just a bit of a lonely day. 

So it's nice to know somebody gets it but thank you yes and I'm here for you at any point whether it's you know in two years two days or you know two months I'm here for you and um that's great that's that's answered all my questions that's brilliant thank you very much I'll keep you posted to you absolutely kudos to you thank you so much thank you for listening to the alopecia Angel podcast a positive light in healing alopecia you can do this and we can help spread the word that reversing alopecia is possible by telling your friends and family.

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