Episode 80 -

How She Discovered That Hair Growth is Possible and Lose Over 10 Pounds


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

The Hair N’ Heal program can save years of trial and error and you’ll also get many benefits for mind and body. Angela tried different methods but discovered that the natural path is the only way to healing.



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Johanna Dahlman on Healing Alopecia Naturally

Why does Alopecia Persist? Why has it been months, years and more struggling with hairloss? 

2022 — State of Your Health and Hair Update

The Million Dollar Question with Alopecia and How You Can Solve It Today!

Learn How You Can Heal and Reverse Alopecia

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Angela: This all started over 20 years ago and it's a bad hair day. It was back in a time when I used to perm, and every six weeks the hairdresser would perm my hair.

Johanna: Wow.

Angela: But I would have the up dues and so I wouldn't have to do anything with my hair, just go and get pampered and let her do my hair all the time. And then once I took it down myself and decided to start washing my hair, and I noticed that, thinning in the middle of the hair. So I was told, because you shower and the shower water is hidden in the middle of your hair, so it's gonna thin. I said, that doesn't add up. And then I realized it got more and more thin. The bottom part of my hair. And my sister-in-law is a hairdresser, she goes: "No, that's on the perm" that wasn't washed out promptly. And it just sat there and just went through your scalp and just totally, you got hair loss.

So from then I just did other things. Some of it did grow back, but their middle part where the bald spot was, I just grew into very shiny. And then I went to a natural path. We did an assessment on my scalp and she said, yeah, it's total scar tissue and it's trying to come back, but it's not gonna come back.

So, I did PRP last year and that didn't do much. It just cost a lot of money, but I didn't do too much. I didn't do the maintenance that they suggested cause it's just too expensive. And I did see you last year and it took me a while to get on board with your program. And then I finally, you know what?

This girl obviously knows what she's talking about. Because you have a lot of testimonies and I did my reviews, looked at the reviews, and I started your supplements in the program. And yeah, I think it was the second week when you said that it's gonna start getting itchy. My scalp was itchy, but my legs were more itchy than my scalp really and truly. Chin hairs were coming in more often. I had to get rid of those, especially the gray hairs in the chin. And, so I noticed my hairline, came in, was coming in the, like I said, the scarring is still there, but the surrounding ears are coming in really small. Slowly but surely. Like I said, it's over 20 years. I don't expect it all to come in eight weeks realistically. I went away for a week to Barbados, so I did kind of splurge with all the good food, and then I noticed that the spot, so my hairline were coming back.

So when I came back, I got back on track with the program. So yeah, so I'm still on track with the program. The weight loss is phenomenal. Like everybody sees the weight loss. If anything, they see that. So, I still have to wear my wigs and my hair wraps. I just, I don't usually go on camera without my head wrapped.

I have noticed it takes a toll on relationally, really and truly when you're dating to be wearing wigs all the time. And if you wanna get close to someone, you don't want the wig to slip or anything like that. So I'm very, very conscious about that. But my hair can go back in a little bit of a ponytail and it kind of fills in, so I don't see all the, the shiny spots at the side when I might go back,

Johanna: So your hairline's growing back in, you already started a ponytail coming in.

Angela: So when we started the program, when was our eight weeks? Was up like a week ago? Is that right?

Johanna:  In 9-10 weeks, you see hairline, weight loss, little ponytails coming in, all the shiny spots are going away. You even had vacation, you cheated and you're getting back into the groove of things, but you're seeing so many differences in mind and body.

Angela: Yeah, small differences. When I did do the assessment last year or the year before, she said the hair follicles are still there, but yet it is scarring. So there was scarring but the hair follicles were around it, but I can see that, I can feel that area where it, I can feel the little bit to hair trying to come through.

Johanna: That's fantastic. And then hair on your legs and everywhere else where you need to start shaving.

Angela: Oh yeah. Yeah, that. Yeah. That's beautiful. That's beautiful. And the best part is it's like now you have the keys to success to manage this and to go forward.

Johanna: What were some of the things holding you back? Cuz you had mentioned that you met me or heard of me a year prior.

Angela: Yeah, I guess, I dunno, I guess doing other things, the price point at the time. So I wasn't sure cause a big price point and then you have to make sure that this is legit, right? It's kind of, could you try other little different things? You kind of just give up after, while I figure this is my life, right? So this time I did the the masterclass on Facebook. So from then I figured, okay, I'm just gonna do it.

Just get my credit card out and that's it. I pay back everything I need to pay back, but just do it. Cause I wasn't doing anything else to really, I did the PRP already, I did other things, bought all different hair products. So let me just try your program with the supplements. And I just kind of went for it.

Johanna: And how do you feel now, like mentally, emotionally physically, how do you feel now seeing that hair growth is a possible. Seen that potentially that this diagnosis is not the accurate diagnosis. You know, you're starting to see so much revitalization happening all over.

Angela: I think at the end of the day like I said, eight weeks is not gonna be total growth. But I think as I go along, like, check back in six months and let me see where I am at. But I do feel like this is where I have to go and it's about me. And at the end of the day, I think I made a conscious effort after Covid, well, we still have Covid, I'm a critical care nurse. And all my life and just being poured into other people and trying to get them back on track, and you kind of neglect yourself in certain things.

So, at the end of day, this is my time to really, make a conscious effort and pour into me. So I'm doing your hair program, I'm doing an another program for relationships and I'm doing another program for online trading, how to teach myself to do online trading. So I'm really pouring into my wellbeing and my future and my health and wellness and the whole thing.

Johanna: Yes, amen to that. Amen to that, because this is the time. If not now, then when, because. I mean, if not now, then when? The good and the bad is that a) you're learning exactly what you need to know now and you're taking that proactive step to invest in yourself cuz you are worthy of that investment.

But then it also, you know, being a nurse as you are. You've been taking care of others, but even without being a nurse, being a mom, being a sister, being a friend, you always, everyone, it tends to be women, right? We always just give more than, than we can, more than we really account for, and it is taxing.

Sometimes when we don't do enough, we also feel guilty, right? That also comes in and I understand you a hundred percent. I'm guilty of that as well. But a hundred percent investing in yourself is the only way up. It really is. It's the only way where you can actually see results.

So it saves you time, it saves you having to do four years of trial and error like I did to find hair loss Eureka moment versus eight weeks. You have all the information, you have all the answers, and you're already seeing progress and you just move forward.

Angela: Great. I like your program. It's really good. I recommend it. You did the, the work, like you put the work into it. You can tell with your weekly updates, like you did the work for us since you did a lot of work

Johanna: You know, you'll start to see all the symptoms go away. When I was going through alopecia, I had this immense brain fog. The memory loss was just so rampant. The insomnia was crazy. And then little by little it started peeling off layer to layer, it started peeling off and then all of a sudden it was kind of like this big veil just came off me. And then you feel better.

And as the years go by and you still maintain the learnings of the program, then you're like, okay, I'm actually almost a hundred percent back from before I even got alopecia. And that's even a beautiful thing because it is possible. Our bodies are magical in that sense. It is possible just like you can restore a 1912 Ford car, you can rebuild that to its glory. You can rebuild our bodies too. And it just takes, that takes the belief and the action. So kudos to you for believing, for investing in yourself for. Taking the action and for seeing the results. Is there anything that you would like to share that maybe we don't know about? Or any tips or advice to people who are either on the fence or just started the program or anything else?

Angela: No, apart from that, it's good for your weight and it's good for your hair, the whole program.

Johanna: How much weight did you lose?

Angela: More than 10.

Johanna: More than 10?

Angela: Yeah, but I put it back on when I went away, of course. But yeah, it's ok. Well they do average, when you go away, you're indulged, so you put on more than about five to 10 pounds when you go on vacation for a week. So but yeah, it was more than 10 pounds.

Johanna: Good for you. I know with a lot of people, especially any female over the age of 40, it's harder to lose weight. I know it's harder for them to, to do all these things and I think I can safely assume since I'm over 40 as well, that you know that this is also holds true for you. And I see like so much happiness in your eyes. I really do. I love it.

Angela: I'm gonna be 60 in September.

Johanna: Wow.

Angela: But yeah, I'm enjoying the whole process.

Johanna: Good for you. I had another lady, she was 65, alopecia universalis she did my program. And in last eight weeks she started seeing the hairline come in and more hair come in and she couldn't believe it. It had been six years that she's been dealing with it as well. Completely bald, no eyelashes, no nothing. Right. And she's actually also a nurse coincidentally as well. But she saw lots of hair growth as well. So it's incredible. At any age, at any stage, it's possible. And you're just another phenomenal success story and example.

So thank you. Thank you for letting me share your story and thank you for also letting us to celebrate you and congratulate you because, you know, it does take effort. It does take right. The will. You know, if I say if there's a desire, if there's a will, anyone can do this.

Angela: Exactly, but thank you for your effort and for your time, cuz you put a lot of work into it. You can tell your passion.

Johanna: Yeah, I'm definitely passionate. You know, I'm, I'm all about blazing a path when people say that there's no construction, it's a dead end. As I just got back to the states and, and I'm in this new town and I, I don't know anyone here and I'm driving around trying to understand the neighborhood and I see a lot of one ways or reroutes or construction or dead ends.

As we're talking, this reminds me a lot of that because I feel like any option that I chose was a dead end. Or it was like a one way or a reroute, right? And then I'm just like, no, I'm gonna get my own shovel and I'm gonna make my highway and it's gonna be like the fastest toll road ever.

Angela: I hear you.

Johanna:  And this is the way we have to be. You know, it's just like I, don't take no for an answer and I know you don't either.

Angela: No, for sure. Actually, I, if you are a Christian or not, but about maybe 10 years ago I was at a church service and this visiting preacher was prophesied and he called me up and it was cuz at the time I was wearing a wig. So you can't tell if anything was wrong.

I really don't know what this is about, but I just sensed that something in the middle of your head and the Lord is saying regrowth. Yeah, so I always held on onto that word and I said, okay, Lord, you pretty well gave me confirmation all those years ago that there's gonna be regrowth and this man doesn't know me from Adam and he didn't see anything physically to say, this is what I'm talking about. Because yeah, just the Lord said it's gonna be regrowth right here.

Johanna: Yesterday I did yoga and the yoga instructor had kind of like these extra healing powers, modalities. She was doing reiki on all of us without us really knowing. Like I knew, right? I felt, I felt the energy, you know, everyone is energy and I felt her energy and you know, there was actually another lady behind me and she was crying. She was sobbing through this yoga practice and you know, a lot of times you release when someone sees you. It's almost like that voice, that little bit of encouragement that people need to say "I can do this, it's coming"

Angela: Exactly.

Johanna: Well, congratulations, please keep me updated on the next steps on where you're going on, how things proceed. I wanna see and hear more by the fall.

Angela: I'll send it, I'll update you with the pictures. I took pictures at week zero, and then at week eight I did the pictures again. So I'll do another two months, I'll do some more pictures.

Johanna: Fabulous, I can't wait. Thank you so much. You're such a blessing. Thank you for sharing your story. I appreciate you.

Angela: Okay, thank you so much, Johanna.

Johanna: Take care. Bye, bye.


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