Episode 98 - How This Grandfather and Business Man Reversed His Alopecia Completely in 6 Months!


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman


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Hair loss has an impact on confidence and this extends into family, personal life, and business. Jason’s inspiring story is another reminder that you can overcome this challenge no matter the age or situation.

Hello and welcome back to the Alopecia Angel Podcast: Awaken to Hair Growth, I'm your host Johanna Dahlman. In this podcast episode, I have had the opportunity to connect with a client and showcase how this 50 year old male father, grandfather and businessman has been able to heal and reverse his alopecia in 5 months. He had over 16-17 spots all over, his eyebrows started to go away. It's all started in his beard. And he details his story, he details how he healed, any details so much more about his life. So you don't want to miss out on this amazing, episode. I'm in utter gratitude because this week alone, I've had 3 encounters with clients who have healed completely or who are on the path of healing. And it's just such a beautiful testament of what's possible. Not just for me, not just for them, but for you too. So if you're still on the fence and you don't think that this is going to work for you, just listen to Jason's account. And for those of you who are women or moms listening to this, I love hearing the perspective of a man of a grown man and how this too affects his confidence, how this to ripple effects into family, into personal, into business and into everything else. So listen to this, you won't want to miss it. Talk to you soon.

Here you go:

Johanna: Hi.

Jason: Hey, how you doing?

Johanna: I'm doing great, Jason. How are you?

Jason: Oh, just awesome. Johanna: I saw on social media that you left me this really great message there about how you followed everything that I had said, and in 6 months now you're full head of hair and living your best life, crazy healthy. And give us a little background. What type of hair loss did you have? When did this start? How long have you been going through this? Give us a little story.

Jason: I would probably say it's probably 2 years to today when I first found out it was right in, right around Halloween 2021, I started losing like little patches in my beard and I just thought: Hell, I'm getting old, I'm 50, I was 48 then, and I'm like: Oh, it's probably just something I'm getting old because I've been bulletproof my whole life.

Johanna: So you're 50 today, and this started 48?

Jason: When I was 48. You thought automatically it was age. Yeah. I just thought immediately it was age, didn't even really, I've never had an issue with anything other than... I played a lot of sports and I've had surgeries here and there and fixed ankles and knees and that kind of stuff, but I've never had an issue with my health. My heaviest I've been was probably 190 pounds, and I'm only 5 but I'm 5,9.

Johanna: Pretty stout.

Jason: Yeah, so I was soft, but it's still a little, I could still push my truck out of the intersection if I ran out of gas, I would still do some stuff. I golfed a lot, I coached my kids in golf, baseball, football, basketball, all growing up. So I stayed pretty healthy, but I never had an issue with something like that or an autoimmune.

Johanna: So who diagnosed you?

Jason: Myself, like I started losing hair and I thought: Hell, I better go get this looked at, and I went right to a dermatologist beyond my wife's recommendation. She's been holistic kind of her whole life, and I've always teased her about it. I've always been the guy that, I could drink till 3AM and take an ibuprofen when I go to bed and wake up ready to go again.

Johanna: You can't.

Jason: That's probably one of my problems. I'm like: Ah nothing's ever going to happen to me, and then that started happening. I went to a dermatologist, he immediately just gave me shots. It's oh, you got alopecia. And he goes, if you could bottle this up you'd be a billionaire if you'd sell this to women. That's what he told me. If you bottle this thing up and give it to somebody that doesn't want the facial hair, they can put it on their body and never have hair again, you'd be a billionaire. Doesn't sound that bad. He gave me a bunch of shots and it just kept getting worse. And, fast forward, it just started just right around here and I always have a goatee, so it didn't really bother me up here, I just shaved and carried on, for about the next six months then my wife actually cuts my hair and she's: Hey, you got a little bald spot in your head and by this time I'm like: All right, this was, this ain't going to fly. So I really started digging into it. I went back to the dermatologist, he started giving me shots and here, take this, these creams that you see on TV that have side effects that could kill you.

Johanna: It will ruin your marriage, you're so young still, it'll ruin your marriage.

Jason: And she's: Don't take that, don't take it just read up on it. And that's when I started reading up onto it on you and I found you. Even after that, the dermatologist stuff, I spent thousands of dollars. I bought cream that was in a tube about that long for 1200 bucks, saying this is going to work, and so I did it and it didn't do anything it just started, kept getting worse and I probably lost.. I even bought that stuff from that dude in Israel that sends the that doctor in Israel, it's like a...

Johanna: The serum? Yeah.

Jason: And I tried all that. I still have a couple of those left. I just, I don't know why, but just as a reminder not to do that again, , if it happens again.

Johanna: So how did the hair loss get? So you started with the beard and then it moved into the head and then you were just getting really concerned.

Jason: Yeah, so I had a couple of little spots in the back. It wasn't really too concerning after that happened about 3 months later, like it really started, like it kicked into high gear. I probably lost about a third of my hair. I counted probably 16 or 17 spots and I'm a professional, like I'm a salesman, I have to go see people...

Johanna: Appearances matter.

Jason: Yeah, I started really digging into stuff and I started listening to your podcasts and all that. Just reading your stuff and following you and your podcast just literally changed my life. And that's why, that's nothing but awesome things to say. And I can't even believe I'm sitting here talking to you. It's crazy, it's just awesome. And it's great to be able to say that to your face.

Johanna: Thank you. It's the second one, this, or the third one, the third call I have this week. Two other calls were with clients as well, who they went from alopecia universalis to full one, went to full hair growth, the other one just finished the program, but by week three, she already started seeing hair growth and she's an actress and so appearances are a big deal in her industry. But I think in any industry, in any way, shape or form, even if you're a mom who just stays home or even if you're just a child who's in preschool and has no idea of what's going on, appearances matter because people treat you differently upon their perspective or their knowledge or ignorance of alopecia, right?

Jason: Oh, absolutely. Johanna: And so anyone with a skin disease or skin anything, and because alopecia is still intertwined right with the skin and the scalp and everything, it's: Oh, I don't want to get close, maybe it's contagious. Oh, I don't want to touch it. You know what I mean? Sometimes when I was going through alopecia, I felt like a leper and that's in that way from Old times when leprosy was a thing, you feel almost outcasted very much. And in many ways with other health conditions, you can feel outcasted, but when it hits the appearance, because you can hide, I was actually saying this to somebody else yesterday, you can hide your back pain, you can hide your arthritis, you can hide your migraines, you can hide all these. Things that happen internally, but you can't hide like the skin issues, you can't hide the hair loss, you can't hide the patches of the beard or the head, or, the loss of the eyebrows. Did you lose any eyebrows or eyelashes by any chance?

Jason: I had pretty much had all my hair is grown back. It was still thin. It was weird to grow back white and and then it would, I'll just come back as I had a big spot right here on the back of my head and it grew back completely white, but it was there, and then it started getting darker and when that happened, I got this little tiny bump on my eyebrow right here, just like about the size of your, pinky half of your pinky nail, just went away and I'm like, this stuff coming back. I'm finally got a control of this thing and now I'm getting this. But I did, I lost a little bit. Thank goodness my daughter does, she does lashes and eyebrows for a living and, she picks me up. She put a little dye in there and it was fine.

Johanna: Now you're 100% back, no more areata your full beard, full hair because you're wearing a hat, we don't know.

Jason: Oh yeah. I'm 100% Johanna: so what did you do for work? Because work doesn't stop. You still had those business meetings, you still had, important things to do, you're in sales, correct?

Jason: Yeah I got real good and found real good products to hide that because I have real dark hair, so it, it was real easy. Some hair or lighter hair you can't hide that. It would be pretty hard to hide that. Especially how bad I had it, I had a spot on my head that big around right on top of it. And I had one right here in the front and it was just color it, I just colored it and just do it how I usually do it. I could tell, but I don't think anyone not looking for it could tell. You know what I'm saying? I don't think there's a lot of people that really knew that I had it, but another one of the problem is the kind of what it does to you when you have, I never, I thought, heck I don't think some way that would bother me, but it really does. I bottled, we go boating a lot. About every weekend, I lived in Heber Utah by Park City, Utah, and there's lakes all around and we botted every weekend. And I think for two straight summers, I never got in the water once because I can get my makeup wear off or I didn't want anyone to see it, even though my kids, my family knew, it still bothered me. And that's not really, nothing's really bothered me about it, like my parents or anything. I've always been all right with it, but that bothered me, it is embarrassing. It was almost like what you said it makes you feel like you have a disease, and people look at you funny and treat you different. Johanna: They do, unfortunately they do, a lot of it again is knowledge and ignorance that you know it goes hand in hand. But, Because you're a small percentage. So for people who have the autoimmune alopecia, only about 15-20% percent are men. Why is that? We don't know, but for autoimmune disease in general, and in particular alopecia, 80% is women. And so from a man's perspective, hearing your feelings, emotions, the day to day, having to cover up The bald spots either on your head or beard or shaving or, having your daughter. How old is your daughter who helped you with your eyebrow?

Jason: She's 23.

Johanna: Recruiting essentially friends and family to help you during this process to support you as your wife did with the diet and changes in general. It's quite fascinating almost to hear a male perspective. Especially when they're more of an adult, because many times when we are healthy, we never have had any diagnosis. You and I are in the same boat. I've never had any diagnosis before alopecia. I thought I was on top of the world, I had my personal trainer, I was running, I was fit, I was tan. I just thought I was 100%. And you probably thought that you were 100 percent too because nothing had come up until it did until one day it just showed up and then it starts to get worse. And at what point did you find me? How did you find me? And like, how did this rabbit hole of searching because it's not so easy, right? You're Immediately predisposed to go to the doctor. That these things aren't working, even though the $1200 cream isn't working. That all these other serums from Israel and everywhere else aren't working. So how is it that you found me and that you're like, this is it?

Jason: It was a last ditch effort because I tried it all. You know what I'm saying?

Johanna: I hear that a lot.

Jason: But it's not a, it's because it's a life changer, right? It's literally, you have to change your life to do it and there's a lot of people that won't do it. They can't, they can't do it, that's the last resort. I found you right out of the gate, actually, and I'm, my wife is, like I said, about as holistic as you can get. She actually does foot zones, actually started bringing my color back in my hair, she told me to go get a foot zone and you know what a foot zone is. We're released like your lymph nodes through your feet and...

Johanna: Drainage?

Jason: Yeah. I'm thinking you're nuts. She's going to, someone's going to push on my feet and make this stuff work, right? That's just not, that's not me. But I went to her and since I was so... I've been so in tune with my body over the last couple of years, I felt different. It made me feel different. I went through it probably three or four times and I started getting, I don't know if this is, if it's just coincidence or what, but this big gray patch that I had in the back of my head literally started turning black and, dark the color of my hair. And my wife's she's always wanted to do that and I'm like: Well, go for it. She's been a housewife her whole life she has dealt with his kids. I'm like I don't always tell her go get a job. I don't care if it's if you don't even get paid, just go out in the adult world and interact with adults because you've done nothing but interact with children your whole life, now my kids are older and she's maybe I'll just go do this for something. I'm like: Go for it. So she went and did it and I got to hand that to you because if I didn't find you and this didn't happen, and I got fixed by you. She wouldn't have done this, do her foot zone thing. And I'm telling you, that is one of the, she, that's her calling. Everyone's got a superpower, hers is healing. Yours is healing.

Johanna: You gotta stop using age as an excuse because I'm sure because you do listen to my podcast, you'll know that I've had clients who are 65, 60, 75. They do the program and they see hair growth. So it's not an age thing and I'm in my forties, but I don't feel 40, nor do I look 40. I get this all the time where people think I'm way younger. And I just, I feel younger. I always say, I feel like I'm in my thirties or like 29, I don't feel, nor do I look in my 40s mid 40s at this point. I feel like I'm thriving. And just like you, I feel like this is like the best version of me because of alopecia because of it, because there's no other way.

Jason: I ran a seven minute mile on my 50th birthday and it's... I've never, I can't even do that high school. I wish I would have, I wish this would have happened to me 20 years.

Johanna: I say the same thing, it's so interesting. And maybe it is because we're in our 40s or at our mid age at this point where you almost wish it happened earlier so you could save yourself the time and the suffering and learn the learning lessons early on and then have an amazing rest of your health and hair and life, from now till who knows when, right?

Jason: It obviously happened for a reason. It's thank God you're around because I'd be in trouble right now.

Johanna: Thank you. I appreciate that. It's how long did it take you from start to finish? So once you committed, right? Cause it's a big commitment to you and to your life. Once you committed, how long did it take you to heal and start to finish?

Jason: I'd probably say a good solid 6 months. I didn't have to put another ounce of makeup on my head. Was probably, I'd say between 5 and 6 months.

Johanna: That's nothing, that's nothing. I did four years, four years, a little bit of hair growth and then it took, the actual hair growth to fully come in, 6 months is nothing start to finish 5 months. That's amazing.

Jason: It was great. And I'm, I still see there's still a few effects. I just barely started growing my beard back and I had guys made fun of me all the time, but I had my beard back, and I didn't care, I don't care what it looks like, it's there, I could feel it, and I felt normal for the first time in a couple of years. And like I said, it's I don't know if you can see it, but it's a little gray, because I'm an old guy, I think, a lot of gray hair in my family, but, It's starting to come back a lot more darker, and even the sides of my hair coming back in a lot more darker. And I never really got any, had any issues on the sides thank goodness, just down on the sides of the back, but it was mostly in the very back and on the top. And I could manipulate my hair to where you couldn't really tell once my makeup was on, but out of the shower, I'd look at myself, I looked like an absolute wreck. I'd probably say I lost probably a third of my hair. Johanna: No, yeah, it's a lot.

Jason: It was a lot. And it was hard. I'm telling you for the six months. I still have, little, few dots here and there, but just tiny ones that I only knew about, my hair covered, I didn't have to worry about it to the point where I didn't even check anymore. You know what I'm saying? Every single day I would wash my hair in the tub, leaning over the tub, with just so I could see how much hair I lost. It was, consuming me. And when you get to the point where it starts coming back and you're beating it, and you don't have that you don't have that stress. It's even better.

Johanna: There's ways to mitigate situations in life because life is going to continue to happen, right? It's just all about how we approach it, our perspective and our mindset around it. When you nip it in the bud, just like you did, and after going through so many doctors and dermatologists saying that this is not the way, but then when you're like: Okay, I'm committed, you'll see results, you really will.

Jason: Yeah, everything, it's the stuff that you don't realize that you do. Even as far as, judging somebody that you don't realize you're judging somebody through the whole kind of journey that gets fixed along with it. And there's a lot of stuff like that I've realized that fixes, it fixes itself when you get on the right, you get on the right page. I wish it happened 25, 30 years. I feel like I could live till I'm a 100 years old, and I've never had that feeling, it's like you just do what everybody tells you what you know. You're taught a certain thing.

Johanna: Naturally, if we're doing our job, our body does its job.

Jason: Absolutely. I totally agree.

Johanna: The funny thing is, a lot of people say: Oh, I want something science based, I want something science based, but what they misinterpret as science based is pharmaceuticals, which is processed, derived, for the most part, by plants. But definitely mixed in with other things. When we are forgetting about the biology of our own anatomy, we're missing the part of biologically how we perform and how to enhance performance, whether that's, eyesight movement, lack of arthritis, hair growth, etc. Like the biology is innate. That is science, it is part of the sciences and I think a lot of people misinterpret diet and lifestyle for something else. And I'm like: No, it's part of your biology it's all part of you, mind, body emotional health, mental health, physical health. It's all connected.

Jason: Absolutely yeah.

Johanna: So I've had clients who are 5 years old, 6 years old, 2 years old, 8 months old, and they have allergies. Jason: That's crazy, 8 months old?

Johanna: 8 months and they're breastfeeding, and that's all they've had is breast milk. So this is the thing where it's just rampant in terms of the lack of knowledge, the gap in knowledge between, let's say, the medical system, nutritionists, dietitians, medical doctors, etc. to what's really going to empower us, to what's really going to keep us healthy, because for sure it's not that food pyramid that they're offering. For sure it's not the government, guidelines of what's healthy. Even in my kid's daycare, it's I don't even abide by their rules. My child has his own lunch has his own snacks like we do it our way because it's our way or no way.

Jason: I wish I had that much control over 20 year old, but I don't they'll learn.

Johanna: They'll learn at some point. They'll learn it and that's the thing. Everyone's on their own journey, right?

Jason: Yep. And that's my wife is telling told me since for 26 straight years, you need to eat better, you need to do this. You need to do that. I'm on the road, I'm doing this. I'm playing golf. You're going to have, all they have is a hot dog and, in case of beer, that's what we do. That's that's not what I do anymore.

Johanna: Consistency is key. When you're consistent, everything begins to flourish. And this is why I've been able to have my child at 40 years of age with a fantastic pregnancy and postpartum and not have to deal with anything. And I've had clients, unfortunately, where they've had 10 miscarriages or they've had, 5 or 6 miscarriages, or they've had fertility issues. And so it does creep in into every area of life, male or female. And this is maybe people are listening to this and they're like: Oh, I'm done having kids like you, you're done having kids. But at the same time, it's just like fertility is much more than just having kids. It's also, keeping your marriage alive, it's also being active, it's also doing golf, it's also having that self confidence, not being stressed over this. It's also not trying to count the hairs in the bathtub. It's all these things that add up to the daily life where you could be spending more time with your grandkid than in the tub, trying to, either wash your hair or cover up the spots with the makeup, etc. It's an overarching thing and health it is priceless. And I think when you are given a diagnosis, any diagnosis, but clearly one that affects you on the outside as well as on the inside on various levels. It does hit home and it does reprioritize you and what you want in life because health for me is also number one. And it's very easy for me to say no to the hot dogs and to all the garbage. Yeah, it's just very easy like you said, it is a no brainer.

Jason: Yeah, and, another reason why I'm doing it is I, it's more of an exercise for me because it's pretty easy to get back to fall back into bad habits, but it's easier, to when you're all healed up and you feel great, it's easier to do that. I am a creature of habit, if I like something, I'll do it.

Johanna: We all are, and this is the problem. We all are and, but our habits are not necessarily fueling us or feeding us correctly or even, doing us good in any way.

Jason: Having that much information out there for somebody to get on the right track it's priceless and I appreciate that.

Johanna: I appreciate you. And I do this just because I love hearing these stories. I love talking to you and to Noah and to Juliet and everyone else who has a beautiful story, because the fact that all of you have been able to do this in less time in less than 4 years without the struggle, without the excessive unnecessary amounts of tears and fears and uncertainty and what am I going to do? And how am I going to get this done? Because we all have busy lives. You have a full time job, you have a family, you have a wife, you have kids, you have grandkids, everyone has full time activities and things to do. And so how do we get to A to Z in less time? And so this is why I asked you specifically, because in 5 months, imagine that being healed and whole no more 16-17 ball patches all over your head, like a cheetah. Now you're done and complete. And on top of it, you're feeling like. Better than when you were 20 this is huge. This is huge. Not just for you now at 50, but for the rest of your life, when you're 80 and 90 and a 100 and 120 and etc. So I commend you for doing the work, right? Cause that's what it takes, effort. Everyone needs to put in their own effort, right? It's not just buying Nikes and saying, I'm going to go running. Having the Nikes there and putting them on because I can't run for you. Like I can guide you and run along with you, but I can't run for you. And so this is the beauty that you can do this. You've done it. You're a success story for everyone who is going through alopecia everyone who's who maybe sometimes doesn't see the light that it's possible for them and yet here we are 50 year old man, father, grandfather. Businessman and yet can find the time, can find the investment, can find the commitment to take care of himself and, has accomplished it easy in less than 5-6 months. So I commend you. I thank you for the kind words. It's so satisfying to be able to speak to you and to speak to all my clients and to see how everyone just blossoms, right? Because going through alopecia does put us all in a dark place and it's beautiful also to hear it from a male's perspective because we're all human and the human experience is real and the human experience, regardless of gender, regardless of age, it's happening and it's happened to all of us who go through alopecia. And so it is a human experience and I'm so happy to see you thrive, I'm so happy to see you with the full dark hair, I'm so happy to get that message and that we were able to connect via social media and that we were able to connect through the program and through, through the knowledge. But again, it's really you. It's your commitment and your effort because it's all for you.

Jason: I wouldn't have had any idea about it if it wasn't for you. It's, I've been telling my wife, I'm like, I have a meeting with Johanna on thursday at 2:30 like all week I've been like I can't even believe I'm going to be talking about it. I was just a nervous wreck, and it's I've met a lot of. I've met a lot of real popular people in my life, but like you're the one that really made an impact on my life. So it's, I got to hand it to you. It's it's awesome. Your work, what you're doing is, it's priceless, and to put it out there, like you said, just, enough to get you going. And, for me, maybe I didn't have as bad as somebody else, but maybe in record time, I have no idea, but all I know is I couldn't have done it without you. And you, you helped my wife's been trying to make me see the light and all I had to go through this to actually see it. And if you didn't have, if you weren't there, I, it wouldn't have been that extra push off the cliff, and I appreciate it's been, I can't say, more nice things about you. And if anybody asks me how I did it, it's, I always, your name comes up every single time because it's the truth, it's and it's not really, I don't really consider what I did work because it's what we should be doing, and that's what I needed, it was awesome.

Johanna: I'm happy to be of service. Thank you so much for the kind words. What would you say on the fence? I get a lot of people who asked me like: Oh, is this going to work for me? What would you say to somebody who's on the fence of joining the program?

Jason: What's it going to hurt? It's not just alopecia, I got, I have friends that have auto immunes, the, what's the gluten one?

Johanna: Celiac.

Jason: But I'm telling a 25 year old that it'd be like telling a 25 year old me, I'd be completely bald by the time, truth be told, I'd be completely bald by the time I started actually thinking about it, when I was 25, but Yeah. It's such a blip in time... it's nothing, it's, I woke up I'll wake up tomorrow and it'll be 6 months from today, that's how fast time goes by. And yeah, you just that's what I tell them. It's just suck it up and do it. It's your life, it's your health. There's nothing more important. You can't come to work if you're not healthy, you can't do what you want to do if you're not healthy. Whatever it is, even if it's just sitting on your butt, playing video games all day. If you feel like crap, you still don't want to do it, but it's funny, I feel like now the byproduct with me doing this, doing that program is, it's the byproduct was getting my hair back. You can live without your hair, but to be as healthy as I feel and how good I feel you can't buy that. It's just nothing you have to, you physically have to do it. You can't just go by and be healthy. It's it takes work and and exercise and all that you just, you. I just can't believe people don't do it. I can't believe everyone doesn't do it.

Johanna: Because we're not taught. That's the problem. We're not taught. I was not taught nutrition. My family, truth be told isn't on board with a lot of things that I do or teach or preach. And it's because, again, people are creatures of habits and it's no reflection on my family, but it's just that they don't want. But we'll see until the diagnosis happens, once that diagnosis kicks in, whatever that may be, maybe that'll light a fire and be like: Okay, time to get healthy, who do I call? I know I'll be on their speed dial, but that's just the, that's just the way it is though. It's we think we're okay until we're not right or until we get a diagnosis or until we feel really bad, or it's really crippling us in one way or another, then we'll do something about it. It's your car, you won't do anything about the car or the house or anything else that you own or that you use on a daily basis until it just completely stops running or completely like you have to pay attention to the leak in the house or you have to pay attention to. I don't know the termites or whatever it is that's going on you don't do anything until you actually have to do it. That's the thing like the maintenance, as on houses and on our bodies and on our cars. It wears, it's not always that we're doing our oil changes at 3000 miles, it's not always that we're doing what we need to do for us as well. And so this is part of the conundrum of that.

Jason: Absolutely. Your check engine light analogy, I think I use that probably every day. It's your check engine light. If you drive with that on, you could burn your motor up. Yep. That's it. It's the best analogy ever. I feel like I'm so with my body now. I know exactly what I can and can't eat. And that's the best feeling ever. Cause you know, you just got used to feeling like crap, after you eat and. Now it's, I don't ever feel like trap. I know exactly what I can eat. Feel great. I can eat a 4 course meal or whatever I want to eat and still feel great after, and it's not nap time or it's great, it's just awesome. But like I said, I wish I could have done it 20-30 years ago.

Johanna: I know. Are there any other last parting words, feedback anything else you'd like to share?

Jason: No, just thank you, you're awesome. You alone put 20 years back on my life. That's how I feel, and I appreciate that. No one else would have been able to talk sense into me. You speak my language and I appreciate you just putting it out there and, like I said, your podcast, your book was awesome. It is almost like you wrote it for me. That's how I felt reading it. I've read it probably 3 or 4 times just, it's just to keep just to retain it because that's me. And I just appreciate it. It's it's crazy. You're my favorite movie star.

Johanna: Oh, thank you. You're so sweet. You're so sweet. It's such a blessing and, sitting where I'm sitting, it's such a blessing to be able to use something horrible that happened to the benefit of others. It's such a blessing to see how I can help others and how I can impact not just you, who lives in Utah, but so many other people in over 66 countries in different languages.

Jason: How many people that you've helped? You're probably one of the only people, I'll bet you, you're probably the only person I know that actually sleeps good at night. You know what I'm saying?

Johanna: I get woken up by a 2 year old. I get woken up by a two year old.

Jason: Actually, I have 4 kids, so I know what you're talking about. When you do sleep, I'll bet you sleep just fine.

Johanna: He's a blessing, I love him. I'll take the wake ups any day, he's a blessing. Doing what I do is such a blessing too because it really upsets me that no one gave you or me or anyone else with alopecia the option to think that we could heal naturally. The option to think or believe that it was possible without the help of a doctor without the help of a pharmaceutical, or having to use all these other gimmicks that just ruin your life, they really do. I think that fuels my fire to really get the word out. It fuels my fire because yes, pharma is really big, yes, the medical establishment is not going to change anytime soon, but at the same time there is possibility to have small amounts of change, whether that's me helping you and then telling somebody else about the podcast or telling about somebody else who you may see in your daily life who may have alopecia that you could spot it out and be like, you can heal. You don't have to go this other route. And so I think word of mouth is huge and I think once more and more people start to believe that it's possible for them and see that it's an option, then they'll be more inclined to take that route. And also help them and, their loved ones because just like you want to help your kids get healthy and be their best selves. We all do, as parents or as people in general, we want to help others and that's I believe, our calling to life. This is why we're all, I believe put on this earth is just to help others, to help everyone and to everyone be their best.

Jason: I totally agree, and that's, no, that fuels your fire, like your fire spreads, it's spread to me and I, how many hundreds of people that I've, that has an ailment, any sort of ailment, you're rubbing off on more people than you probably could even imagine. And as I said, it's you're a heaven sent to me. You're that last shot that I needed to get right. And like I said, I was never, I wasn't that guy. I was the go right to the doctor, what prescription can I have? That's just what we're taught and the people that I talked to, they're like they like, you have changed what in the hell happened to you? You know that? Cause I've never been that the healthy guy. Do this, try this, do that, and it's all I know is it works. I know for a fact it works. I'm living proof of it. And that's, I tell these guys, these, especially my friends stuff, to have issues. I'm living proof of it. Why don't you just do it? It's literally a couple of months out of your life. You're going to wait, like I said, you're going to wake up tomorrow and it'll be six months from today and you're going to wish you did it. And it's just tough for people to make that, to make that change. And I wish it was a law, like for one month out of the year, you had to eat right, people would actually see it. It put a lot of people out of business, but all big pharma, fast food restaurants, I could bet who cares there's no use for that, other than buying ice at McDonald's for a buck a bag. That's the only reason I even go there. You get a whole bag of ice for a dollar, that's it. Johanna: I thank you so much for your endearing words, for your kind, kind recommendations, and just for being another testimonial, another testament to what's possible. I love hearing about your story, I love hearing about your kids and your wife and, it's such a coincidence, though. I see this time and time again, where people need to learn the lesson a) On their own terms b) When you know, as they say, when things hit the fan, but then also from a third unbiased person. So the fact that your wife or your kids or whoever was telling you, Oh, you need to get healthy. You need to do this. You need to do that. It's like we always everyone right? Not just you, everyone just puts that to the side. If like my mom was nagging me, I would just put what she says to the side, but then it's like when something happens to us, then we're like, okay, who can help me? And then you see the guru and then you're like: Okay, I'm following everything, and lo and behold, it was along the lines of something similar as to what this family member or loved one was telling us.

Jason: Oh, yeah, it's you start listening to what people actually have to say. And because me, I figured I knew it all I've been there and done that, I'm old enough, I've been around the block 40 times, and then something crazy like this happens and nobody can fix it. And then when you get it figured out, it was relatively pretty easy. And the byproduct of that is just phenomenal. It's like I said, I think having my hair back is a byproduct of my health, I would have done a strictly just to feel better, even if it didn't, even if I didn't get my hair, like I said, if I didn't get my hair back. I thought I was already a pretty good dude, but. Now I'm a healthy, pretty good dude.

Johanna: There's always room for improvement. I've learned that. So I'm obsessed now with improving myself in every way. I'm obsessed. It's just like trying to find the time to do it all right. But you're an inspiration, so I'm so grateful for you. I'm so grateful for your story and I can't wait to share this with everybody on the podcast.

Jason: I appreciate it. If there's anything I can do for you, you let me know, I'll be there in 2 seconds. Just spread the word as much as possible, just spread the word. I'm already doing that, but I appreciate you. It's it's an honor to talk to you.

Johanna: Oh, you're so sweet. I love hearing your story. This is the human, aspect that I love and I cherish with doing this because sometimes, working and creating is a very solo endeavor, but then when I get to see the fruits of my labor, then it comes in inspiration. It comes with talking to people from all over the world and hearing their stories and how it started and how it finished. And then I love the happy endings. I used to tell my sister, don't watch too many Disney movies cause they don't, they're not real. The Prince Charming is not going to come save you and I still believe that Prince Charming is not going to come save you, and sweep you off your feet. But at the same time, I do believe on happy endings. And so when I see them, when I get to experience them, and this week it was three in a row, like it's gotten me like: Oh, I don't know, warm, fuzzy on the inside. It brings emotion to me and I just love it. I absolutely love it. So thank you.

Jason: It's been, I've had the best years of my life or just the last two years, as far as health and feeling good and wanting to help people, and that's another kind of by product of this is I feel like I want to go out and help. So like I said, if I can do it, anybody can do it. I'm talking to anyone, cause I'm just not that guy to do it. And like I said, if I can do it, anyone can. And I owe it to you. My, my wife was a, it was a big part of it. She cooked a lot of my meals. She got real creative to make me feel normal, and and found stuff that I could eat. Your recommendations were awesome. And you just stick to it, if you just stick to it, it'll work. I don't care who you are, it's, I know it'll work and if it doesn't get your hair back you'll feel 10 times better than you thought you've ever felt in your life. Best take the best you've ever felt in your life. You'll feel 10 times better and that's... you can't buy that.

Johanna: This is true. It's priceless, it really is. Thank you again, you've been such a great inspiration. I love speaking with you and please keep in touch are you on our newsletter? I'd love to ensure that you're on our newsletter. Great. So you're getting our emails, you'll be finding out then soon enough when I'll be speaking cause I have speaking engagements coming up in Dallas and Boise and at different health and wellness conferences. So I'm excited to share. All those details here soon.

Jason: Oh, awesome. Yeah, let me know. We'll not definitely swing by and listen to you, that'd be awesome.

Johanna: Sounds good, sounds good. All the best to you and your family. Happy holidays as well.

Jason: I appreciate you.

Johanna: My pleasure. I love what I do and I love helping and serving the alopecia community. So my pleasure. You take care.

Jason: All right, you too.

Johanna: Bye.

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