Amalgam Fillings and Alopecia: Mercury leads to More Health Issues than Just Hairloss

Apr 11, 2019
Do you have those unsightly silver fillings in your mouth? Or perhaps you've recently taken them out and like a friend of mine, developed an autoimmune disease right after? Maybe you have them and don't think about them- but you should. There is evidence that mercury filled Amalgam fillings can cause a host of health issues, including alopecia.
The problems with mercury fillings are two-fold. First, virtually any kind of stimulation can cause these fillings to release mercury -- eating, drinking, brushing your teeth, grinding your teeth, chewing gum, using electrical toothbrushes and more.
If you have a silver filling, every time you chew a small amount of mercury from your filling is released into your body. Chewing gum is especially problematic as it releases an even greater amount of mercury into your system. An increase in temperature in your mouth, for instance when you drink hot coffee or tea, will also encourages the release of mercury vapors in your mouth.
Mercury vapor from the amalgams passes readily through cell membranes, across the blood-brain barrier, and into your central nervous system, where it causes immunological (immune system), neurological, and even psychological problems. Children and fetuses, whose brains are still developing, are most at risk, but really anyone can be impacted. About 75 percent of adults have dangerous “silver” fillings. There is approximately 1,000 mg of mercury in the typical “silver” filling. This is nearly one million times more mercury than is present in contaminated sea food. Most people don’t realize that the mercury amalgams slowly release mercury vapor. Every time you chew, mercury vapor is released and quickly finds its way into your bloodstream, where it causes oxidative processes in your tissues.
Oxidation is one of the main reasons you develop disease, as well as the primary reason you age. Oxidation in your body leads to inflammation… it also hampers your body’s ability to detoxify itself, which makes you even sicker.
Second, dental mercury is the number one source of mercury in our wastewater, so dentists are handing the clean-up bill for their pollution to taxpayers and water ratepayers. And this mercury ends up in your food supply, where it can cause continued damage to your health if you eat fish and other contaminated seafood. It's estimated that 362 tons of dental mercury are used annually worldwide, causing a significant environmental burden – for absolutely no reason, as safer alternatives are already widely available; more on that later.
In one recent study by the University of Washington researchers found that the low-level release of mercury toxins into the body from a dental tooth filling can lead to long-term brain damage.
It’s important to note that pregnant women and those who plan to get pregnant are especially at risk. This is due to mercury exposure being proven to have a devastating impact on the health of unborn fetuses and children
Mercury is a highly toxic element. These fillings are one of the top contributing causes to mercury poisoning.
Common symptoms of mercury poising include:
•pins & needles, or burning sensation in extremities (peripheral neuropathy)
•skin discoloration (pink cheeks, fingertips and toes)
•swelling and shedding of the skin
•profuse sweating
•increased heart rate (tachycardia)
•increased salivation
•elevated blood pressure (hypertension)
•hair loss (alopecia)
•transient rashes
•muscle weakness (hypotonia)
•increased sensitivity to light
•memory impairment and brain fog
•kidney disfunction
•insomnia and mood disorders such as anxiety, depression, and emotional stability
•increased sweating
•skin discoloration (pink fingertips and toes, pink cheeks)
•poor co-ordination
•high blood pressure
•muscle weakness
Mercury poisoning may also lead to zinc deficiency - another contributing factor for hair loss.
There are 3 forms of mercury - elemental, organic and inorganic - and various ways we can be exposed to them, including via:
•certain fish - particularly swordfish and tuna
•fresh produce and seeds treated with mercurial fungicides
•certain medications and vaccinations
•mercury amalgam fillings
•occupational exposure
A recent CDC report reveals that nearly one in 10 US women could have levels of mercury in their blood that are close to hazardous. Exposure to dangerous levels of mercury can result in permanent damage to the brain and kidney. Exposure is particularly risky for women of childbearing age, because a fetus is highly susceptible to adverse effects.
One of the most popular alternatives to amalgam is resin composite. Resin composite is made of a type of plastic reinforced with powdered glass. It is already common throughout the United States and the rest of the developed world, offering notable improvements over amalgam, as it:
•Is environmentally safe: Composite, which contains no mercury, does not pollute the environment. This saves taxpayers from paying the costs of cleaning up dental mercury pollution in our water, air, and land – and the costs of health problems associated with mercury pollution. 
•Preserves healthy tooth structure, because, unlike amalgam, it does not require the removal of significant amounts of healthy tooth matter. Over the long term, composite preserves healthy tooth structure and actually strengthens teeth, leading to better oral health and less extensive dental work over the long-term.
•Is long-lasting: While some claim that amalgam fillings last longer than composite fillings, the science reveals this claim to be baseless. The latest studies show that composite not only lasts as long as amalgam, but actually has a higher overall survival rate.
A lesser-known alternative is increasingly making mercury-free dentistry possible even in the rural areas of developing countries. Atraumatic restorative treatment (also called alternative restorative treatment or ART) is a mercury-free restorative technique that has been demonstrated a success in a diverse array of countries around the world, including Tanzania, India, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Turkey, South Africa, Thailand, Canada, Panama, Ecuador, Syria, Hong Kong, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Chile, Nigeria, China, Uruguay, Peru, and the United States.
What to do?
See a Biological Dentist and see about getting your amalgams removed as soon as possible, especially before getting pregnant and having a baby.
If you have recently removed your amalgams and feel as though the symptoms listed above reflect your current state, schedule a time to speak with me and I can walk you through next steps and give you an action plan specific to your situation.
Final Note
Toxins are everywhere in our environment and even in our mouth! The more we are proactive about cleaning our system, and the environments and food we do control, the healthier and happier we will be. Health is from within and all around, do your part to take control of factors that lead to optimal health.

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