Episode 79 -

The Importance of Overcoming Denial


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

The first step is always the hardest, and that’s why this episode discusses how to overcome the denial that holds us back and achieve our goals.


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Johanna Dahlman on Healing Alopecia Naturally

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2022 — State of Your Health and Hair Update

The Million Dollar Question with Alopecia and How You Can Solve It Today!

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Hi everybody and welcome back to the Alopecia Angel podcast. I am your host, Johanna Dahlman, and today we are going to be talking about the one thing that will inhibit you from getting the results you want from getting the hair growth, from getting the health that you want and it's denial.

And you might be a little bit confused of like why denial, and many times denial happens in many areas. Denial happens when I go over with new clients. They have blind spots and I tell them exactly what blind spots they have and what this could be. And a lot of times they're in denial. They're like: “Really? This is me?” And I'm like: “Yes”

First you have that initial shock of the denial, and then sometimes, most of the time you get the courage, just like problem solving. You have the problem. And then it's just, one more thing we have to move into to rectify so that we can continue to see hair growth and health emerge, and many times I see this on a day-to-day basis too.

The other day I was at a store and this store had little food samples all over sprinkled all over the, the store with new foods and new packaged foods primarily of what they were trying to sell you. And as I'm curious enough to see what people are selling and what people are buying and eating, I'm looking at the package and I'm reading the ingredients which are very hidden on this package.

I'm looking closely and you have the sales lady who's serving you the little piece of packaged food, and then you have another consumer next to her and the lady who's the consumer as well. She's like “I'm on a high inflammatory diet and these are very healthy for you”, “I love these, I would buy them” And she keeps giving me her testimonial on these foods, on this packaged food.

When I start looking at the ingredients of the package, you know, I start seeing that out of the four ingredients, two our sugar. It doesn't matter how you want to dress up sugar, you know, or how you wanna dress up a pig. A pig is still a pig. Even if you put a tutu on it and some lipstick and a wig, it's still a pig. In this case, sugar is still sugar. And sugar causes inflammation, causes disease and causes so many other things.

In this case, this lady was completely in denial when I started giving her a lot of the information I like to provide to people as knowledge. She looked at me in a very dumbfounded way. She looked at me as if she couldn't believe what I was telling her. She looked at me as if she was in denial. And the thing is, a lot of times we are so entrenched in our comfort zone, we are so entrenched in how we live, how we wanna live, on the convenience of things where we don't wanna believe what others are saying because that means that we are forced to make a change. We're forced to do something about it. We are forced to potentially give it up.

I will say that during my time with alopecia, I also had blind spots. Numerous blind spots. And with some I charged head on and I cleared them mop and moved forward into the hair growth. I was in denial like others. I was “No, this can't be it, this can't be it.” And I was so farfetched into denial that I didn't wanna let go. I didn't wanna let go of certain things. I didn't wanna let go of certain foods. I didn't wanna let go because I knew what that would mean. I would have to compromise or sacrifice certain things that I like or enjoy or love in order to get what I wanted.

Eight years later, as I find myself with full hair growth, not having to worry about it, there's always gonna be more and more blind spots as you want to up level as you want to get better, as you want to be your best. And in this case, for me, it's about being the healthiest mind, body, spirit and being the healthiest. I absolutely admire women who uplevel themselves on a consistent basis because it shows. So, for example, yesterday I went to a yoga class and granted, with all this moving that I've been doing. This has been my first official in-person yoga class since before COVID, So it's been a while.

So it's, it's a beautiful thing to be able to have a community engage with people doing yoga. But guess what? My instructor was 70 years old and I didn't know. This was my first time to this yoga studio and, you know, I just popped in for a class and it was, it was so wonderful to see this lady at 70 years of age, fully fit, not one ounce of fat. She's petite lady, and if I were to have to compare her to my grandma, who's 86, if my grandma were to lift up her arms, you would see all this like extra skin off of her, off of her triceps. Right off of her arms. Off of her upper arms. And you know, it would lap and it would be kind of like chicken wings. And this is my grandma, she’s very thin, but she's got a lot of extra. Skin there, and it's because there's no muscle, right? It's because as you get older, you have more muscle loss and muscle loss happens every three days.

It doesn't happen one day to the next, but it does happen incrementally every three days. You lose a certain percentage of muscle if you don't keep it up. And so in this, in this case, this lady, she’s 70 years old, she's instructing the class and everyone is, is there aged from like 18 to probably 65 and, and, and everything in between.

This class was phenomenal, the teacher was energetic, she was profoundly, knew her practice and was able to help others in their practice. And on top of it, you know, she exudes the vibrance of what that can look like at 70 years of age. And not to say she doesn't have wrinkles, she does because that's a part of aging, but at the same time, she's fit, she has balance, she's got posture, she has muscle tone and definition. She is flexible. She was doing the splits right in front of everybody multiple times. And granted that doesn't happen overnight. She started her trajectory. With gymnastics and then moved into yoga and so on and so forth.

But, you know, as she gets older, she also has shoulder pain and other things but she's still in fantastic shape. And so I aspire to be so much better than I am now, but that starts with more steps, hat starts with taking small actions on a daily basis. What I'm trying to say is that the denial of what we need or what is holding us back will continue to hold us back if we don’t overcome it, if we don't acknowledge it, if we don't embrace it, if we don't try it, try it. And many times, even if you're a current.

Program participant or a current student or a past student, understand that if you're not seeing the results that you want, if you're not getting the results that you want, it's because many times we're in denial. Many times we're in denial and we're not considering the blind spots. We're not considering these.

Other actions that need to be taken into consideration and you know, you can't assume that you can just heal with one or two things. I've mentioned this many, many times. It's not just diets, diet is just one little piece of the puzzle compared to the whole 1000 piece puzzle when it comes to healing alopecia. It's a thousand pieces and you need to do everything. You really need to do everything you need to uncover each piece of the puzzle to really see, where we're going wrong. And of course, if we can upgrade those piece of the puzzles, let's go ahead and do that too.

And so denial has held me back. I'll say that denial has held me back for many years because I would've healed my alopecia a lot sooner had I not been in denial. And so this is part of the reason why it took me four years.

A) Because I didn't have the blueprint.

B) Because Ididn't have an expert evaluating my 10 page evaluation.

C) Because I was in denial many times.

And I also didn't wanna let go, I didn't wanna let go. When you let go, you actually catapult yourself into healing. You catapult yourself into more abundance, into more possibility, into more opportunity for health. Regrowth and hair growth in a quicker manner. This is why we're able to catapult you in the hair and heal program in less time.

If you do what I say and you follow the program, you will see the results. But if you're just gonna pick and choose I'm gonna do this, oh, I'm just gonna do, you know, a couple of the fun things and that's it, well then we're not gonna get anywhere. You really gotta do it all to see the most amount of results in less time. That's how this works.

And it's a beautiful thing because I, I'll be the first one to admit in my own journey, denial has held me back. And even when I see past participants or past students, they come to me, let's say six months later, a year later, they're in shock sometimes of the initial blind spots that I tell them that they have. And then once they realize it, because it can be shocking, you’re like, “What? This is going on? And once you move head on, you know, grab it by the horns problem, solve it, right? Every problem has a solution. So we give it a solution.

The last time I saw this client was on our last coaching call, so it was probably about two, three weeks ago, and it was her daughter who had alopecia and rosales. And now her daughter, when she started with me, she was like 16 and and I told her they're blind spots. And once we did that, she came back to me a few months later after doing the program, after the initial, you know, shock, so to speak, did the program.

I told her, these are your blind spots. We need to rectify those. She rectified them. She comes back and her daughter has a full head of hair, full bushy eyebrows, long lashes, and other beautiful features she didn't have when she first started the program.

But this is also thanks to the parents and the mom who took what I said and ran with it. Because that's what's important. You need to run with it even when you're in denial. I actually have another case of alopecia Universal and a little girl, she was five years old at the time I was treating her. Her parents were also in denial, and this is the hard pill to swallow sometimes as a parent.

You almost don't want to believe that, that that is the situation or this is the blind spot. There are blind spots that are super easy to mitigate and others that take a little longer. For the adult or the parent doing this, denial will keep you back. Denial in my case, kept me back and held me back for more than four years.

It's like when you're in the car and you're pressing the gas, you're on the red light and you're going green, instead of being able to tick off and, and go from zero to 60 in less than a minute. Now it's taking you like 10 minutes to get you from zero to 60. You can be getting there like a Tesla, getting there in less time. Automatically. Instantly.

So this podcast episode is more for my students. For those of you who haven't done the program, keep this in mind. Denial will hold you back, denial will keep you in maybe analysis paralysis because it did it to me. I say this also from experience. I'm not perfect at all, but at the same time, I've made all the mistakes that all my clients have had, and so this is why I'm able to coach them through it. This is why I'm able to encourage them to, to move on so that they can get to see that hair growth, because you will, you will see the hair growth. You will. It's not about if you will, it's about when. Because you will see the hair growth. This is a proven science-backed medically sound dyed in lifestyle, holistically natural approach to healing alopecia.

It's the only way to heal alopecia, so you will see hair growth, but it's these blind spots that potentially can hold you back if you don't understand blind spots. I recommend that you revisit episode, I believe it's three or four where I talk about this, or maybe number two where I talk about blind spots. But then the other thing is being in denial and being in denial keeps you in analysis paralysis, and it doesn't allow you to move forward. So keep that in mind as you're coming into the program or as you're doing the program, because that's a key component. We can't be stuck in analysis paralysis. We need to move forward towards solution-oriented problem solving to give the solution immediate action.

You wouldn't wanna wait more time for a solution to your hair loss. Why? Because it can only get worse and more. For 99.9% of my clients, it only does get worse. I haven't seen one client where they get alopecia, it got better and then they came to me. That doesn't happen. It only, they only come to me when it's gotten worse or it's gotten so bad that they can't handle it. Up until recently, some of them have been very proactive. So let's

say they got diagnosed yesterday, then they come see me and they just wanna do the program and be done with it. They don't want the vicious cycles. They don't want to have any more pain and suffering, they don't wanna have to go through the runaround with doctor’s gimmick medications.

They take a very proactive approach and they still wanna learn everything they need to learn. So that they can just be done with it for the rest of their lives. And that's the key to success. It is being very proactive with our health, being proactive with what, what we want because we create our future, we create our health, we create the hair growth and it takes small actions on a daily basis. This is very easy to implement, very easy to to take care of, very easy to manage, very easy to incorporate so that you don't have to worry about hair loss ever again, and you can have your full hair, full eyebrows, full eyelashes for the rest of your life.

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Take care.