Episode 76 - The 3 Things you Need to Know for Healing Alopecia


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

If you want to heal your alopecia, you need to learn to be your own advocate and take action. This episode is all about learning that no one is coming to save you and you need to do the work for yourself. Once you’re in the right path, it’s all about mindset.



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Hi everybody and welcome back to the Alopecia Angel podcast. I am your host Johanna Dahlman and today we're going to go over the 3 things that you should know if you really want to heal. These are three things that you should really consider because it's really important, and it's kind of like the starting point of your healing process.

The first thing you should know is that being your own advocate is a process that I teach you inside the program, but it's also a requirement. You have to be your own advocate ,you have to advocate for yourself. You can't just let people dictate and tell you what to do. You can't just let people doctors, health officials, you can't just go by what they say.

A lot of times you have to navigate and work around this. When I'm saying this, I talk about especially when we see doctors. At this point in my life, I'm looking at daycares and looking at what's best for my child. Looking and advocating for them because they don't have a voice at this moment, or a strong enough voice.

So, it's really choosing what's best, but in order to choose what's best, I have to advocate for myself. I can't just be guided by what the state thinks is the best for them, because it could be flawed, it could not align with my values, it could not align with my ethics it cannot align with so many things.

So, this is very important and I think for anyone, for any parent out there who's maybe visited schools or daycares, is always looking for a safe community for their children. You understand that you have to advocate for your child in so many ways, especially if they're in a certain situation where they're getting bullied or something like this. You're going to go and advocate for them, but in the same way, we don't necessarily need a bully to have this happen. We could be pressured to do many things, to take certain vaccines or to just to follow what others are doing.

This is important because you have to advocate not just for yourself but also for your children in this way. So, advocating for yourself starts at a very young age and if we can teach our kids to advocate for themselves, to stand their ground when they feel that it's wrong to stand their ground when they know that it's right etc. This is key to that, and also not succumbing to what others say and what others dictate.

When I think about this, I'm also thinking about my times that I've seen thousands and thousands of doctors in different states, and in different countries, always telling me something like “Oh, you have alopecia, well you just need cortisone shots” “Oh, you just need creams, “Oh, you just need this medication” or you just need this you need that.

After doing my research, none of that I know works. None of it works long term and on top of it, there's a ton of health issues and concerns that come along with it. Advocating from for myself also looks like me doing the research, me doing the homework and me asking the tough questions. A lot of times people don't like to be questioned. Authority doesn't like to be questioned, and me on the other hand, I welcome all questions, I want you to ask, I want you to tell me what you want to know. I've been that that Mom, and even that lady, that asks those tough questions.

I tend to see things differently hey because a) I've done my research b) because I'm knowledgeable, c) but also because it has to do with me and my health, or me and my child's health, or me and my family's health. These are the things where being an advocate for yourself is crucial and so if you don’t know how to do this, I can show you how and I teach you how inside the program.

This is very important, you need to be an advocate for yourself because it doesn't stop here. So, even if you were to go on and heal your alopecia, there’s always going to be another opportunity to advocate for yourself. Advocating for yourself is gonna happen on recurrent basis, whether that's taking your car into the mechanic or whether it's buying groceries. Being an advocate for yourself is a huge huge skill to have.

The other thing is that's needed to know, is that no one's going to come save you. What do I mean by this? It means that a pill, cream, laser, or a new and improved medication isn’t going to come save you and your alopecia. I've seen it from experience, I’ve seen it from experience from my clients who've tried certain things, they've healed and then years later, months later, they come back, and they're like “Oh, guess what? I've tried this and this and that, it worked at one point but then it didn't work again, and then it just kept getting worse and worse.”

All of these gimmicks are just marketing. Understanding that no one is coming to save you, that there's not going to be one pill, cream or solution out there that's going to come and save you completely its crucial.

Even with me, with the Hair N’ Heal program, you have to do the work. I can give you the blueprint, I can give you the steps, I can give you the personal evaluation, I can give you the recommendations, I can give you the coaching, but guess what? The one who's running this marathon is you, the one who has to put on the tennis shoes and run is you.

I can't do that for you, and just like if you were actually running a marathon and I was your coach for running the marathon, you still have to run so I can coach you, guide you and get you there. I've been there and I've helped hundreds and thousands of people get there as well, but you still have to do the work.

This is what I mean by no one's coming to save you. You have to do the work, you can forget about your mom, your dad, brothers and sisters and everyone else. They're not coming to save you, you have to do the work and the only way to do the work is to understand what those steps look like for you. This is why it has to be personalized, and it's 100% personalized inside the program.

The last thing I wanted to touch upon here is that no one can help you if you don't help yourself. This is a big one. Let me say that again, no one can help you if you don't help yourself.

What I mean with this is that many times we block ourselves from the opportunities and possibilities of healing, we block ourselves just by our train of thought, just by our limiting beliefs, just by thinking “Oh no, that's not for us”, “Oh no, I can't do that”, “Oh, no I think it's too hard”, “Oh no, I don't think it's going to work for me.”

We convince ourselves it's the ego who wants to keep us safe, we convince ourselves that something is not for us, or something's not going to work for us because it's more comfortable to be in misery, it's more comfortable to be losing our hair because at least it's a situation that we're familiar with.

It's more comfortable to have the vicious cycles, it's more comfortable to not do anything about, but at some point it's going to be really uncomfortable. Just like the person who's obese, it'll be really uncomfortable when they can't fit in a in a plane seat, it's going to be really uncomfortable to travel, it's going to be really uncomfortable to do many things that other people do on a normal basis. So, the only way to lose weight is to actually do the work for yourself.

Again, the personal trainer can help you, can provide all the information, can give you a tailored program and plan but you have to implement and no one can help you if you don't help yourself. If you believe no one and nothing can help you, then that's where you're going, you’re going to stay stuck in this helpless situation. But you can do it if believe that you have opportunity, that you can heal, that you can do this and that it's possible. You just need a guide, a plan to go with it and a map out, a blueprint. These limiting beliefs that we have hold us back from achieving our goals, from achieving what we want in life. It's holding us back from living the life that we really want.

Anyone and everyone can be a millionaire, anyone and everyone can be healthy, anyone and everyone can be thin, everyone and everyone can have lots of hair. There's a path, there are steps to take and a lot of times people don't like to do the hard work.

Let’s be honest, a lot of times people don't like to do the hard work, even if it’s for themselves. This is why we have created a culture of easy fixes, the diet pill, the lotion and potion for your hair, the laser caps, the minoxidil, the rogaine. It’s an easy solution, it's easy to put in a shampoo, it's easy to put on a cream.

It’s easy it's a convenient society, but guess what? Convenience does not lead you to results, it does not lead you to real results, does not lead you to success, does not lead you to a 100% feeling in hair growth. Be self-aware and see if it's you yourself that's limiting your own possibilities with your trained thought, with your thinking, with your mindset, with your limiting beliefs and also see if you’re being your own advocate.

This is not a plumbing issue, this is an internal issue and we need to fix it from the inside. This is how you heal alopecia. When it comes to being your own advocate, you need to stand up for yourself, you need to be able to say hard no's and hard yeses, you need to be able to give yourself more opportunity and it all starts with your mindset. Possibility and opportunity only come your way so if you really want something, you’re going to have to work for it.

That's the truth of it, you're going to have to work for it. I can coach you, I can train you, I can put you in the most perfect situation for you to succeed, but the work, the implementation has to be done by you. No one else can come do it for you, and for those of you parents who are listening, yes, you can do it for your child but even then, to a certain extent, your child is going to become an adult and those adults also need to implement for them. I hope these three points really hone in and bring in what you really need to understand when it comes to healing.

Again, it's not for everybody, not everyone is going to heal and that's the hard truth. Not everyone is going to heal just like not every obese person that you see is going to actually lose weight and go back to a regular size for them. This is the hard truth, there are going to be people who don't want to heal because they don't want to do the hard work, or because they don't believe it's possible for them, because they don't think that they can do it and a lot of it is just mindset.

The other part of that is also implementing, you need to implement. If you don’t, you can enroll in school and be in school, but if you don't pass the course, if you don't pass the classes, if you don't attend classes, that's also going to hinder your possibility forGraduation. Anyone can graduate, but I'm sure we all know someone who didn’t. We all know somebody who didn't go to school, we all know somebody who didn't finish college, we all do. Maybe they were successful in other areas of their life, but maybe not necessarily with school, but just like with school you have certain milestones that you need to do, you have to attend, you have to do the homework. You have to show up in order to graduate.

It's the same thing you have to show up, you have to advocate for yourself, you have to understand that what you do is for you, it's for your health. I already have my hair, I already have my health. What I do now, is for you, so that you can get the same result in less time, but you have to believe that it's possible, you have to want this just as much as I wanted it. If you don't want it for you, then no one can do anything for you.

I hope that makes sense. If you have any questions or concerns let us know. We also have a free training going on that starts shortly in June 8th, so go ahead to our website and sign up for the free training.

We look forward to helping you. Take care.


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