Episode 78 -

The Importance of Rejection in the Healing Process


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

Sometimes rejection can be a blessing in disguise. This episode discusses how to learn from your rejections and see them as a door to new opportunities.



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Johanna Dahlman on Healing Alopecia Naturally

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2022 — State of Your Health and Hair Update

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Welcome, everybody. Welcome back to the Alopecia Angel Podcast. I am your host, Johanna Dahlman, and today we are going to be talking about the rejection to the redirection. And what does this mean? This means that throughout my time with alopecia, throughout your time with alopecia and hair loss, you've been rejected. I've been rejected, and rejection comes in many ways and many times.

We misinterpret this rejection, we misinterpret it as a failure. We misinterpret it as something that's dooming us for life as something that's not working, as something that is not giving us the results we want. And when it comes to the rejection, I se so clearly how this can translate into so many different areas in life.

And I'll go into that a little bit later. But what I'd like to give you is another mindset shift. It's a mindset shift that allows you for bigger and better things for better opportunity. So for example, In alopecia in hair loss, when one method doesn't work, let's say minoxidil, rogaine, let's say supplements, etcetera.

When one thing doesn't work and you've spent all this money, time, and energy on it, it's because it's redirecting you towards something that does and. I see this not just in my own trials and failures and success of course with alopecia, you know, because it took me over four years to finally see hair growth, to finally get to that next level, to finally not have to worry about hair loss ever again.

It took me so many failures. It took me so many trials. It took me so much rejection, rejection of the strategies, rejection of the things that I was doing, rejection of the things that I was thinking that would give me a solution, including the cortisone shots, including the creams, including the serums, including, you know, that laundry list that I like to talk about.

All of that was redirecting me towards the true path, towards my success, towards achieving and conquering my Mount Everest. And so whenever you have a setback, I want you to review, review this perspective and reevaluate a little bit, because more than likely, it's a blessing in disguise and. I can attribute this, the same analogy of rejection to redirection in jobs.

Every job that I've applied for, I didn't always get, many times was a blessing in disguise. I remember there was one in New York, I was like fresh out of college or actually fresh out of my master's program. And in New York I was I was actually thinking about this the other day. I was trying to get this job, and it had a very lucrative salary.

It had a very lucrative company to, to work for and everything, and it just, it didn't, it didn't pan out. It didn't work out. And then now I look back and I'm like, I'm so happy it didn't work out because then my life would've taken me to a different direction. I would've had lived in New York. I would've moved there.

Looking back, that job wouldn't have been sustainable according to my values, according to health and wellness guide guidelines. It wouldn't have been sustainable for me now looking back. And so it's a blessing in disguise that I never got it right and so many times, even the redirect, even the rejection of, let's say, going into grad school and not getting the, the, or even just regular university and not getting your first choice. Or let's say you're dating somebody and guys are probably used to this more than girls, right? But you know, the guy's gonna ask the girl out for a date. You know, Sally, do you wanna go you know, go to a restaurant Friday night. Do you wanna go to a restaurant Saturday night? Do you wanna go to the movie Sunday?

Do you wanna do this? And Sally keeps saying, no, no, no, and so David, you know, the guy is like, Hey, but, but please, I wanna date you, I wanna get to know you. And so David becomes either persistent or he gives up. So, even in dating, you can see where the rejection is, the redirection.

At some point, if Sally keeps saying, no, David's gonna get tired of the no and be like, okay, well let's go, let's go. You know, ask Michelle out. Or let's go ask Nancy or Debra or anyone else. Let's go ask any of these other girls who are, you know, wanting to get to know me, wanting to go out to the movies.

So, It redirects you and it can, it can definitely change the course of your life. This is why big decisions do that. You know, whether it's a job, whether it's dating, whether it's marriage, whether it's, you know, any big commitment of this nature. But when it comes to healing, alopecia, the rejection is the redirection.

Because the strategies you've used, the methods you've used, the techniques you've used have all failed. You. And it's not coincidence that they've led you here. It's not coincidence that in your own search, in your own manner of looking for what else I can do. Maybe there's something natural and holistic because by now you're already really smart on what medications do to you for alopecia, the negative, harmful side effects and the ramifications, whether you're the parent doing this for your child or whether you're looking to do this for yourself.

That redirection has led you here, and many times I get emails telling me “you're my last hope” and this last hope turns out to be the best decision ever. And in hindsight, I also have clients who do the program right after following me for, for so many years, and they're like, “Wow, I should have done this sooner”

But at the same time, maybe timing wasn't there either. You know how sometimes timing plays a a factor in things, and I will say that timing is what you make of it. So for example, I've had clients, there's one in particular, I think it's like episode 65 where she's been following me since 2018. That’s more than five years. She's been following me for five years. And in the first four weeks she already started seeing hair growth. So this is something that she, herself has been holding herself back for whatever reason, she's been holding herself back and she knew that this was a program that she wanted to do, but for whatever reason, timing, life, etcetera, just got in the way and she didn't give herself that time to do it.

And to finally, Take control of her alopecia. And when she finally did, she started seeing the hair growth in less than four weeks. So, this is a beautiful thing. And at the same time, we are in control of our timing. We all have the same amount of 24 hours in a day. We all have the same amount of possibility and opportunity.

Anyone can do the Hair N’ Heal program. Anyone can choose to heal on a holistic level. Anyone can say no to the medications. Anyone can say no to anything else that, that they think is an option or that their doctors are giving them as an option when it really, it's not an option. Or the drug stores, or the pharmacies or the supermarkets, or the beauty supply stores.

They're gonna say “Oh, use a shampoo, use this conditioner. And that's not it. That's not it. Because if you know me by now, healing is much more in depth than just on what we use on the outside. And even then it, it's much more, and this is why you haven't seen the results. So if I am your last hope, if I am the last opportunity for you for this healing journey, take heart because you are on the right path and everything that you've done, haven't done, even though you think you've done, everything has led you here for a purpose.

All that rejection is not in vain. All that rejection has led you here and it's led you here for a reason. It leads you here because there's a lesson to be learned. There needs to be something uncovered. Your blind spots need to be uncovered. Your health needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. You need to really understand what goes into healing, hair loss, what needs to.

This is not a, a passive participation. Healing hair loss requires active participation and it's not just for eight weeks. It’s now and showing you the ropes for the rest of your life. It really is, and it's showing you how to do this so that you don't have to have hair loss ever again so that you don't have to be bothered with hair loss ever again.

Even if you get covid, even if you get a stressful time in your life, even if you go through so many other things that life, you know, ends up giving you. Because life will continue to change, evolve, and continue to, to do its thing. Life doesn't, but we can stop the hair loss and we can stop this from happening again.

So, for example, in my case, it's been more than eight years. I've had a pregnancy, I've had covid, I've moved. Multiple times from multiple different continents and countries, and yet my hair is still here. And yet alopecia never came back. And yet, you know, areata is a thing of the past. It's still a blessing.

It's still a huge lesson that I had to learn, but. Because of that, I'm so much better because of that. I'm so much stronger and this is what, what's needed. You need the active participation. You need to be an active participant in your healing. And so again, if the rejection from all these other gimmicks that you've tried have not led you to where you need to be, but it has, it has.

It's led you here. Today I was talking to my husband and my husband was telling me about a friend of ours who recently broke his foot because he's a professional athlete and he's had his ankle and his foot injured before. And in the country where he's playing his sport, they've been injecting him with PRP.

So, PRP is used not just for hair loss, but it's also used in in athletics. But at the same time, it's also a gimmick for athletics. It's also covering up a situation. It's also a gimmick, so to speak. It's also a bandaid because now this person. Instead of thinking that they're healing and doing better and that they can, you know play on their foot and on, you know, with their ankle.

Now they can't, now they broke the foot and the ankle and now they're out for three months. And so this tells you that when you continue to do the route that seems the easiest or seems the less inconvenient, or seems like the most convenient to you, it's normally gonna be the route that has the most. Detrimental side effects later on in life because at some point it will catch up to you.

These gimmicks will catch up to you and will stop working and will backfire. I'll say that they will backfire. So just like the PRP backfired, just like the minoxidil backfires, for those of you who've been on it for years, years and years, and then all of a sudden you get these allergic reactions, it's your body telling you no more, no thank you.

I can't do this anymore. It's your body giving up and rejecting the minoxidil, the rogaine, the vitamins, the whatever it is that you're using, thinking that this is gonna help your situation and it doesn't. And so until you. Annihilate all these gimmicks, take them all away, get back to the root cause, and focus on forward momentum, forward education, and also active participation because this is not just taking a pill and moving forward.

This is not just, you know, shampooing your hair and moving forward. This is so much more in depth. This is so in depth where these life lessons create the cornerstone of success where adults and children alike worldwide, and it prevents alopecia from ever coming back and it puts you in the driver's seat of full control.

So the rejection, think back, think back to when you applied for a job and got rejected. Think back when you were applying for anything or when you were asking for anything. Or even, you know, the children when you ask your mom for an extra piece of cake or when you ask your mom to go to daycare, or, sorry, not to daycare, but to a birthday party.

Or when you ask your your parents to go to the arcade or to Disneyland or to anything else like that. Rejection. Even though it hurts and it stings at the moment, right, whether you're a child or an adult, but it leaves you to a redirection. And so in many cases, when we take screens out, for example, from our children: no TV, no cell phones, no tablets, no nothing.

What are they left to do? Well, they're left to go play outside. They're left to go, you know, create and have imagination. They're left to help mom in the kitchen. They're left to clean their room. They're left to do other things outside of just watching TV and being on, on screens and tablets. So the rejection gives you an opportunity to redirect your life course, to redirect your hair loss, to redirect your hair growth, and to redirect the rest of your life.

Had it not been for alopecia, I wouldn't be where I am today. And where I am today is with full health, with full hair. No worries, no concerns, freedom, peace of mind. I mean, it's huge, It's absolutely huge. And on top of it the satisfaction to share my findings with everybody around the world is such a blessing.

Such a blessing, I absolutely love what I do. I love helping people. I love helping them get to their, help them conquer their Mount Everest, because it is, and many times it's layered this Mount Everest, just like the actual mountain. You have base camp and then you have that second level and then you have that third level, and then between the second and the third you have to kind of vacillate a little bit.

Go up and down, up and down. And then it's like five or 10 days where you have to go up and down, up and down. Before then you can actually summit to the top of Mount Everest. How do I know this? Because I actually have a friend. Or an acquaintance, I should say. I have an acquaintance who, who's done and who's gone to base camp.

I have a friend who's done base camp, but I actually have somebody I know who's climbed and summited Mount Everest three times and to me that’s very impressive. That's a different type of Mount Everest, right? It's the actual Mount Everest. But my Mount Everest was alopecia and within all that rejection, even though it's painful, even though it's hurtful, even though it may leave you crying in angst, even just a tad bit more depressed, understand that there's a silver lining. Understand that the silver lining is, is that it's redirecting you towards the next thing. It's redirecting you towards the next strategy.

Thomas Edison, it took him over 10,000 times to create the light bulb. 10,000 tries, or let's say 9,999 failed attempts before he got to the light bulb. All these trials and errors led him closer and closer and closer, and you would've thought he would've given up at the five, 5,000 time or maybe that, or maybe the seventh thousand time, but he didn't. He kept going. And sometimes that tenacity, that consistency, that perseverance is what's needed, not giving up.

And so if you have a fighting spirit, if you have a, if you can muster the strength, you can conquer this, you can keep going, you can get to the final end of this and be done once and for all. And that's the big thing, being done once and for all, because that will give you the freedom, the peace of mind, the control that will give you your health, your hair, and will give you the rest of your life without having to worry about wigs, without having to worry about, let's say, dating relationships work, showing up to work you know, doing the activities that you like to do, like swimming and these types of things.

And so this is very, encouraging that yes you can. Yes, follow the footsteps of those who come before you, right? Just like me and my thousands of clients. And understand again that the silver lining is in the rejection, It’s redirecting you towards something better. It's redirecting you towards a better strategy, a better technique.

And if I am your last hope, thank you, I honor you for that, and I am very humbled by it, and I'm happy to help. Definitely happy to help. We have right now an ongoing free training. If you've missed day one, today was day one, June 8th, but if you're listening to this later on in life, we have lots of free trainings that come around periodically, so feel free to sign up for that, and I look forward to helping you next time.

Do me a favor and rate and review the podcast. The more people know about this podcast, the more encouragement, light, and healing they can receive as well. Thank you so much. Take care.

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