Episode 112 - Lady in Her 60s Sees Hair Growth With FFA (Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia)


The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" by Johanna Dahlman

In this episode, Gina opens up about her personal battle with alopecia and her incredible transformation through the Hair N’ Heal program. Learn about her initial hair loss, her determination to find a solution, and the remarkable changes she has witnessed since embarking on this journey.

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Johanna: Hi, Gina, how are you?

Gina: I'm good. How are you?

Johanna: I'm doing great. I wanted to you know, acknowledge you for so many things, including the hair growth and all the progress that you've seen throughout the program. But I wanted to step back and look at where you've been, how long you were struggling with this, what this looked like before you met me, and then, you know, throughout your progress in the program.

Gina: Okay. Well, my situation started like yours. My hairdresser noticed it and she says: That looks like alopecia. And I said: Well, my hairline's always been, you know, high kind of, I didn't think of that. So that was probably a couple of years ago. So I went to the dermatologist and I did some research and they said: Go to your dermatologist because they're the ones who deal with alopecia and all that kind of stuff.

So I went to my dermatologist and I got this shot, they left dents in my head and then they put me on medication, hydroxychloroquine and it was giving me headaches, it was affecting my moods, and I just kept telling myself is it has to be something that I'm putting in my body that's causing this and I didn't want to be on medication for the rest of my life.

Johanna: Yeah.

Gina: So I belonged to some Facebook groups and that's one of the groups recommended Alopecia Angel, you know, some people have success with Alopecia Angel. So I did some research on you and I read about you and I read the success stories and I just liked what you were saying and I totally believe that it's something that I was putting in my body that's causing this because why all of a sudden would it happen? So that's where I am.

Johanna: So tell me about your progress within the program, tell me how things developed. You started this 2 months ago, 3 months ago?

Gina: I started in October. My body just felt so good, all kinds of energy, I was sleeping well, had all kinds of energy. I wasn't hungry because I was eating really good stuff. Actually, the food part wasn't hard for me, I was surprised. And then I've noticed hairgrowth you know, little hairs coming here, just my length, my hair is growing a lot faster, my nails growing. But I do have some bald spots still right here, especially right here, but you can see the hair growth too.

Johanna: Yep.
Gina: Oh, and then I I think I told you this before, you probably don't remember, but they did do a biopsy and it came back FFA scarring.

Johanna: And even with the FFA, you're still seeing hair growth.

Gina: Yeah, I am. I mean, there is some spots though that is bald, but it feels like there's little hairs growing. So health wise, I mean, I really noticed a difference just in my body.

Johanna: Anything that you would say to someone who's on the fence about joining the program.

Gina: Well, like I said, you know, when you first look at it, it does look like a lot of money, but now thinking back on it, it's worth it. Just what I've learned, the changes I've seen in my body. How good I feel, I've seen hair growth, so it's worth it. I would just tell people it is worth it and it does work. It isn't easy, but you know, stick with it and it will work.

Johanna: 100% There's no other way, and there's just so much more room for improvement in our lives that had we known we could be preventing probably a third, if not more of the diseases that we see in our friends and our families and ourselves and even what we could be preventing as we get older. So, you know, a lot of these things that are tagged with age, it's not age. It's just, we've, we've been on this rollercoaster of bad habits and bad food where at some point your body's going to give.

Gina: Like I said, my knees don't hurt anymore, my joints don't hurt anymore. I think that was one of the first things I noticed, and I haven't even been to my dermatologist since last July. You know, they can't do anything for me that they don't do anything for me, they just renew my prescription and I was like: I don't want to take this stuff.

Johanna: That's not the answer.

Gina: No, you don't need to take it.

Johanna: No, no, there's other options out there and I'm so happy that you found me. And then unfortunately, what I've been seeing lately is that random people are giving you advice on what you should be doing, not just for you, but even for your child. And I'm just like: What kind of you know, expertise do these random people in a group online that you've never met, you've never spoken to, and they're giving you advice. And I'm just like: This is a slippery slope.

One thing is seeing misinformation on the internet, another thing is, you know, hearing people's accounts and, and anecdotally what works, what doesn't work for them in particular, because their situation will always be different than yours and mine. But I think it's a slippery slope when you have just random people telling you what to do, especially when it comes to your child. It struck me when I saw this in a forum and I was like: Oh no, this is not, this is not good.

Gina: I know, like I said, it's just so depressing because you'd hear about, I mean, people would post: Oh, I'm taking this Jack inhibitor and I'm taking this and I'm doing this. Just thank you for all your insight and your positivity and being honest about things.

Johanna: This is what I'm here for. Thank you so much, and I look forward to hearing from you in the next couple weeks and months.

Gina: Okay, thank you. Johanna: Take care. Gina: Bye.
Johanna: Bye.