Episode 105 - Are You Self Sabotaging Your Hair Growth Results?


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

Self-sabotage has a big impact on our hair growth and health ambitions. In today’s episode you’ll learn about the common self-sabotaging behaviors, root causes, and effective strategies to overcome such patterns.

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Hello everybody, and welcome back to the Alopecia Angel podcast. I'm your host, Johanna Dahlman. Thank you, thank you so much for being with me, for supporting Alopecia Angel podcast, for being a listener and for, you know, being on this hair health journey, because it is a journey. And in many ways it evolves, but in many ways it's so beneficial, so beneficial.

And so I wanted to start this new year with tackling something that potentially many of us are doing in our journey to hair growth, in our journey to better health, in our journey for everything, right? New years, new resolution, new you, new me. It's actually better you better me, better me, better you. Cause the way I see it is that we should always be trying to be better, we should always be trying to do better, we should always be trying to learn more, better, faster, quicker, stronger, wiser, right?

In order to do this though, we need to seek. Those who've been there done that before us. So if your goal is to fly to the moon, you need to go talk to astronauts who've been there done that. If your goal is to grow your hair, you need to come see me and talk to me. If you want to heal your alopecia, come see me and talk to me. If you want to learn how to decorate like Martha Stewart, you need to go see Martha Stewart. You need to go talk to her because she is the domestic diva in terms of decor, in terms of plants and gardens and so much. If you want to learn how to be an awesome chef, take some cooking classes and then maybe graduate to something else in terms of cooking.

There's just so many options, but in order to get there faster, quicker, it's not by choosing a subpar solution, like a potion, lotion, or serum, it's hiring people to help us get there quicker, whatever your goal is, someone else has already probably done it. And so this is where we need to look in order to get there faster, quicker, right?

But, today's topic, today's topic is self sabotage and many of you are doing this, unknowingly or knowingly. And this is a problem because self sabotage happens to everybody at some point, I'm sure. And if we don't know what that looks like, or how that sounds like or feels like, then we don't know that it's actually happening to us. So this is actually an aspect of self awareness that we need to tackle in order to get to our goals a) In less time, but then b) To do so mindfully, so that these little self sabotage situations don't happen and trip us up. Because potentially, they're repeated, and they're happening all the time, and maybe in many areas of our life, and not just in the hair loss, hair growth situation.

So let's go ahead and tackle this. All right, so 7 common self sabotaging behaviors include procrastination. Procrastination means putting something off, making excuses. That's a common one. Self sabotaging behavior or let's say that you are giving into temptation is another self sabotaging, behavior. So for example, this could apply to my Hair N' Heal program people. If you're on my Alopecia Angel diet and all of a sudden you go ahead and choose something else, well guess what? You'll pay for it one way or another, your body is going to not like it.

And so, this many times happens, when we are tempting ourselves with something we shouldn't be doing, right? For those of you who are addicted to drugs or alcohol or smoking, you know, being around people who smoke or drink a lot or working at a bar is not helping your cause. Does that make sense? So being in the area or vicinity of what you wanted to try to change. should start with where you are, with your environment, with everything else. The procrastination, the putting something off and making excuses is very common and we do this all the time.

Whether it's, you know, we don't call our mom cause we're too busy or we don't you know, go out or we don't work out cause we don't have time, right? These are all excuses, but we all have the same 24 hours, so we can all make time and squeeze it in. Another self sabotaging behavior is reprioritizing. So for example, reprioritizing meaning you reprioritize your children or your children's needs or your husband or your husband's needs or your family and your family's needs or let's say your aging parents or their needs over your own.

Now there is always a happy balance into which you can take care of you and take care of them, but both need to be afloat. You can't just have the scales be all for them and none for you. And this is something that a lot of women deal with. Prioritizing other people over themselves. Other people's needs over your own needs.

Another self sabotaging behavior is self medication. And many of you maybe would not think this, but many times it happens. We self medicate because we think: Oh, you know, it's just this, and so you go to the pharmacy or you go to the drugstore and you find something over the counter, but when you have chronic situation where let's say it's the same pain or it's the same digestive issue or it's the same acid reflux or it's the same thing and you're addicted to these band aids, you of medications, that doesn't seem right, and it doesn't seem healthy.

For example, I knew somebody who was addicted to Metamucil. If you know what Metamucil is, it's fiber so that, this person could have a bowel movement. And she was addicted to this, and she would eat this and have this and take this day in and day out. But that's not healthy. You know, if you need to have all these extra tools to be healthy or to even, let's say, go poop, then there's a problem with that. Do you see? We should be able to poop naturally, by ourselves, normally, without the help of Metamucil, without the help of taking fiber on a daily basis.

So, it's these types of things where we self medicate. And many times the self medication is also, let's say, us saying: I'm gonna take care of myself in the way I think is best, so that I don't have to see a doctor, so that I don't have to do X, Y, Z, so I don't have to, whatever the excuse is. Right? And so self medication could also look like that. Self medication could also neglecting yourself to seeing a doctor or to seeking help or to reaching out for more help. Even though inside you might be in pain, you might be having so many, you know, health concerns, but yet you just don't want to deal with them.

The other side of self medication could also look like, let's say you're doing a program, let's say you're working with somebody to, you know, heal your hair loss or to heal anything else that you have going on, and then you take what they're telling you and you transform it into what you think is best. Now, I've had a couple of clients do this where I give them exactly what needs to happen and they fumble it and transform it into what they want to do instead of what they need to do. They want to transform it and change it into what's more comfortable for them instead of what's uncomfortable for them.

And this is a problem because guess what? Healing hair loss is a recipe, healing your alopecia is a recipe. So if you don't follow the recipe, what happens? It's not going to turn out the same. Just like if I were to follow a recipe online or from a cookbook, if I don't follow it exactly, more than likely, it's not going to taste the same, look the same, or come out the same. The same thing happens when you're given instructions, you need to follow it. And when we don't follow it, this is a problem.

And I would like to wrap that into the self medication, because this is you thinking you know best. This is you thinking better than the person who, let's say helped a gazillion others become a wonderful singer or a wonderful green thumb, green thumb, meaning, you know, you're really good with plants or teaching them, how to paint a shed or whatever it is. Does that make sense?

The other self sabotaging behavior is perfectionism. You know, being stuck in analysis paralysis because you are able to have everything perfect. Because the timing is not right. Because you're too busy or because one excuse over another, because things aren't ready, things aren't perfect for you to be able to move forward, things aren't perfect or comfortable for you to be able to tackle this health concern or your hair loss or anything else. And perfectionism stops multiple people from going and taking yourself to that next level.

And this is a problem because guess what? Then you're going to be stuck. No one likes to be stuck. And then guess what? Then we start blaming other people or other things instead of looking at us and instead of seeing: Okay, well maybe if I were to take baby steps versus trying to have everything perfect in my life to be able to focus on me. To be able to do this for myself and a lot of times as I'm speaking, you know, a lot of these self sabotaging behaviors are all intertwined, right? I procrastinate in healing my hair loss because I haven't stopped smoking, because I prioritize my aging parents, because

nothing in my life is perfect just yet, so I can't start healing my hair loss. Doesn't that sound like a lot of excuses? A lot of nonsense? Because it is.

And one of the other self sabotaging behaviors is defensiveness. So if you're feeling triggered by anything of what I'm saying, or if you're feeling defensive right now, understand that this is also another behavior of self sabotage. And this is key to understand and to be aware of because, again, this will keep you stuck into where you are and this will also not lead you to where you want to be. And if we know anything about New Year's is that we are all determined, probably across the world, to start this new year, 2024, with our goals in mind, and in check.

2-3 podcasts ago, we've already talked about the vision boarding, and having the vision for our next life, and for our future. So now, we need to take away all the excuses, all the BS, all the self sabotage, all the nonsense, so that we can move forward. But this is part of it, and a lot of times, it's being defensive. or feeling triggered, we need to stop and pause and say, okay, and ask ourselves, like, why am I feeling this way? What is it that this is bringing up? And try to like, understand ourselves, because this is what brings self awareness.

So why do people self sabotage to begin with? Many times, it's for various reasons, but including low self esteem, which if I'm honest, I had low self esteem with alopecia. So does this make people going through health concerns or through hair loss automatically have low self esteem? No, but potentially it does get bruised and bent. Many times it does. People self sabotage because of bad habits, such as excessive and uncontrolled drinking, because of smoking, because of doing drugs, because of partying all night. People self sabotage because of cognitive dissonance, having inconsistent or conflicting thoughts.

So maybe one day you're like: Yeah, I'm all on board, we're going to do this. Or: No, I can't. It's all these other excuses, but all those other excuses are tied to the procrastination or to the perfectionism or to the defensiveness or etc, etc. Right? People self sabotage because of fear or discomfort of change. And I'll tell you that if you have any fear or discomfort in the change, And more of the fear than the discomfort because the discomfort, you know, you'll get over, but the fear you can get over, but you have to like work towards that, right? You have to muster the strength to overcome these fears of any fears that you may have.

Change is healthy, but without the change, you won't get the hair growth. Does that make sense? Because what you're doing right now is not creating hair growth. So if you want hair growth, you will need to change. Maybe not a lot, maybe not a little bit, maybe somewhere in between, it all depends. How would we know? With that evaluation, with that 10 page evaluation. Because again, it's going to be tailored to you.

But the fear and discomfort of change could be ever so slightly just for one person. Or it could be a lot for another. It just all depends. And for some people, it's ever so slightly, and I would probably say and go on to say for a good 50% of people of my clients that I

see, the changes ever so slightly, it's like minor tweaks that give you the momentum to shift your paradigm, to shift your future, to shift into hair growth, and it's just minor changes. That are holding you back.

People self sabotage because they need to be in control. Any Type A people out there? Wave your hands. Yeah, they need to be in control. And I gotta tell you, I give you all the control, I really do. Because I understand this, I'm a Type A myself. I love to be in control, but I also understand where it's needed to surrender and to trust the process. This is something that yoga has taught me, but that also understanding the natural laws of the universe and understanding that the universe has my back, you know, it really does. And it has yours too.

So for those of you who are type A, I give you lots of control, but then, there's also an aspect where you just got to believe and trust the process. Because if you don't believe, what did I've said? If you've been following me for so long, you understand that believing that you can heal is the first part of healing. You have to believe. So again, the need to be in control goes back to understanding that if you believe, then yes, you will have some control, but then everything else has got to work its own magic, right? It's a dance, it's a waltz. It's not all just you. It's you and your partner dancing. And in this case, it's you and your body that's dancing to make the healing possible.

Another reason why people self sabotage is contentment with where you are in life. Many times you're happy with the way life is, except for your hair loss, except that you're going bald, but everything else in life is great. So why are we gonna shake things up? Well, it doesn't have to shake all of it up, maybe it's just a little bit like I said earlier, maybe it's just a smidgen or maybe it's a little bit more. We don't know until I evaluate you, we don't know until I see that evaluation form, 10 pages. Let me see it and then I can give you back my recommendations.

So if you're in one of those cases where you feel like everything's great in your life, except the hair loss, well then I gotta tell you, the hair loss means a lot. It meant everything for me and everything was already great for me. But I gotta tell you, without that hair, it meant nothing. So I know behind this, it still means nothing, because you don't have your hair. I know this.

Another reason why people self sabotage is for fear of failure. You think that if you were to start the Hair N' Heal program that you would fail. That you would be that 10%. But if you've listened to my podcast, you understand that the 10% sees hair growth maybe a few weeks after the 8 weeks, maybe a few months after the 2 months. It just all depends. There's a number of factors that happens, but it's not about if your hair grows, it's about when the hair grows because it will grow and it will come back. If you're breathing and you're alive, and you want it, your hair will come back.

Those are the two things that are required. You need to be breathing and alive, and you need to want it. If you want it, it's yours. It's that simple. So there is no, and there shouldn't be any, really, any fear of failure, because your success is inevitable, your

success is waiting for you. The opportunity to heal is now and it's up to you to take on that opportunity. It's up to you to say: Yes to you. Yes, and prioritize your health, and your hair, and your well being, and your happiness and everything else that goes along with having your hair. It's your time. It really is. The time is now.

Another reason why people self sabotage themselves is for social or peer pressure. And this is actually something that has happened to one of my clients. She signed up to do my program, and yet she had her mother and her husband in her ear, day and night, telling her to not do it, telling her to just accept that she was going to be bald, just accept that she was going to have this hair loss. Just accept that she was infertile. She was in her 30s, mind you, early 30s, she's like 32, 33. Just accept that she has a thyroid condition, just accept that she has all these things against her, and that life is against her and that's okay.

And I had to have a call with her and bring her back, bring her back to her why. Bring her back to the reason why she wants her hair and why she wants her health, and the reasons why to she's gone wrong, and the reasons why she's got blind spots, the reasons why she needs to uncover them, the reasons why she needs to follow the program. It's really hard to overcome something and to work against the grain, so to speak, when your own husband and your own mom are pulling you down.

They're being the dead weight, they're not being supporters, they're not being cheerleaders, they're not being the emotional support that she needs, and that's a problem. And I will say the healing journey can be lonely. It was lonely for me. It was 100% lonely for me. Because why? Because no one understands you. Why? Because what my doctors or dermatologists were saying to me is not something I wanted to believe, because my own family didn't understand, because the person who I was dating, who now is my husband didn't understand either to an extent.

And I will say no one who's going through it understands, they just don't. But I understand you because I've gone through it, and I know how lonely it is. And this is why I created this community, this is why I created this program, this is why I created the support. Because a) It's needed. B) It's possible. And c) If you want it, it's there, it's your birthright. If you want your hair, it's yours. It really is. And sometimes, as strong as we try to be, sometimes we need an extra support.

Back in college, I studied a little bit of art history and art history also came along with studying cathedrals, like the European old cathedrals, like the cathedrals that you would find in Germany or France or anywhere else. And there's these arches that are on the sides. of the cathedrals are called buttresses. And imagine back in the 13-14, 1500s, these massive colossal cathedrals were made by hand, by people. They didn't have any cranes, they didn't have any steel technology. This was all made with stone, it's incredible. These amazing fortresses of cathedrals all for the church. And the buttresses are these kind of beams that fly out on the sides.

They hold the cathedral up so that it doesn't sway or fall apart. Why? Because many times it was made out of stone and stone can shift, especially on the floor, right? If you put just, let's say, normal flooring on on dirt, on land, it can shift with years and hundreds of years that have passed. And so if you put the buttresses there, it gives it an extra support. But yet you have this big, beautiful cathedral that stands on its own, but some of them need that extra support just because of the land or the environment, because the environment can't hold it. And with the same analogy, I want to use here that not all of us are going to be in that same environment where it could be a little more unstable on the bottom, just like that cathedral.

And maybe some of us, we do need an extra buttress or two. We need an extra support, we need extra encouragement, we need extra cheerleaders, we need extra people who are excited about our healing, who are cheering us on, who are in companionship, where we build camaraderie, where we support each other. Because the peer pressure from what I see, you know, outside right now, is that: If you're bald, accept it. If you have alopecia, accept it, if you're too old, accept your hair loss, if you're too this, too that, accept it, this is part of it. Like, doctors aren't giving you extra options here. They think you're too old, too young, too fat, too thin, too this, too that. Like, a million and one excuses as to why your hair loss, and they can do nothing for you.

And then it makes it worse when your husband or your mom are in your ear buzzing, about how you should just accept your situation and your fate. This isn't anyone's fate, this is all by choice, and we can all heal, and maybe unknowingly, it's by choice. Unknowingly, this happened, but we can reverse this, and that's why you're here, and that's why you're listening. People self sabotage many times because of that peer pressure or because of the social pressure that we see sometimes where people are bald and happy and bald and accepting and bald and thriving. And that's great if you're bald and thriving, and that's the way you want to live, fantastic. I support you. But that definitely is not the way I want to live, and for all my clients, that's not the way they want to live either.

So again, it's a choice, but those are some of the reasons why people self sabotage. So don't disconnect, there's so much more to get into. So we've already talked about the 7 common self sabotaging behaviors. And now we've just discussed why people self sabotage. So now, how do we diagnose and see if you are somebody who is a self saboteur? Because there isn't a formal diagnosis for self sabotage. However, when you start to look at mental health professionals and what they uncover in terms of behavior and potential triggers, you can also enlist the help of those around you to reveal how you might be self sabotaging.

And a few giveaways that you are self sabotaging Would include if you often ask yourself why things don't go as planned. That's one key opportunity as to you being a self saboteur, if you ask yourself why things don't go as planned. Another key element would be if you often second guess or doubt yourself. If you doubt yourself on a constant basis, or if you second guess yourself, then that could imply that you are a self saboteur.

Another way that you are a self saboteur, could be that you don't even try to reach your goal. I can't even fathom that. To me, when I have a goal, when I have something lit up, that's on fire for me to get and to accomplish, Even if it's something so like hard, like getting married or hard like finding the right spouse for you or, you know, anything else like healing your alopecia, because remember people, it took me over 4 years just to see a little bit of hair growth, but you know, those 4 years have given me more than 8 years of hair growth, no postpartum hair loss. And on top of it, you know, the opportunity to connect with all of you and a platform to help others, which I'm so grateful for.

If you are saying you want to do something but you don't work one inch towards it, you're a self saboteur. I had a friend who, she was looking for a husband, admittedly. She was in her 40s, at the time we were both in our 30s, and she was dating, dating, dating, but she never dated seriously, she always dated with another intention, and that's the problem. When you start something, you have to have the right intention behind it. She never had the right intention, she never put in the effort. She never put in, just the intention, right? Just the, the goodwill behind it. And she would write off guys, like, really quick. Needless to say, she's still single.

The situation is that you have to try to reach your goal in order to accomplish it. And even if you fail, and even if you have setbacks and have obstacles, you still need to keep moving forward. I can't tell you the amount of obstacles, trials, tribulations, and challenges I had during those 4 years of reaching my goal. But once I did it, it was all worth it. And for those of you who've had a baby you understand that those 12, 24, 36 hours in labor make it all worth it, does it not? This is something that no woman ever talks about, that labor is painful. No one ever talks about this. No one gives you a clue how painful it's going to be.

And yet when you're in it, yes, you feel the pain yes, you're going through it, yes, you're you know breathing and doing all these exercises, trying to do all these things to make the baby come But the baby's gonna come when it wants to come not when you say and not only that, but then once the baby is out, it makes it all worth it, does it not?

And for those of you going through hair loss, I can tell you, whether you've been dealing with this for a month, or a week, or a year, or 10, or 15, or 20 years, or 30 years. Once you learn how to heal your hair loss, you'll never ever have to go back to it. I guarantee you. You'll never ever have to deal with this again. And on top of it, it'll be all worth it. It really will be. Just like having that baby. It'll be worth it.

Another factor in evaluating if you're a self saboteur is that you find yourself doing things that result in the opposite of what you wanted. So going back to the example of this girlfriend that I know, who wants to find a husband, but yet she is always dating or courting or giving her attention to the wrong type of guy, that does not equal marriage material, then in one way or another, she's self sabotaging herself because she really doesn't want to get married, because she's wasted her time with all these other guys. Does that make sense?

So if you're doing something like that, and you're doing things that you know exactly do not move the needle, in terms of what you need for your hair growth, then you are classified as a self saboteur. Another element or factor would be you believe that you don't deserve more, and behave in ways that support that belief. Wow, that's a big one. You believe that you don't deserve more. Unworthiness and worthiness is a big one and it permeates in every aspect of your life. It really does.

And feeling worthy, feeling that you're worth the effort, that you're worth the energy, time, and commitment to heal your hair loss is something only you can give yourself. Your worthiness does not come from anybody. Your worthiness does not come from your parents, from your friends, from how many likes you have on social media, from how many friends you have on Facebook, from, how many followers, from yada, yada. It does not. It also doesn't come from all the degrees, certificates, or prestige that you may have. It also doesn't come from anything else that you've accomplished. You are worthy just because you are who you are and you were made with love.

You are worthy regardless of your shortcomings, regardless of what you've done in the past, or where you think you are going or not going in the future. You are worthy just because of who you are. You are worthy just because you were born, because you are alive and we shouldn't take that for granted. Being alive every day, every day gives us a new day, a new chance, a new opportunity, a new lease on life, a new, a new day to start again, a new day to start anew.

So, if you are frustrated because you've tried a gazillion things in the past and it hasn't worked, know that once you commit to yourself, you commit with love, compassion, and understand your worth because you are worth it, then your growth, hair growth, self growth, everything is unstoppable. Everything is unstoppable, but you have to believe you're worthy. And many times, when we see a price for something, it can maybe jolt you or shock you. And many times it doesn't.

I have clients who, when they sign up for the program that it's not about a hesitation for one thing or another thing. It's not a hesitation for if this will work for them because they know it will. It's not a hesitation of the money because it's not the money, it's a hesitation if they're committed to themselves and that's what it takes. You need to be committed to you, I'm committed to you. If I'm spending my time with you, if I'm holding your hand the whole way, I am 100% committed to you. But guess what? This won't work if you're not committed as well.

Just like in a marriage, one person cannot be fully committed and the other one not committed, it won't work. Both of you have to be committed to the marriage, to each other. And in many ways, this is kind of like a soft marriage. I'm committed to you and to your healing, and to your hair growth, but you also have to be committed. If you're not committed, then I can't force you to drink water. What's that saying you can bring the horse to water, but you can't make it drink I can't make you drink you have to want to do that.

And that's why I always say that the first step in healing is believing and I also always say that You have to want it not just believe but you also have to want it, and wanting it means you have to be committed and committed means, you know, you're worthy of this. You're worthy of your healing, you know that healing means much more than the laser cap, than the $2000 wig, than the multiple wigs that you already have. It means so much more than the lotion, potion or serum.

It means so much more than anything else. Because again, this isn't vanity, this is your health, this is your mental health, physical health, emotional health. This is your health that permeates and transforms into every area of your life. Your hair loss is affecting every area of your life: relationships, work, your kids, your school career, family, you name it. And I know this firsthand because I've gone through it. I also know this because you can hear it from all my clients in all their interviews. They've stopped boating, they've stopped dating, they've stopped swimming, they've stopped dancing, they've stopped doing what they love and being who they are because of alopecia, because of hair loss.

And a lot of times, again, it's because It all started with not knowing that it was possible to heal or that maybe at some point they thought that they weren't worthy of it, but now, they do. They do know it's possible to heal because they're healing, and they are worthy of it because they've joined. So a lot of times that belief that you don't deserve more, and you don't behave in ways that support that belief, It's because we feel unworthy, and you are worthy, you are worthy of full health, you are worthy of full hair growth, you are worthy of the best life ever, and it's yours, you just got to grab it. So those are some questions to ask yourself if you think you may be self sabotaging yourself or if you may be a self saboteur, as this is the case.

So the impact self sabotage that can have in your life it permeates into everything: relationships, employment, career, school, health, finances, increased feelings of depression, anxiety, self doubt, helplessness, those are very typical. And what we need to do is to stop self sabotage before it starts. So a few ways to get ahead of self sabotaging behavior includes making a list, whether verbal or written or both, of the thoughts, actions you believe are self sabotaging.

So this way, we can be more self aware of what we are doing to hinder our hair growth, to hinder our health journey, creating a plan with detailed steps toward reaching a goal, even as baby steps, even if you're at the very, very beginning of this, start making a plan. I'm happy to help you with this plan. Come talk to me, write me an email: [email protected] and we can create a plan, formulate one.

Telling your support group about your plan and potential triggers, they can help you stick to it and hold you accountable. This is key, this is why we see such success with the Hair N' Heal program, cause I keep you accountable. You think I'm going to let people weasel their way out? No, I don't, I hold you accountable. I hold all of you accountable, even for those of you who like to hide behind in the back of the class, those of you who like to slump down in your hoodie, you know, and sit in the back row. I see you and I follow up with you on a constant basis.

All of the people who join my program are like my children. I follow you, I hold your hand, I walk you through it and we do this together. If self sabotage has already set in, these are some tips to recover and to get back on track.

Number 1: Rid yourself of self sabotaging thoughts. Journal and write down the intrusive thoughts to get them out of your head. It may also help to employ a positive self talk to replace defeating or doubtful thoughts. So for example, for someone who says: I can't heal my hair loss, you would replace that with, I can heal my hair loss and this is why, and name why you can. You can use my success stories, you can use the testimonies or the interviews that I have with clients to see that it's possible for you just like it was for them, just like it was for me. If I can heal, if they can heal, you can heal.

What you also want to do is maybe create a mindfulness practice or a meditation and slow down your mind and keep your body present for that moment, because many times our mind is going a thousand miles an hour and our body is trying to catch up and so this is also creating havoc on your health.

I hope this has helped you a little bit more in terms of identifying if you are a self saboteur, if you have any self sabotaging limitations or behaviors and also to understand that you can overcome this, but we need to realize the patterns that are happening and that are going on because self sabotage is a thing and it's not just in health, but it's in every area of our life. I know people who self sabotage in their career, in their relationships, and anything that you want is possible for you, but we need to be aware of what's going on, of what we are doing and face the fear, face the self sabotage and overcome it.

So I hope that these tips have helped you in ways to stop the self sabotaging, developing awareness, writing out, creating a plan, asking for help, practicing mindfulness. And again, going and committing yourself to your best self, and in order to do that, we need to reach out, we need to reach out and ask for help. And many times it's not going to be from the places that you may think that you need to be asking for help, but sometimes that is and also to quiet everybody else. Quiet the peer pressure and all the noise around you in order to understand what you want and how are you going to get there and creating a plan for it.

When I was going through my healing process I did some of these things. I journaled, I took inventory of what was going on and what I was doing, what was working, what wasn't working. And I will say trying to do this on your own is painful, absolutely painful. Don't think you can do this on your own. I haven't met, like in more than so many years of me doing this, I haven't met too many people outside of my program that have healed by themselves. I probably have only met one, one person who I can think of right now. Maybe there's another one, but there's only one that comes to mind who healed herown alopecia. But she also went to the nth degree, and she also, quote unquote, did everything, but she really did, because she got her hair back.

So for those of you who think you've done it all, and are hesitant or defensive about the Hair N' Heal program, you potentially are self sabotaging yourself, potentially. Because if you've done it all, you would have seen the hair growth, so what you're doing right now is not working. What you've been doing is not working, so you need a new technique, you need a new strategy, you need a new way and I can help you with that. and I'm here to help you.

Take care.